Sachs should know-- he was the main apparatchik who enabled the West to plunder Russian resources in the 1990's when Yeltsin was driving the (former) USSR into the ground. He and his ilk -- Browder are nothing about opportunists. Guess Columbia doesn't pay enough?
It can be argued that you are correct. The ICJ ruling attempted to 'please both sides' by framing the language in such a way that it could be interpreted as major condemnation, but also as watery indecisiveness. That is of course because they're cowards and afraid to incur Israel's wrath, probably because Epstein/Mossad have kompromat on all the judges.
I assume you're just being humorous, here. There's no need for blackmail in a case like this - the hundreds of meetings of US officials with the governments in question (who ultimately control their judges' fate) was all business as usual that happens every day of every year - do what we say or oops, we don't send you food, money, FDI, development aid, etc, we increase fees on sending money home to your country, decrease visa acceptance rates, etc combined with do what we say and wow, you get X, Y, and Z.
With only a few notable exceptions, American businesses and diplos are treated like royalty everywhere they go, and most heads of state REGULARLY report to the US embassy for briefings. It's all detailed quite clearly in the "Cable Leaks" from Wikileaks (Assange's outfit). Personal blackmail (kompromat) is almost always overkill and not needed.
The ICJ tried to split the baby. Frankly, it won't please anyone, and Israel and its American thug will simply ignore any ruling they don't like, and America will strong-arm its lackeys puppets, vassals, flunkies, and buttbois into following suit.
The ICJ's formal ruling can easily be called "weak," but it is not a charade. For one thing, Israel is a signatory and member of the ICJ and must now submit a report to the ICJ within a month. Failure to do so will be seen by the international community as proof positive that Israel is an outlaw state.
Likewise, the ICJ's actions are overseen by the UNSC - again, the USA could use its vote to shield Israel, but doing so will be seen by the international community that both Israel AND the USA are outlaw states.
The issue here isn't whether or not the ICJ has some kind of authority to enforce its decisions (it 100% doesn't) or whether the ruling was clear-cut (it wasn't) but that it has provided unequivocable proof that Israel is an outlaw state. That may not mean much to you, but it damn sure does to billions of people, including entire governments, plus insurance companies, etc., which now have an ACTIONABLE means of boycotting/shunning Israel, including as the OP posted, all of those Israeli-UK arms manufacturing companies in Britain.
Literally as we sit here, there are lawyers and pundits across the globe grinding out op-eds and analysis pieces on how Israel is a criminal country.
The arms manufacturing companies should now worry about the possible consequences of delivering weapons as they may get sanctioned or charged in future
Everyone who pays tax in the UK, including every company based here, has to send in a tax return every year. If they refuse to do so until the government stops backing the occupying genocidal entity, they would have to back down.
Just this week, the Sunak government agreed to arms export licenses, against his own legal advisers, and the opposition leader agreed that no Palestinian state was needed, reversing a longstanding policy in favour of recognising Palestine.
Times of India:
Protesters this week confronted delegates outside a London defence industry conference.
Foreign Secretary David Cameron, who is visiting the Middle East, has been criticised for a lack of transparency over his role in helping the sales.
In London, a coalition of legal advocacy groups is asking the High Court to expedite a judicial review of the UK government’s decision to keep selling military parts and arms to Israel.
Britain’s strategic licensing criteria states that weapons should not be exported when there is a clear risk they could be used in international humanitarian law violations.
The court claimants, led by Palestinian rights group Al-Haq and including the Global Legal Action Network (GLAN), argue that the government is ignoring its own rules in the Gaza conflict. “This case is a test for the credibility of the national arms control system, including the role of the courts in monitoring that,” Dearbhla Minogue, GLAN’s senior lawyer, told AFP.
Well, before all this Gaza kicked off, I heard of a UK citizen who puts his Council Tax in escrow, writes to the local municipality that unless he hears from them that they can guarantee that the money will not be used for genocide, he will not pay, and he never hears from them again.
But our national UK government is definitely in the sights for possible failure to prevent genocide.
As far as I know the main reason why the ICJ's ruling may be deemed not 'clear-cut' was that the Court could not, simply, order a cease fire, for the 'other side', Gaza, Hamas, the Palestinians, had no standing at the Court
You are 100% correct to state that the rest of the world will take a great deal more notice, and attribute more importance, to this decision than westie 'political opinion' or ruling classes
And take previously unthinkable or unactionable initiatives against Israel - those which, by and large, the west is too cowardly to take
In other news- the first 100 (of three) Russian soldiers arrived recently in Burkina Faso
This - from Substacker Moneycircus, (9/22) is worth a read.
He ties the Nordstream attack to the effort to make W. Europe dependent on
Mediterranean/Mideast energy - especially that from the E. Mediterranean 'Energy Triangle' (+ Azerbaijan) - from which the Turks/Greeks/Israelis/Lebanese all have a
stake in, and names many of the players - from Jared Kushner to a laundry list of Jewish billionaires and a laundry list of US neocons who are jockeying to cash in.
Gaza happens to sit on a particularly rich corner of said triangle, but I imagine that is just coincidental and has no bearing on the current conflict...
That's a part of the Empire's long term project to decouple Europe from Asian, particularly Russian, cheap energy and resources and to make it dependent on its own energy teat. "To keep America in, Russia out and Germany down" has always been the Empire's primary goal in Europe, with #ZATO and Operation Gladio being the main military instruments for executing this policy.
It won't happen before all of Europe's "political elites'" puppet strings connecting them to Londra and Fashington have been completely cut. That in itself might crave Europe's own civil war, but I won't hold my breath considering the scale of mass media psy-ops and the sheer level of brainwashing it is currently producing all over the old continent!
Just take a look at what's happening internally in the EU, particularly in Germany - in a very "americanesque", "domestic terrrists" manner, the AfD is risking being banned for "nazism" for having the audacity to speak the truth...
OK - I think it's verifiably true that 'conservatives' in the US Senate were pushing to sanction Russia over Nordstream 2. Presumably on the assumption the US has the right to dictate to Russia and the Europeans whether or on what terms they can conduct their relations...
Rand Paul was the only Republican to vote against it.
The troubles in the EU may spring from the immigrants who have been marginalized in banlieue not to forget the farmers; there are many with an axe to grind with the elites. Then there's the darkweb trade in weapons, so things can only get worse for the Rothschild errand boy.
As a European, I'm less pessimistic. Sure, there are probably more sheep here than elsewhere, but anger is rising. Look at the farmers in France and Holland. These are just for starters. And even if the ban the AfD, that won't defeat them. The anger will just come through elsewhere. We are living in truly historic times. How ironic that we seem to be re-living the last days of the Soviet Union with a group of evil, corrupt geriatrics desperately trying to hang on to power.
"The more they are insulted, the lower they stoop; they display what the late Malcolm X (El-Haj Malik Shabazz) called the ‘House Slave’ mentality, identifying completely with the slave master. He distinguishes this state from that of the ‘Field Slave’, the quintessential rebel forever trying to escape."
Did not Borrell call europe a "garden", as opposed to the "jungle"?
LOL!! dont you mean the UK-- they are just as suspect re: NS etc. AND taught the Americans everything they know. The hulk is America the teeny tiny brain sitting on its shoulder is the UK. " All roads like to the City of London". Remember war is a racket (financial)
sure, because we wanted to corner the EU market and Russia was in the way. What do you think all this is about? It is about European politics, not US. Our government/junta is too inept to see that a war is brewing right here at home and they cannot spare their nukes and bombers for Ukraine. But now they have to concentrate on the US electorate for a year, so fuck the rest of youse.
This shitshow in Europe is entirely of Yankee manufacture. Yankeeland has occupied and controlled Germany for nearly 79 years now. The very last thing Yankeeland wants is a united Europe.
The good news is that Yankee hegemony is coming to an end as is the festering fucked-up shitpit itself. US$34,141,279,000,000 in debt and increasing at about US$8,200,000,000 a day. The seizure of Russia's assets will just seal the end of the Petrodollar which is all that is keeping the Yankee dollar afloat.
Good riddance. Enjoy all those military age invaders your government has imported.
They blew up Nordstream to force the Euroweenies to buy US Nat Gas. Now they're going to force the same Euroweenies back into the arms of the Russians. You couldn't make this up.
Texas may not have intended it... but the Blow to The Federal Govt. this will inflict, will be Fatal. Even if this does not devolve & go fully Kinetic, there are too many ways it can all go wrong.
The reason has to do with how the Free Flow of Information is making everyone go on edge. In particular rumours, hearsay, etc of 'Airstrikes,' Military Force, etc. are now everywhere.
This is almost a 'self-fulfilling prophecy' as both sides grow more Tense & Suspicious:
& it may culminate in something which pushes the Nation over the Edge into Sengoku Jidai.
The elites have transcended incompetence. Each desperate measure to keep the ponzi afloat fails, and yet there's been endless talk about re-industrializing and fantasies like BBB - all unproductive boondoggles. The rentier parasites had China in the supply chain but are too stupid to realize the blow back of cutting them off. Here's a comedic example:
The tremors produced by the Democratic regime in the US over the last few years have revived the constitutional concept of "States Rights". Such tremors have reached the point where a fissure has been opened at Ground Zero - Texas - from which a super-heated excrement is boiling forth. Where this could lead eventually is anyone's guess, but as Ahnaf Ibn Qais has suggested, "Never say never!".
