When are the top 100 Ukrainian power leaders going to conclude that making a deal with Russia is a far better option than having the USSA destroy their entire country?
Forgiving Russia for past mistakes, real or imagined, is, at least known. Tying your ass to a clown country, whose main exports are debt and misery, is a black abyss.
When are the top 100 Ukrainian power leaders going to conclude that making a deal with Russia is a far better option than having the USSA destroy their entire country?
Forgiving Russia for past mistakes, real or imagined, is, at least known. Tying your ass to a clown country, whose main exports are debt and misery, is a black abyss.
When are the top 100 Ukrainian power leaders going to conclude that making a deal with Russia is a far better option than having the USSA destroy their entire country?
Forgiving Russia for past mistakes, real or imagined, is, at least known. Tying your ass to a clown country, whose main exports are debt and misery, is a black abyss.