"from which a super-heated excrement is boiling forth"
This has been going on in that Godforsaken Medieval backwater called Texas since it was declared a state. It's the essence of the state itself. But perhaps it will go blue soon and Mordor will decline with the setting sun.
Oh, it is coming. Not if but when and If not today then tomorrow. While rightful liberty is never to be restored, we have if nothing else, retribution.
States rights are essential in a diverse empire. The FedGov is in the hands of homosexuals, women, and Jews who hate American culture and history and are in the process of dismantling Western Civilization. Are you a FedGov employee, Robert?
Diagnosis: TDS. Trump is just a moderate reformer, doing his best to roll politics back to the Reagan era. He only seems extreme due to the shenanigans of late-stage Liberalism.
As it was when South Carolina seceded, exactly!! It's obvious & regrettable that after stealing Texas from Mexico, the white elite there hates brown people so much, & wants to exterminate them. Razor wire to kill kids and refugees swimming across a river after the U$ MIC destroyed their homelands. Of course, Biden is a despicable corrupt scuzz-ball funding a genocide in Gaza but sometimes the optics of killing women & children on US territory looks bad to the ghouls who run this country. I absolutely DON'T support either element of the Uniparty. The Dems constantly betray their base & the R's support every sex-hating, racist, violent, gun- & Bible-humping lunatic in their party. USA is doomed in the long run. As Gore Vidal noted 5 decades ago, a bird with 2 right wings can't fly. That's USA in a nutshell.
Wow! Delusion is in the water. You manage to interpret the American socio-political landscape exactly backwards. That means you know little or nothing about the true beliefs of either Democrats or Republicans. It's the GOP that constantly betrays its base and the Democrat Party that houses theocratic lunatics who hate authentic sex, the kind that produces progeny, and want to fund genocide in Gaza along with forever wars everywhere else on the planet. And, as for violence, you must have been asleep the entire hot summer of 2020 while Democrats were burning, looting, and murdering across the land.
One can see easily how they resort to the second option when the first one does not do the trick....The Covid Narrative in all it’s glory is a fine example
Biden says Ukraines borders are more important than the USAs apparently... I'm Canadian and my politics are just smidge right of Trotsky and I back Abbott in this case. Anyways I'm going to go watch me some rugby and you can pry my SVT-40 from my cold dead hands. Night everybody.
МОСКВА, 24 янв — РИА Новости. Российские военные впервые сообщили об уничтожении в зоне специальной военной операции французского зенитного ракетного комплекса SAMP-T. «В течение суток уничтожены склады боеприпасов 31-й механизированной и 26-й артиллерийской бригад ВСУ, зенитный ракетный комплекс SAMP-T французского производства", — говорится в сводке военного ведомства. ЗРК SAMP-T предназначен для противовоздушной обороны войск и механизированных соединений, находящихся на марше, а также обеспечения противовоздушного прикрытия стационарных объектов.
Translation: MOSCOW, January 24 – RIA Novosti. The Russian military reported for the first time the destruction of a French SAMP-T anti-aircraft missile system in a special military operation zone. “Within 24 hours, ammunition depots of the 31st mechanized and 26th artillery brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and a French-made SAMP-T anti-aircraft missile system were destroyed,” says the military department’s report. The SAMP-T air defense system is designed for air defense of troops and mechanized formations located on the march, as well as providing air defense cover for stationary objects.
SAMP-T has a longer range than IRIS-T, and French Mercs could have done it without Macaron the Moron's approval.
Yep you're right, I assume that's what Putin was referring to when he said "French systems" (not visible in the video I posted, but in a longer version he states this). I was just commenting on the IRIS because two launchers were allegedly hit right in that very region, but of course it's possible they have other systems there as well, particularly given that we now know the French mercenaries are crawling in that region, thanks to the recent Kharkov HQ hit.
Plus, off the top of my head Samp-T launchers look similar to IRIS-T so it's always possible the claimed IRIS-T that were hit were actually Samp-T, who knows.
Why is it everything Biden is ordered to do, seems to damage the US and/or it's allies? Or, in the least, truly benefit those Biden declares are the US people's mortal enemies.
The results are like Covid; We are taking action to protect you, trust us, authorize us to silence those with truthful warnings and finally, crucially, believe our lies about the WHO managed, ongoing, genocide we "proved" was a natural occurrence.
We banned "In God We Trust" and replaced it with trust the MSM.
No changes means this is going just how they like it to.
They were always able to do so, but the risk was too high for valuable assets in the past. Now these weapons systems are not very functional, almost useless against fixed wing assets with protection, but most importantly are almost considered one-time use anywhere so why not waste them on a useless political act when the other option is an equally meaningless military mission.
That can be used to dismiss nearly all of science, if one assumes the real world is a fictional world. Rather it's a world with unknowns which become known.
The Biden Administration is not letting illegal immigrants come into the US. They caught and expelled 2.4 million of them just last year! How's that letting them go? Yes, 300,000 got through but that's about normal for any given year.
The whole problem is with asylum seekers. Many would-be illegals are now claiming to be seeking asylum. 95% of these claims are fake. But we have to let them in while their claims are adjudicated. So we let them in. That's who all these "illegals" are crowding our city shelters - asylum seekers! Now granted Biden could put back in the wait in Mexico program of Trump. This was a new program as asylum seekers always got to wait in the US before. Now they had to wait in Mexico. But he won't do that for political reasons.
Biden has not "lost control of the border." It's bullshit. We are instead simply being flooded with asylum seekers whom the law requires us to evaluate. We don't know what to do about this very new problem. We are in new territory here. "There are millions of illegals crossing our borders!" The Republicans lie about this like they lie about everything. In order for an illegal to get caught, they have to cross the border. "2.4 million illegals crossed the US border last year!" So the Republicans scream. Yeah, but they all got caught. See how they are playing games with words.
Furthermore, last time I checked, the Republicans also refuse to fund the immigration courts where asylum claims are adjudicated. Hence there is a years-long backlog of cases and a lot of them never show up. The Republicans want the system to not work so they can blame the Democrats for a failed system. They've done this same sleazy thing with so many other government programs. Defund it and then claim it doesn't work.
Hi, I didn’t read your comment properly. First of all, there are no “illegals claming asylum.” There’s no such thing. If you’re an illegal, you’re not claiming asylum, and if you’re claiming asylum, you’re not an illegal.
Also, I never said we needed to let them in. I said under current laws, we have to let them in. I believe I said that Biden has not put the wait in Mexico policy back in. I’ve said nothing obtuse here.
However, I do agree with reinstating Trump’s wait in Mexico policy, even though I hate him as much as anyone does.
I hate killary and nuland, blinken, sullivan, biden, bolton, bush, … for the war crimes they have committed and are committing, destroying the lives of millions with impunity.
I don’t only listen to them, I look what they are doing.
I don’t like Trump that much, but why hate him? What has a done that you hate him that much?
Worst president we ever had. He's a fascist and he's turned the Republican Party into an openly fascist political party. As a man of the Left, fascists are my enemy and I will fight them wherever they show their faces.
So, I guess, I am more to the left leaning side. But I don’t hate Trump just for that reason. As someone responded to you before: maybe search for some psychological help?
Why am I saying that: emotions, especially hatred will never bring peace
That rule is optional. Countries don't have to follow it. Some countries do and some don't. The US has chosen not to follow that rule so asylees do not have to stop at the first safe country before they come to the US. If they did we could turn most of them away.
Oh you hate Trump damm are you 6 years old?? How could you hate him?? Did he piss in your cereal? No, you hate him because they told you too. You are just a lemming you will do as your told. How many booster shots have you taken? Yep, all of them
Well he's the worst president we ever had. He tried to overthrow the US government with a violent coup. He tried to steal an election that was won by his opponent by overthrowing the government. He told more lies in one term than all the presidents before him put together. He's a fascist and he's turned the Republican Party into a full-fledged fascist party. He's also turned the US into a fascist country as possibly a majority are supporting Trumpian fascism. He's a catastrophe any way you look at it.
I can hate anyone I want. I hate all Republicans, but he's one of the worst. I'm a man of the Left. Republicans are pond scum, every one of them.
Sadly you are an excellent example of what people often refer to as a brainwashed zombie. Any person with critical thinking skills will stop reading your commentary which is a shame for you.
Damn, even if i go into Robert Lindsay's substack page and from there press mute and then block, his drivel is still visible here, ugh, yeah i'll skip reading his rants but it's waste of my time anyway, man if there was some way to mute him so i didn't see his insane posts at all, would make it easier.
I'm all for intelligent debate but what garbage Robert here utters sure is not intelligent...
Of course. And I actually support Trump and Republicans on ~15-20% of issues, so all liberals and Leftists hate me and throw me off their sites and ban me. Also I'm banned for being a "racist" LOL. And an "antisemite" LOL. I vote Dem but I'm politically homeless because Dems hate me.
Why doesn't he stick to international affairs? Look what happens when this Simplicius wades into domestic politics - all Hell breaks loose. He already has a blog for that - Dark Futura. Why not keep it all over there?
But they're not We CAUGHT 2.4 million illegals at the border and sent em packing. The Republican LIE and say "2.4 million illegals came into the country last year" implying that that's how many made it past the Border Patrol. It's a lie and they know it, but it looks like everyone is falling for it. 300,000 more made it past. So there's 2.7 million who weren't claiming asylum. I'm not sure how many asylum seekers are coming in, but it's probably a lot less than that.
Of course the asylum thing is a scam for the most part. Many people who would have been illegals in the past are now claiming asylum. A lot of other people who would never have tried in the past due to being too far away are now claiming the asylum thing because they think the doors are open.
The refugee asylum thing was not abused in the past. This is a recent scam on the part of would-be immigrants to the US that STARTED UNDER TRUMP. Of course it's basically a scam, but these people will do anything to get in.
This is a brand new problem we never dealt with before. The Democrats are total idiots and are claiming that these people need asylum because they are fleeing "poverty and crime (violent crime)." Well those things are sad but poverty and crime, even violent crime, are not reasons to be allowed refugee asylum to the United States, and they never have been. If they were, we'd have 2 billion people on our borders in no time.
You have to have a valid fear for your personal safety due to threats. Maybe if your country is gang-infested, and you are getting real and credible threats or attempts on your life from violent street gangs, you get in. If you are a member of some persecuted ethnic or sexual minority or opposition political group who is seriously threatened with imprisonment on an unfair basis, you get in. Gays facing a real threat of persecution get in.
So do persecuted minorities and political activists who are selected for persecution.
You have to document all this stuff and it's not easy. I understand 95% of cases fail at hearing.
This is a brand new area of law, and it has nothing to do with "illegals." We're doing great when it comes to catching illegals at the border. There is no illegal immigrant crisis. There's a refugee asylum seeker crisis, but it's not in the millions; nevertheless, it's a mess.
Another scam they tried was sending their minor kids to cross the border. As we were not allowed to turn away unaccompanied minors at the border for humanitarian reasons, illegal alien scammers started sending their minor kids across because they were assured of getting in. Trump started locking up these minors, and all Hell broke loose. Once again we are dealing with a whole new area here because no one had ever tried the unaccompanied minor scam before. We are treading in new waters and don't know what to do.
Biden is screwed. He ought to be tougher on asylum seekers. Wait in Mexico would be great. Funding the courts would be great. But a lot of his base are Hispanics who love illegals. Many of the rest are liberals who never met an illegal alien they didn't love. If he cracks down, no matter how hard, the people furious about this issue will never vote for him anyway, so there's no upside to cracking down. And he risks a lot of his base staying home if he cracks down. He can't win.
Also if he cracks down in Texas, he looks like a dictator. If he backs down, he looks weak, so he can't win there either.
Biden's just a mushy Centrist. He's not even a liberal. Most Lefties despise him.
The Republicans want the system to fail just as much as the Democrats, because they both have paymasters who want to use immigrant labor legal or not, to beat down labour costs. There is a lot of moaning from retail and shit job industries that they can't get workers, but I know that there are a lot of workers who can't find jobs because they are legal. it's much harder to cheat and abuse a legal worker.
I think it's mostly the Republicans who want the system to fail. They obviously love illegal alien labor, and once they get into the US, Republicans usually don't bother to deport them. Neither party ever raids businesses who hire illegals. Trump almost never did this although he bitched and moaned about illegals the whole time.
E-Verify was a great idea but liberal idiots shot it down. I hate DeSatanist but at least he put in E-Verify. I think the Democrats just love illegals because that's what their base, heavily Hispanic, demands. Some of them love to go on about "jobs Americans won't do" but that's bullshit. There are no jobs Americans won't do. Where I live, a lot of Americans and legal immigrants do farm work!
Both parties totally suck on this issue and neither party wants to solve the illegal alien problem. The Republicans want to pretend they are doing something about it to get people to vote Republican, but then they never do anything about it because it will hurt their business base that relies in illegal alien labor.
The Democrats don't want to solve the problem either because their base will massacre them if they try, and the people who vote Republican over this issue will never vote Democrat no matter how hard the Dems crack down. So it's lose lose.
Also, contra this article, illegals can't and don't vote.
Sir, you do a terrific disservice to those of us who pay for the privilege of reading Simplicius’ communications and thoughtful discussion. Your comments are childish, rude, and frankly historically ignorant. Please see your psychiatrist and resist further urges the to post any more nonsense before you get back on your meds.
OK, there are legitimate asylum claims that should be considered - but those seeking asylum are not supposed to be wandering around shopping for the best deal - they should have applied in Mexico or whatever country they passed through before that.
Mandatory e-Verify is a great idea - if you are interested in a huge expansion of federal authority - you would not even be able to apply for a job without notifying the government. Employment/hiring would be completely subject to government approval - Think NICS on steroids.
As with a lot of other critical stuff, Thomas Massie has been about the only R to stand up and oppose this.
"OK, there are legitimate asylum claims that should be considered - but those seeking asylum are not supposed to be wandering around shopping for the best deal - they should have applied in Mexico or whatever country they passed through before that."
Yes but the US has not implemented the first safe country rule, so refugees are unfortunately free to shop around for the best deal, which is exactly what they are doing.
"Mandatory e-Verify is a great idea"
I'm a Leftie who loves Big Government (except cops and army), so I support this. It's either Big Government or barbarism, paraphrasing Rosa Luxemburg.
Big government’s pose a threat on its own to society: regulations. Smothering regulations. More and more regulations as they have to keep themselves busy, have meaning in their jobs. And ofc you can only vote for the puppets in Washington, but you cannot vote for these unelected bureaucrats.
So not really an alternative for the already flawed system in place.
"I think it's mostly the Republicans who want the system to fail. They obviously love illegal alien labor and once they get into the US, Republicans usually don't bother to deport them." > But 2.4 million were apparently deported last year.
"The whole problem is with asylum seekers. Many would-be illegals are now claiming to be seeking asylum. 95% of these claims are fake." > So they are lying about their asylum status = which I believes make them illegals. And aren't real asylum seekers supposed to cross at designated crossings? But instead this gang wades across the Rio Grande?
"You have to document all this stuff and it's not easy. I understand 95% of cases fail at hearing." Isn't that why hardly any of them actually attend their court dates? They know their case would probably fail and they would be deported? They get released into the US and then are expected to appear at their court date and argue their reasons for asylum? What's happening is they dissapear into the US with no one really knowing who they are, where they are, and what they are up to.
Your arguement of there not being a illegal immigrant problem but an asylum seeker problem doesn't make much sense. Whatever you want to call them they are a major problem for the US. I don't know where your getting your facts and numbers from.
"I think it's mostly the Republicans who want the system to fail. They obviously love illegal alien labor and once they get into the US, Republicans usually don't bother to deport them." > But 2.4 million were apparently deported last year."
Republicans deport them a lot more than Democrats do, but they still do a piss poor job of it. Even under Trump, once across the border, you were pretty much in like Flynn. Biden made it so much worse. Under Biden, hardly any long term illegals are being deported from inside the US.
2.4 million were *caught at the border and maybe a ways inside the border in border states,* and then they were deported. Basically, if they catch them at the border, they toss em! There is no "catch and release" like Republican liars say. However, once they get up into the US and get picked up for whatever reason and their immigration status is discovered, there are few if any deportations happening.
Biden wanted to deport people who had committed felonies in the US, but liberals complained that that was cruel, so he backed down.
Both sides are insane.
"The whole problem is with asylum seekers. Many would-be illegals are now claiming to be seeking asylum. 95% of these claims are fake." > So they are lying about their asylum status = which I believes make them illegals.
I guess they think they have an asylum case. Who knows?
Illegals are trying to sneak across the border.
Asylum seekers present themselves at the border and turn themselves in seeking asylum. The fact that they are pretty much gaming the system doesn't make them "illegals," and it's language abuse to call them that. They're perfectly legal. They're just exploiting a vulnerability in the system. If they were truly illegals, *they wouldn't get in in the first place*.
"And aren't real asylum seekers supposed to cross at designated crossings?"
I think they are but I'm not sure. Mostly they just walk up to the Border Patrol checkpoint and turn themselves in. That's how it works. There are even lines of them outside the checkpoints.
"But instead this gang wades across the Rio Grande?"
I don't think asylum seekers are sneaking across the border and then claiming asylum. They probably get thrown back it they do that and told to present themselves at a Border Patrol checkpoint to do it properly. I think that's the only way you get in.
"Isn't that why hardly any of them actually attend their court dates?"
I have heard that a lot of them skip their court dates, but I'm not sure how many that is. Obviously that's a catastrophe. And I've heard that even after they skip the court dates and we pick them up, we still won't deport them! Biden is really dropping the ball on this asylum thing and on deportation inside the US in general. I think if you have them wait in Mexico and then come in for their court dates, I assume you get fewer skipping their court dates.
"They know their case would probably fail and they would be deported?"
Maybe. Clearly much of this is just scamming. I think we both agree that it's a clusterfuck.
"They get released into the US and then are expected to appear at their court date and argue their reasons for asylum?"
"What's happening is they disappear into the US with no one really knowing who they are, where they are, and what they are up to."
Of course. But I'm not sure if they can work. Can they? Clusterfuck, like I said.
"Your argument of there not being a illegal immigrant problem but an asylum seeker problem doesn't make much sense."
Yes it does. How many times do we have to tell you 2.4 million illegals were caught and deported at the border before it makes sense to you? Biden's Border Patrol is doing a knock-up job catching illegal aliens, and all you all do is throw abuse at him and set about redefining words any way you want to. Only 300,000 got through. That's not a very large number historically. And 2.4 million caught is probably near the record. Lot of credit he's getting!
Words have meanings believe it or not and you can't just redefine them just because you feel like it. We don't have an illegal problem. Or in fact, we DO. It's because there has been a mad rush for the borders since Biden came in. 2.7 million at the border is a very high number. Apparently Biden came in and the illegals started rushing the border because they thought he was going to go easy on them, but that's not his fault.
"Whatever you want to call them they are a major problem for the US."
I would agree with you that this new scam these illegals have thought up - the refugee asylum scam - is causing all manner of problems for us mostly because it's a new problem we don't know how to deal with. But we need to use words properly according to their meanings, otherwise we are abusing language itself, which is immoral.
"I don't know where your getting your facts and numbers from."
Nice comment. On the illegals can't vote, some claim there will be an amnesty with fast track citizenship. I think it's mostly fear mongering, but then it's a seller's market these days.
They've been screaming about another amnesty since 1986 and it hasn't happened yet. It's been 37 years! Shades of Chicken Little...if any amnesty at all gets passed, it will be very slo-mo, and it certainly won't be fast-tracked. The proposals under consideration recently wouldn't have allowed citizenship until 20 years down the road, if that.
Your foamy comment is itself bs. After all, as you wrote, virtually all of the migrants are phonies, and there's no such thing as an unalienable right to asylum. Your argument from so-called law is mere jurisprudishness in defense of an obvious subterfuge arranged by the mass migration mafia. The fact that you'd trot out that crap on-line, apparently in your own name, suggests that you're not just stupid but dirty, too.
"After all, as you wrote, virtually all of the migrants are phonies, and there's no such thing as an unalienable right to asylum."
I'm not sure how it works. I think if you have a halfway reasonable case, you just automatically get in at the border. There may be a step where the Border Patrol interviews you and sees if you have a valid reason for asylum, I'm not sure. No one is violating any laws by letting all these asylum seekers in, and I believe they are just following US laws on this matter. The main way fake asylum claims are discovered is in court. The Border Patrol may not be able to do that as laws are written.
I am following the laws here. You want to crack down on asylum seekers? Fine you will probably need to write new laws then.
Those so-called laws are just words on paper, and the very best example of their insubstantiality is the batch of scribbling called the Constitution of the USA. If, one day, you begin to learn about the law, which you pretend to understand so well, maybe you will comprehend the implications of the C pretending to state the law on "Ratification" and "Establishment" before either of these. Until that moment you will understand basically nothing about the so-called law of the USA and remain a mere "Reactionary dog". This is surely ironic given your confident denunciation.
The US *is* signatory to a bunch of conventions that obligate certain treatment of refugees. And even if 95% of those coming in are not legitimate refugees that would still leave 500,000 to a million who legit.
There's also the point that the dangerous conditions in many of the places - like Venezuela and Central America are places that are at least partly that way due to US internentions, sanctions and what not.
Terrrorist/enemy infiltration is a legitimate concern. The fact that well-financed NGO's are coordinating this is a legitimate concern.
But it smells like a SETUP - watch out for the pre-packaged 'solution' that the crisis was manufactured for in the first place. Another 'Plandemic'.
'They' want the sheeple to beg for an authoritarian solution that will just happen to take what's left of people's liberty.
Appreciate the Tejanos going off-script, hopefully that will be disruptive of the elite's plans.
"And even if 95% of those coming in are not legitimate refugees, that would still leave 500,000 to a million who legit."
Wait a minute. How many asylum seekers are at our borders every year? It can't be 10 million as you say.
If they have a legitimate fear of persecution, we are obligated to let them in, and it's a crime not to. There are Central Americans who were getting actual threats from gang members in Honduras. Some of their relatives had even been murdered by these people. A court said this woman had no claim and sent her back. She was murdered by gang members soon after she returned. If that makes me an evil liberal for wanting to let her stay, so be it.
"There's also the point that the dangerous conditions in many of the places - like Venezuela and Central America are places that are at least partly that way due to US interventions, sanctions and what not."
Sure, but our politics isn't going to change, so saying this doesn't really help matters. Yes our foreign policy is reactionary crap and that drives a lot of refugees or fakefugees here, but what are we supposed to do? Let them all in because of our garbage foreign policy?
"Terrorist/enemy infiltration is a legitimate concern."
They're coming in as fakefugees? I doubt it. I think this is just rightwing fearmongering. Notice they tie it all into 10-7. After 10-7, evil Hamas and Hezbollah and Iranians will flood the border and kill Americans! I think this is a Chicken Little thing.
"The fact that well-financed NGO's are coordinating this is a legitimate concern."
The only one I'm aware of is a Jewish one. They were refugees who were turned back to be murdered, so they think the same thing awaits all these fakefugees. I think they're just naive.
"Appreciate the Tejanos going off-script, hopefully that will be disruptive of the elite's plans."
Nothing good's going to come of this. Manufactured crisis.
Yes! There are no illegal immigrants swarming those cities. Republicans are lying to you. None of them are illegals.
They are all refugees claiming asylum status. That's why they got in. The law says we have to let them in. If they were illegals we would have turned them back at the borders as we turned back 2.4 million last year.
You really don’t know how to debate. Demeaning the opposing person is a low class move.
And maybe you are wrong on some points. Have you put boots on the ground I. Denver for instance? And why is the NYC mayor claiming there are too many illegals (asylum seekers if you want).
I don’t want to get in a fight with you Robert. My time is more valuable
"Have you put boots on the ground in Denver for instance?"
Nope and I don't need to.
"And why is the NYC mayor claiming there are too many illegals (asylum seekers if you want)."
Well I hope he's saying there are too many asylum seekers. The law as it is currently written mandates that we let all these asylum seekers in while their cases are being adjudicated. Republicans refuse to fund the immigration courts because they want a huge years-long backlog in order to create a crisis they can beat up Democrats with.
Biden has not put back in the remain in Mexico policy. Sure, I'm a Biden supporter, but I think he made a big mistake here. Because that program was annulled, all of these asylees have to be let in. Clearly this is causing a huge mess which is being politicized by some very dishonest people.
I really want Biden to put that policy back in by the way.
Oh, I see what this guy's shtick is. He's saying there's not millions of "illegals" flooding over the border, there's millions of "refugees seeking asylum" flooding. Just semantic games.
They're not illegals. That's all there is to it. The law mandates we have to let these people in and give them a hearing. If you don't like it, change the law.
There are illegal aliens. People trying to sneak across the border.
There are asylum seekers, who are 100% legal even if most of them are scammers. None of them are "illegals," so it's bullshit to say they are. We have to let them in to adjudicate their cases as per US laws that they are frankly abusing.
Calling them illegal aliens is a severe abuse of the term especially when this administration is breaking records catching illegals and deporting them. 2.4 million last year, nearly a record. Do they get any credit? Of course not.
1. True asylum seekers who are fleeing conflict zones etc. are obliged to seek asylum in the first country they enter. These illegals cross multiple countries in central America to selectively choose the US, thus nullifying their asylum seeking status.
2. You completely leave out the fact that the entire illegal alien army is a totally and intentionally engineered process through dozens of NGOs supported FROM the US (and proven so with tons of documented evidence), which means the administration you're desperate to absolve is actually complicit in organizing the vast migrant armies being paid to trek across central America to the US border.
Your sophistic attempts to dismiss this in fact conceal the true orchestrated nature of the crime.
"True asylum seekers who are fleeing conflict zones etc. are obliged to seek asylum in the first country they enter."
There is a rule along those lines, but countries are not obligated to enforce it. The US did not enforce this rule in either the Biden or Trump Administrations. I'm all in favor of the "first safe country" rule though.
As we are not enforcing this rule, we are legally obligated to adjudicate all asylum claims. The fact that they didn't stop in the first safe country doesn't mean they are not asylum seekers. Of course they are. They only won't be if and when the US puts that rule in.
"These illegals cross multiple countries in central America to selectively choose the US, thus nullifying their asylum seeking status."
It doesn't nullify a damn thing because it's not a rule that anyone is obligated to follow. Some countries do and some countries don't. So their asylum status is not nullified at all and is in fact legal, and it is mandatory that the US adjudicate their claims.
"You completely leave out the fact that the entire illegal alien army is a totally and intentionally engineered process through dozens of NGOs supported FROM the US"
I don't think there's any evidence of that at all. It's just rightwing insanity. Some are trying naively to help the asylum seekers. Anyway, it doesn't matter who's helping them. People will flood to our borders in droves whether anyone is helping them or not. And Mexico actively discourages them.
The reason they come here is simple economics. They're coming from poor countries for the money. Pretty much. Some are fleeing violence but even those could stop in Mexico where the violence rate is much lower. Or they could go to Costa Rica or Panama. They won't because they're coming for the money.
"which means the administration you're desperate to absolve is actually complicit in organizing the vast migrant armies being paid to trek across central America to the US border."
I'm certain that that's not the case. This illegal alien BS is such a mess that I'm quite certain the administration would be ecstatic if those numbers dropped off by a lot. There's no upside to having this flood at the borders. It's a gigantic election loser.
"organizing the vast migrant armies being paid to trek across central America to the US border."
There are some agencies helping "asylum seekers" come to the US via Central America, it is true. One I know of is Jewish. I think they are just naive. They were asylum seekers once, and they were turned back and murdered, so they think the same fate awaits everyone else. No one is helping illegals come to the US. It's laughable.
Democrats do not benefit at all from illegals. They can't and don't vote and probably won't be able to for a very long time. They cause all manner of problems and fiscal troubles everywhere they crowd into. Obviously they lower wages and standards for everyone else. They don't commit much crime, but their kids do, and it's their kids that are behind much of the gang violence.
There is no plot. There is no conspiracy. There is no crime. It's just simple economics. Occam's Razor anyone?
You write very long comments and don't research any of it? "I don't think there's any evidence of that at all. It's just rightwing insanity." It's f.cking not, research it, lot's of NGOs making money of it, Caritas, Red Cross, over and over again. Not since yesterday, since at least 30 years, in Germany for example many of those NGOs belong to the Catholic and Protestant Churches. They make looooot's of money with it. In the Obama Administration there was a woman, her last name is Pope, just research her, she and others organize the whole "refugee" route, medical treatment, even credit cards, if you don't believe me, just look it up. But I think you won't, me thinks you are just here to troll.
BH Bob, "founder of the Alternative Left political movement", is an inartful dodger who aspires to importance in totalitarianism. It seems, however, that he's not able to convince key decision makers of his worthiness. So he trolls Substack at 1:15 am EST on Saturday morning to show everyone how oily he can be.
It don't work that way, pal. It's not illegal to claim asylum for whatever reason. It's up to the state to determine if your claim is valid or not. It's illegal to practice law without a license.
"Asylum seeker" is a euphemism for refugee; what is an "asylum"? It's a place of refuge, if you seek one, you're a refugee. Using the euphemism is a way of ducking the legal status that refugees have.
Refugees have legal status. Asylum seekers do not until they are declared refugees. The law says we have to let them in until their claims are adjudicated.
They're not violating any laws, so they're not criminals. 95% of cases are rejected and most of those are good decisions. Everyone scams everyone all the time. It's human nature. Most scamming is not criminal at all. Sure, it's in bad faith, but all scamming is. Homo sapiens is a scamming species.
If so, then Robert Lindsay "scams everyone all the time". Let's hang onto this information while bearing in mind your blatantly defamatory generalization about everyone.
P.S. Thanks for blocking me, not that I'd be much tempted to read the mendacious drivel of your Substack.
Maybe if we stopped bombing their countries and installing right wing dictatorships so their children starve (or become sex slaves or child soldiers for the regime) they'd stop coming? Oh, but they have brown skin so they're not even human to you. One of my favorite stories about Texas is when under Governor James Hogg they outlawed the Mexican-Americans from speaking Spanish in schools, his wife Sara defended the decision with the brilliant observation that "Well, since Jesus Christ spoke English, it's good enough for me!" (Full disclosure-- I lived in Port Arthur for 3 weeks in 1981 when I worked on a Merchant Marine boat servicing the oil rigs out in the Gulf of Mexico (ooh, how it must offend you that it's named that)!! Texas is a racist shithole, glad I got out of there & back to Louisiana, which had it's problems but is still better than Texas.)
I really hate to keep this thread alive, but there is a key issue that is being overlooked.
Forget about who is crossing the border, for a moment, and why. There are exactly two ways to cross the land border into the USA - at designated crossing points, and everywhere else (such as swimming across the Rio Grande river into Eagle Pass, TX).
The vast majority of people entering Texas are NOT coming in at designated (and also safe, sanitary, etc) crossing points and THAT is what the two sides are arguing about - who is going to control the site at Eagle Pass which is NOT a designated crossing point. There is zero conflict about who controls the legal border crossing sites into Texas (100% federal jurisdiction).
All the rest of the argments (are they migrants? Are they asylum seekers?) is secondary. The issue is whether people entering the USA from Mexico should use the designated border crossing facilities or be encouraged NOT TO. And the feds, right now, are encouraging them not to (weirdly, migrant deaths from this used to be a major Dem issue).
I don't understand what the big fuss is over this anyway. The Biden Border Patrol is doing a bang-up job of catching illegals at the border. This year there were 2.4 million illegals caught and sent back. That's near a record.
So by claiming that these illegal border crossings are not being guarded when they actually are, which is what these Medieval and barbarous Texans are doing, they're creating a fake, manufactured crisis where none existed before.
There is and was no problem with illegals flooding across the border. They're almost all getting caught and only a few are getting through, just like in most years. After all, we catch 90% of illegals trying to cross. If we're catching 90% of them (which may be high in a historical sense), there clearly is no problem with "an out of control border with illegals flooding across" like the Republicans are lying about.
If there's a problem with fakefugees (and admittedly, there is) then call it what it is and call them asylum seekers, not illegals because they're not breaking any laws. But that isn't as sexy and won't get people as riled up as dynamite words like "illegals." By creating a fake crisis at a border point where there is no crisis over an issue that is not even a problem, there is simply a fake, politicized issue and everyone who is falling for it is a mark being taken by Republican con artists.
Tl;dr: It's all politics, bullshit, and lies. There's nothing real or substantial happening here, just political con artists scamming the gullible public as they do 24-7 in this benighted land.
There is no illegal alien crisis. We catch 90% of them. Biden is setting records for catching illegals, 2.4 million last year. 300,000 of them got through, but that's normal in any year.
WR, You're trying to reason with either a stunningly brain damaged victim of ADHD who truly believes he knows everything worth knowing or it's Artificial Intelligence pretending to be intelligent, operated by a dysfunctional propagandist glued to his government office chair for 8 hours a day.
Either way, he's a waste of your time and whatever food keeps him alive.
" But we have to let them in while their claims are adjudicated. "
More of your bullshit! The USA could put up refugee camps and hold the fake asylum seekers behind barbwire and gun towers, while they wait in the desert for seven years to have their claims authenticated. They would soon stop coming to plunder our communities.
"The USA could put up refugee camps and hold the fake asylum seekers behind barbwire and gun towers, while they wait in the desert for seven years to have their claims authenticated."
I suppose we could, but people wouldn't like that very much.
No one "marches" for 600 km. The average person can walk about 30km a day, so this was an effort that took at least two weeks to accomplish (and two weeks back).
What makes this interesting, though, is why they were WALKING in the first place instead of riding a bus or driving a car (or hitchhiking, etc) - clearly, Russia must be quite active in its use of checkpoints and vehicle monitoring or else the saboteurs would've not chosen to walk the soles of their shoes off.
Thanks for the A50 breakdown. Some of your readers were offended that I even asked in earlier posts.
Just FYI - the LNG graphic you posted is from 2006. There are newer ones. Also back then most LNG terminals were anticipated to be import terminals. When the shale gas revolution hit, most were converted to export terminals.
Well, apparently he's in India now anyway and the TX constitution gives 'acting governor' powers to Dan Patrick in his absence so if anything goes down now, it'll be up to him
Off topic I know – but among all the wars all over the world it is important to follow and to retain the lessons of this primary war with Russia – the mother of all wars and the one which will definitively change the world
27 January 2024 Lithuanian army declares war on Lithuanian politicians
‘Will Putin attack Nato? No chance says Lithuanian General’
The infighting intensifies even in the most rabid anti Russia republics
The juvenile Foreign Minister gets whipped by the commander of the armed forces, after his smirking pronouncements that Ukraine is buying him time to get himself ready to fight the RF
That there is Press and PR for some adult opinion may mean that some of the EU ruling class recognise that instead of killing off their remaining citizens and economies there may be advantages to making peace with Russia and maybe, just maybe, getting back to the time when
“This year, next year, the possibility or the probability of a war between Russia and NATO is very low, extremely low,” General Valdemaras Rupšys told Lithuanian radio Žinių Radijas on Thursday.
Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis seems more alert to the possibility of a Russian attack. “Yes, we're convinced that a real war is a likely possibility,” he said in Brussels on Wednesday before a meeting with EU counterparts.
“When we have to discuss military advice with those who are not really qualified to give military advice, there is some confusion,” Rupšys said on the disagreement with his foreign minister. He suggested politicians should focus on their specific roles.
“It would be good for everyone to do their job in the whole decision-making process,” the general stressed.
All those Baltic Politicians are on crack cocaine as Elensky is. They have all together, all three nations, maybe 45k soldiers top, no tanks, no fighter jets, not fleet, just a bunch of Russophobe morons spewing nonsense 24/7. The first thing those idiots do, if they are even 1 IQ point over 80, they flee the county, as many Ukronazis do now also, if SHTF and NATO invades Russia or makes some bs false flag to "defend" themselves.
The Baltic nations have ruling classes (élites in US speak) who are bound into the EUUS governing class bureaucracies, the transatlantic TinkTank corporate complex
The countries have been diminished by emigration, and hollowed out by elimination of structure and tradition via EUUS ideologisms, reduced to a collection of touristy toy towns
Ruling class policies and loyalties are dictated by class interest - this is significant for them: the condition or the fate of their countries' peoples are less interesting and important – quite apart from the fact that to follow orders is a lot easier than figuring out policy in such a difficult situation
As per Ukraine the price exacted by the EUUS is the sacrifice of their peoples and countries
According to the Duran, Ukr latest "explanation" for the Ilyushin shoot-own is that Ukr had figured it was ALSO carrying high-ranking Russian officers.
That pretty much rules out "accident", and as Alex says, what a task to explain to the murdered prisoner's relatives that this was entirely intentional...
One of those "high-ranking" officers is the guy in charge of organizing all Ukr-Rus prisoner exchanges. So, why would someone in Kiev so badly want him dead?
Unraveling is the right word, right now the Biden admin seems to have all the features of an unraveling wool mitten at the mercy of several very focused kittens.
It sure took Gov. R2D2 of Texas long enough to finally put up a fuss. This shit has only been happening for 3 years now, with 6 million+ illegal aliens pouring across the border. (They're illegal aliens - not "illegal immigrants" or "migrants.")
Under the Biden Administration, 900,000 illegal immigrants have entered the country. Approximately 7.5 million have been caught and sent back, a record! There are no "millions of illegal aliens" or "6 million illegal aliens" pouring across the border. The Republicans just make up these lies and all the gullible marks fall for them, but the marks really don't care if they're lies or not because they'll say they're true no matter what as these people have no use for truth, facts, and science. They're all running on raw amygdala power, like a flaky woman.
Sachs should know-- he was the main apparatchik who enabled the West to plunder Russian resources in the 1990's when Yeltsin was driving the (former) USSR into the ground. He and his ilk -- Browder are nothing about opportunists. Guess Columbia doesn't pay enough?
It's 100,000 by now.
It can be argued that you are correct. The ICJ ruling attempted to 'please both sides' by framing the language in such a way that it could be interpreted as major condemnation, but also as watery indecisiveness. That is of course because they're cowards and afraid to incur Israel's wrath, probably because Epstein/Mossad have kompromat on all the judges.
I assume you're just being humorous, here. There's no need for blackmail in a case like this - the hundreds of meetings of US officials with the governments in question (who ultimately control their judges' fate) was all business as usual that happens every day of every year - do what we say or oops, we don't send you food, money, FDI, development aid, etc, we increase fees on sending money home to your country, decrease visa acceptance rates, etc combined with do what we say and wow, you get X, Y, and Z.
With only a few notable exceptions, American businesses and diplos are treated like royalty everywhere they go, and most heads of state REGULARLY report to the US embassy for briefings. It's all detailed quite clearly in the "Cable Leaks" from Wikileaks (Assange's outfit). Personal blackmail (kompromat) is almost always overkill and not needed.
Starts with an 'M', ends with a 'd'...
Maxwell and Epstein obtained a lot of raw material, they were not necessarily or even likely the ones actually employing it.
More likely, kompromat was used to vet candidates.
Personal compromat is used against powerful political figures INSIDE the system. As additional insurance.
“On all the judges” and… last, but not least, on ugandan Julia ‘I oppose’ Sebutinde
The ICJ tried to split the baby. Frankly, it won't please anyone, and Israel and its American thug will simply ignore any ruling they don't like, and America will strong-arm its lackeys puppets, vassals, flunkies, and buttbois into following suit.
The ICJ's formal ruling can easily be called "weak," but it is not a charade. For one thing, Israel is a signatory and member of the ICJ and must now submit a report to the ICJ within a month. Failure to do so will be seen by the international community as proof positive that Israel is an outlaw state.
Likewise, the ICJ's actions are overseen by the UNSC - again, the USA could use its vote to shield Israel, but doing so will be seen by the international community that both Israel AND the USA are outlaw states.
The issue here isn't whether or not the ICJ has some kind of authority to enforce its decisions (it 100% doesn't) or whether the ruling was clear-cut (it wasn't) but that it has provided unequivocable proof that Israel is an outlaw state. That may not mean much to you, but it damn sure does to billions of people, including entire governments, plus insurance companies, etc., which now have an ACTIONABLE means of boycotting/shunning Israel, including as the OP posted, all of those Israeli-UK arms manufacturing companies in Britain.
Literally as we sit here, there are lawyers and pundits across the globe grinding out op-eds and analysis pieces on how Israel is a criminal country.
The arms manufacturing companies should now worry about the possible consequences of delivering weapons as they may get sanctioned or charged in future
The most likely candidate would be the UN. But I guess other countries could for example freeze UK assets or sanction individuals.
But maybe I am fantasizing too much
You are fantasizing.
The voice of reason, at last.
But also the US, UK and German governments.
We should also withhold all tax to these governments, lest we be charged with being complicit with genocide, right?
Everyone who pays tax in the UK, including every company based here, has to send in a tax return every year. If they refuse to do so until the government stops backing the occupying genocidal entity, they would have to back down.
Just this week, the Sunak government agreed to arms export licenses, against his own legal advisers, and the opposition leader agreed that no Palestinian state was needed, reversing a longstanding policy in favour of recognising Palestine.
Times of India:
Protesters this week confronted delegates outside a London defence industry conference.
Foreign Secretary David Cameron, who is visiting the Middle East, has been criticised for a lack of transparency over his role in helping the sales.
In London, a coalition of legal advocacy groups is asking the High Court to expedite a judicial review of the UK government’s decision to keep selling military parts and arms to Israel.
Britain’s strategic licensing criteria states that weapons should not be exported when there is a clear risk they could be used in international humanitarian law violations.
The court claimants, led by Palestinian rights group Al-Haq and including the Global Legal Action Network (GLAN), argue that the government is ignoring its own rules in the Gaza conflict. “This case is a test for the credibility of the national arms control system, including the role of the courts in monitoring that,” Dearbhla Minogue, GLAN’s senior lawyer, told AFP.
Theoretically yes!
Well, before all this Gaza kicked off, I heard of a UK citizen who puts his Council Tax in escrow, writes to the local municipality that unless he hears from them that they can guarantee that the money will not be used for genocide, he will not pay, and he never hears from them again.
But our national UK government is definitely in the sights for possible failure to prevent genocide.
Food for thought, no?
So who is going to do that, and what consequences will they face from the US?
Thanks for this comment
As far as I know the main reason why the ICJ's ruling may be deemed not 'clear-cut' was that the Court could not, simply, order a cease fire, for the 'other side', Gaza, Hamas, the Palestinians, had no standing at the Court
You are 100% correct to state that the rest of the world will take a great deal more notice, and attribute more importance, to this decision than westie 'political opinion' or ruling classes
And take previously unthinkable or unactionable initiatives against Israel - those which, by and large, the west is too cowardly to take
In other news- the first 100 (of three) Russian soldiers arrived recently in Burkina Faso
Cutting of lng gas from Texas is payback at Europe's cost?
Yeah, I suspect the EU might "suffer" more than Texas.
This - from Substacker Moneycircus, (9/22) is worth a read.
He ties the Nordstream attack to the effort to make W. Europe dependent on
Mediterranean/Mideast energy - especially that from the E. Mediterranean 'Energy Triangle' (+ Azerbaijan) - from which the Turks/Greeks/Israelis/Lebanese all have a
stake in, and names many of the players - from Jared Kushner to a laundry list of Jewish billionaires and a laundry list of US neocons who are jockeying to cash in.
Gaza happens to sit on a particularly rich corner of said triangle, but I imagine that is just coincidental and has no bearing on the current conflict...
That's a part of the Empire's long term project to decouple Europe from Asian, particularly Russian, cheap energy and resources and to make it dependent on its own energy teat. "To keep America in, Russia out and Germany down" has always been the Empire's primary goal in Europe, with #ZATO and Operation Gladio being the main military instruments for executing this policy.
I don't know if you remember the now abandoned "Southstream" project (, which was the direct reason for the Empire's involvement in the region, resulting in a few covert and overt coup d'etats (i.e. in Bulgaria and Macedonia) and a "sudden" increase of terror attacks and political instability in Turkey, which ended with the infamous failed 2016 coup attempt in Turkey, all documentedly orchestrated by the Empire's intelligence operatives and their local henchmen ( It all ties up into the Empire's attempt to hold a firm grip on Europe!
It immediately reminds me of the arguments for destroying NS: we want to prevent that Russia uses energy as a waepon.
Now the EU, we (I am a citizen) have given our energy dependence on a way less secure partner.
When will the EU rise up against the root of evil: Washington DC?
It won't happen before all of Europe's "political elites'" puppet strings connecting them to Londra and Fashington have been completely cut. That in itself might crave Europe's own civil war, but I won't hold my breath considering the scale of mass media psy-ops and the sheer level of brainwashing it is currently producing all over the old continent!
Just take a look at what's happening internally in the EU, particularly in Germany - in a very "americanesque", "domestic terrrists" manner, the AfD is risking being banned for "nazism" for having the audacity to speak the truth...
Anger conservatives by telling them a lie; anger a “progressive” by telling them the truth.
attribute to Cats Whiskers
Done! I like that.
OK - I think it's verifiably true that 'conservatives' in the US Senate were pushing to sanction Russia over Nordstream 2. Presumably on the assumption the US has the right to dictate to Russia and the Europeans whether or on what terms they can conduct their relations...
Rand Paul was the only Republican to vote against it.
Who, if anyone, should that anger?
Delusional. As if right wingers are any better.
The troubles in the EU may spring from the immigrants who have been marginalized in banlieue not to forget the farmers; there are many with an axe to grind with the elites. Then there's the darkweb trade in weapons, so things can only get worse for the Rothschild errand boy.
As a European, I'm less pessimistic. Sure, there are probably more sheep here than elsewhere, but anger is rising. Look at the farmers in France and Holland. These are just for starters. And even if the ban the AfD, that won't defeat them. The anger will just come through elsewhere. We are living in truly historic times. How ironic that we seem to be re-living the last days of the Soviet Union with a group of evil, corrupt geriatrics desperately trying to hang on to power.
hear hear
I am in politicians!
Europeans, especially their political class, like being slaves.
The EuroPeon political class is our local version of "brown sahibs"...
"The more they are insulted, the lower they stoop; they display what the late Malcolm X (El-Haj Malik Shabazz) called the ‘House Slave’ mentality, identifying completely with the slave master. He distinguishes this state from that of the ‘Field Slave’, the quintessential rebel forever trying to escape."
Did not Borrell call europe a "garden", as opposed to the "jungle"?
Speak for yourself. Many of us love freedom as much as patriotic Americans and have been fighting long and hard for it.
Have you seen the european political class in action? Less self-respect than whipped dogs.
LOL!! dont you mean the UK-- they are just as suspect re: NS etc. AND taught the Americans everything they know. The hulk is America the teeny tiny brain sitting on its shoulder is the UK. " All roads like to the City of London". Remember war is a racket (financial)
sure, because we wanted to corner the EU market and Russia was in the way. What do you think all this is about? It is about European politics, not US. Our government/junta is too inept to see that a war is brewing right here at home and they cannot spare their nukes and bombers for Ukraine. But now they have to concentrate on the US electorate for a year, so fuck the rest of youse.
This shitshow in Europe is entirely of Yankee manufacture. Yankeeland has occupied and controlled Germany for nearly 79 years now. The very last thing Yankeeland wants is a united Europe.
The good news is that Yankee hegemony is coming to an end as is the festering fucked-up shitpit itself. US$34,141,279,000,000 in debt and increasing at about US$8,200,000,000 a day. The seizure of Russia's assets will just seal the end of the Petrodollar which is all that is keeping the Yankee dollar afloat.
Good riddance. Enjoy all those military age invaders your government has imported.
I live in YankeeLand. You are not in correct.
🙄🙄🙄 Good god ever hear of the City of London-- read history??
Great comment and totally agree. I am disgusted by what Yankeeland did to Europe.
They blew up Nordstream to force the Euroweenies to buy US Nat Gas. Now they're going to force the same Euroweenies back into the arms of the Russians. You couldn't make this up.
Texas may not have intended it... but the Blow to The Federal Govt. this will inflict, will be Fatal. Even if this does not devolve & go fully Kinetic, there are too many ways it can all go wrong.
The reason has to do with how the Free Flow of Information is making everyone go on edge. In particular rumours, hearsay, etc of 'Airstrikes,' Military Force, etc. are now everywhere.
This is almost a 'self-fulfilling prophecy' as both sides grow more Tense & Suspicious:
& it may culminate in something which pushes the Nation over the Edge into Sengoku Jidai.
(For those interested)
If you wish to read (& listen!) to more of My commentary, here is my Main Stack:
Thank You Kindly to everyone!
It's not going to happen and anyway it's a terrible idea. States rights has been a reactionary disaster from Day One.
These situations are very unpredictable since 'misunderstandings' escalate into Full Kinetic Hostilities rapidly. So 'never say never!'
At present, yes, it is Unlikely to escalate beyond a certain threshold.
But the 'Elite' are so incompetent... they might just Burn the whole country down!
The elites have transcended incompetence. Each desperate measure to keep the ponzi afloat fails, and yet there's been endless talk about re-industrializing and fantasies like BBB - all unproductive boondoggles. The rentier parasites had China in the supply chain but are too stupid to realize the blow back of cutting them off. Here's a comedic example:
The tremors produced by the Democratic regime in the US over the last few years have revived the constitutional concept of "States Rights". Such tremors have reached the point where a fissure has been opened at Ground Zero - Texas - from which a super-heated excrement is boiling forth. Where this could lead eventually is anyone's guess, but as Ahnaf Ibn Qais has suggested, "Never say never!".
Nothing's going to happen. Keep fearmongering.
"from which a super-heated excrement is boiling forth"
This has been going on in that Godforsaken Medieval backwater called Texas since it was declared a state. It's the essence of the state itself. But perhaps it will go blue soon and Mordor will decline with the setting sun.
Oh, it is coming. Not if but when and If not today then tomorrow. While rightful liberty is never to be restored, we have if nothing else, retribution.
Yeah yeah, whatever.
Don't feed the Fascist Big Government troll.
States rights are essential in a diverse empire. The FedGov is in the hands of homosexuals, women, and Jews who hate American culture and history and are in the process of dismantling Western Civilization. Are you a FedGov employee, Robert?
A "diverse empire?" Say what? The Federal government is in the hands of Wall Street and the money power.
I agree---my list is the useful idiots of the oligarchy.
And you reactionaries are going to do exactly what about this dilemma?
"The FedGov is in the hands of homosexuals, women, and Jews"
Ok, a reactionary.
"in the process of dismantling Western Civilization"
There's nothing left to dismantle. If Trump is Western Civilization, we can't smash it up soon enough.
Diagnosis: TDS. Trump is just a moderate reformer, doing his best to roll politics back to the Reagan era. He only seems extreme due to the shenanigans of late-stage Liberalism.
You are a full grade loony.
You forgot Pedos from the list.
As it was when South Carolina seceded, exactly!! It's obvious & regrettable that after stealing Texas from Mexico, the white elite there hates brown people so much, & wants to exterminate them. Razor wire to kill kids and refugees swimming across a river after the U$ MIC destroyed their homelands. Of course, Biden is a despicable corrupt scuzz-ball funding a genocide in Gaza but sometimes the optics of killing women & children on US territory looks bad to the ghouls who run this country. I absolutely DON'T support either element of the Uniparty. The Dems constantly betray their base & the R's support every sex-hating, racist, violent, gun- & Bible-humping lunatic in their party. USA is doomed in the long run. As Gore Vidal noted 5 decades ago, a bird with 2 right wings can't fly. That's USA in a nutshell.
Wow! Delusion is in the water. You manage to interpret the American socio-political landscape exactly backwards. That means you know little or nothing about the true beliefs of either Democrats or Republicans. It's the GOP that constantly betrays its base and the Democrat Party that houses theocratic lunatics who hate authentic sex, the kind that produces progeny, and want to fund genocide in Gaza along with forever wars everywhere else on the planet. And, as for violence, you must have been asleep the entire hot summer of 2020 while Democrats were burning, looting, and murdering across the land.
Radical LGBT's are theocrats? Please.
Oh I dunno I kinda like the idea of my rural stare not going along with the insanity that gets handed down from on high....
New definition of the "Dark Winter" the WEF warned us about ?.
Agree with all you state - more fear porn = their greatest weapon (confusion is their second)
One can see easily how they resort to the second option when the first one does not do the trick....The Covid Narrative in all it’s glory is a fine example
I'm not sure what staggers me the most with the neocons in DC: their sheer evil or their sheer stupidity.
Biden says Ukraines borders are more important than the USAs apparently... I'm Canadian and my politics are just smidge right of Trotsky and I back Abbott in this case. Anyways I'm going to go watch me some rugby and you can pry my SVT-40 from my cold dead hands. Night everybody.
It's all bullshit. See my comment.
We did. Nothing to see there - move along.
Who gives a F about your comment which said nothing but Nooo waaa you sound like Biden
МОСКВА, 24 янв — РИА Новости. Российские военные впервые сообщили об уничтожении в зоне специальной военной операции французского зенитного ракетного комплекса SAMP-T. «В течение суток уничтожены склады боеприпасов 31-й механизированной и 26-й артиллерийской бригад ВСУ, зенитный ракетный комплекс SAMP-T французского производства", — говорится в сводке военного ведомства. ЗРК SAMP-T предназначен для противовоздушной обороны войск и механизированных соединений, находящихся на марше, а также обеспечения противовоздушного прикрытия стационарных объектов.
Translation: MOSCOW, January 24 – RIA Novosti. The Russian military reported for the first time the destruction of a French SAMP-T anti-aircraft missile system in a special military operation zone. “Within 24 hours, ammunition depots of the 31st mechanized and 26th artillery brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and a French-made SAMP-T anti-aircraft missile system were destroyed,” says the military department’s report. The SAMP-T air defense system is designed for air defense of troops and mechanized formations located on the march, as well as providing air defense cover for stationary objects.
SAMP-T has a longer range than IRIS-T, and French Mercs could have done it without Macaron the Moron's approval.
Yep you're right, I assume that's what Putin was referring to when he said "French systems" (not visible in the video I posted, but in a longer version he states this). I was just commenting on the IRIS because two launchers were allegedly hit right in that very region, but of course it's possible they have other systems there as well, particularly given that we now know the French mercenaries are crawling in that region, thanks to the recent Kharkov HQ hit.
Plus, off the top of my head Samp-T launchers look similar to IRIS-T so it's always possible the claimed IRIS-T that were hit were actually Samp-T, who knows.
That's easy for you to say .... . 👁👁
Nothing simple about Simplicius
Why is it everything Biden is ordered to do, seems to damage the US and/or it's allies? Or, in the least, truly benefit those Biden declares are the US people's mortal enemies.
The results are like Covid; We are taking action to protect you, trust us, authorize us to silence those with truthful warnings and finally, crucially, believe our lies about the WHO managed, ongoing, genocide we "proved" was a natural occurrence.
We banned "In God We Trust" and replaced it with trust the MSM.
No changes means this is going just how they like it to.
So now Ukraine is able to shoot down aircraft over pre-SMO Russia.
They were always able to do so, but the risk was too high for valuable assets in the past. Now these weapons systems are not very functional, almost useless against fixed wing assets with protection, but most importantly are almost considered one-time use anywhere so why not waste them on a useless political act when the other option is an equally meaningless military mission.
Seems to assume a lot.
Are they unreasonable?
I don't know enough to say one way or the other, but retconning has been a pretty consistent feature of this war.
That can be used to dismiss nearly all of science, if one assumes the real world is a fictional world. Rather it's a world with unknowns which become known.
This is nothing but lies.
The Biden Administration is not letting illegal immigrants come into the US. They caught and expelled 2.4 million of them just last year! How's that letting them go? Yes, 300,000 got through but that's about normal for any given year.
The whole problem is with asylum seekers. Many would-be illegals are now claiming to be seeking asylum. 95% of these claims are fake. But we have to let them in while their claims are adjudicated. So we let them in. That's who all these "illegals" are crowding our city shelters - asylum seekers! Now granted Biden could put back in the wait in Mexico program of Trump. This was a new program as asylum seekers always got to wait in the US before. Now they had to wait in Mexico. But he won't do that for political reasons.
Biden has not "lost control of the border." It's bullshit. We are instead simply being flooded with asylum seekers whom the law requires us to evaluate. We don't know what to do about this very new problem. We are in new territory here. "There are millions of illegals crossing our borders!" The Republicans lie about this like they lie about everything. In order for an illegal to get caught, they have to cross the border. "2.4 million illegals crossed the US border last year!" So the Republicans scream. Yeah, but they all got caught. See how they are playing games with words.
Furthermore, last time I checked, the Republicans also refuse to fund the immigration courts where asylum claims are adjudicated. Hence there is a years-long backlog of cases and a lot of them never show up. The Republicans want the system to not work so they can blame the Democrats for a failed system. They've done this same sleazy thing with so many other government programs. Defund it and then claim it doesn't work.
Dude, we don't need to let illegals who claim asylum in either. Just come up w a wait-in-Mexico process like Trump did. Don't be obtuse.
Hi, I didn’t read your comment properly. First of all, there are no “illegals claming asylum.” There’s no such thing. If you’re an illegal, you’re not claiming asylum, and if you’re claiming asylum, you’re not an illegal.
Also, I never said we needed to let them in. I said under current laws, we have to let them in. I believe I said that Biden has not put the wait in Mexico policy back in. I’ve said nothing obtuse here.
However, I do agree with reinstating Trump’s wait in Mexico policy, even though I hate him as much as anyone does.
I hate killary and nuland, blinken, sullivan, biden, bolton, bush, … for the war crimes they have committed and are committing, destroying the lives of millions with impunity.
I don’t only listen to them, I look what they are doing.
I don’t like Trump that much, but why hate him? What has a done that you hate him that much?
Worst president we ever had. He's a fascist and he's turned the Republican Party into an openly fascist political party. As a man of the Left, fascists are my enemy and I will fight them wherever they show their faces.
Sorry, too simple.
I don’t like capitalism
I don’t like the concept of a country
I am in favor of a universal basic income
I am against meddling in other countries,
I am against forcing values upon others.
So, I guess, I am more to the left leaning side. But I don’t hate Trump just for that reason. As someone responded to you before: maybe search for some psychological help?
Why am I saying that: emotions, especially hatred will never bring peace
Retard alert...
Every accusation is a confession.
IF a person claims asylum it must be done at the 1st safe country so your entire argument is shit
That rule is optional. Countries don't have to follow it. Some countries do and some don't. The US has chosen not to follow that rule so asylees do not have to stop at the first safe country before they come to the US. If they did we could turn most of them away.
Oh you hate Trump damm are you 6 years old?? How could you hate him?? Did he piss in your cereal? No, you hate him because they told you too. You are just a lemming you will do as your told. How many booster shots have you taken? Yep, all of them
Well he's the worst president we ever had. He tried to overthrow the US government with a violent coup. He tried to steal an election that was won by his opponent by overthrowing the government. He told more lies in one term than all the presidents before him put together. He's a fascist and he's turned the Republican Party into a full-fledged fascist party. He's also turned the US into a fascist country as possibly a majority are supporting Trumpian fascism. He's a catastrophe any way you look at it.
I can hate anyone I want. I hate all Republicans, but he's one of the worst. I'm a man of the Left. Republicans are pond scum, every one of them.
Sadly you are an excellent example of what people often refer to as a brainwashed zombie. Any person with critical thinking skills will stop reading your commentary which is a shame for you.
Damn, even if i go into Robert Lindsay's substack page and from there press mute and then block, his drivel is still visible here, ugh, yeah i'll skip reading his rants but it's waste of my time anyway, man if there was some way to mute him so i didn't see his insane posts at all, would make it easier.
I'm all for intelligent debate but what garbage Robert here utters sure is not intelligent...
Heheh! Well done mate, about time someone told them. Have you noticed they just resort to insults, no arguments?
Of course. And I actually support Trump and Republicans on ~15-20% of issues, so all liberals and Leftists hate me and throw me off their sites and ban me. Also I'm banned for being a "racist" LOL. And an "antisemite" LOL. I vote Dem but I'm politically homeless because Dems hate me.
Why doesn't he stick to international affairs? Look what happens when this Simplicius wades into domestic politics - all Hell breaks loose. He already has a blog for that - Dark Futura. Why not keep it all over there?
I see you're still blazing a trail of stupidity...
If the system is so game-able by simply claiming asylum, then everyone will just claim asylum. Which is what they are doing.
But they're not We CAUGHT 2.4 million illegals at the border and sent em packing. The Republican LIE and say "2.4 million illegals came into the country last year" implying that that's how many made it past the Border Patrol. It's a lie and they know it, but it looks like everyone is falling for it. 300,000 more made it past. So there's 2.7 million who weren't claiming asylum. I'm not sure how many asylum seekers are coming in, but it's probably a lot less than that.
Of course the asylum thing is a scam for the most part. Many people who would have been illegals in the past are now claiming asylum. A lot of other people who would never have tried in the past due to being too far away are now claiming the asylum thing because they think the doors are open.
The refugee asylum thing was not abused in the past. This is a recent scam on the part of would-be immigrants to the US that STARTED UNDER TRUMP. Of course it's basically a scam, but these people will do anything to get in.
This is a brand new problem we never dealt with before. The Democrats are total idiots and are claiming that these people need asylum because they are fleeing "poverty and crime (violent crime)." Well those things are sad but poverty and crime, even violent crime, are not reasons to be allowed refugee asylum to the United States, and they never have been. If they were, we'd have 2 billion people on our borders in no time.
You have to have a valid fear for your personal safety due to threats. Maybe if your country is gang-infested, and you are getting real and credible threats or attempts on your life from violent street gangs, you get in. If you are a member of some persecuted ethnic or sexual minority or opposition political group who is seriously threatened with imprisonment on an unfair basis, you get in. Gays facing a real threat of persecution get in.
So do persecuted minorities and political activists who are selected for persecution.
You have to document all this stuff and it's not easy. I understand 95% of cases fail at hearing.
This is a brand new area of law, and it has nothing to do with "illegals." We're doing great when it comes to catching illegals at the border. There is no illegal immigrant crisis. There's a refugee asylum seeker crisis, but it's not in the millions; nevertheless, it's a mess.
Another scam they tried was sending their minor kids to cross the border. As we were not allowed to turn away unaccompanied minors at the border for humanitarian reasons, illegal alien scammers started sending their minor kids across because they were assured of getting in. Trump started locking up these minors, and all Hell broke loose. Once again we are dealing with a whole new area here because no one had ever tried the unaccompanied minor scam before. We are treading in new waters and don't know what to do.
Biden is screwed. He ought to be tougher on asylum seekers. Wait in Mexico would be great. Funding the courts would be great. But a lot of his base are Hispanics who love illegals. Many of the rest are liberals who never met an illegal alien they didn't love. If he cracks down, no matter how hard, the people furious about this issue will never vote for him anyway, so there's no upside to cracking down. And he risks a lot of his base staying home if he cracks down. He can't win.
Also if he cracks down in Texas, he looks like a dictator. If he backs down, he looks weak, so he can't win there either.
Biden's just a mushy Centrist. He's not even a liberal. Most Lefties despise him.
Deportation delayed for German home-schooling family living in East Tennessee
The 1 family Biden wants to deport.
The Republicans want the system to fail just as much as the Democrats, because they both have paymasters who want to use immigrant labor legal or not, to beat down labour costs. There is a lot of moaning from retail and shit job industries that they can't get workers, but I know that there are a lot of workers who can't find jobs because they are legal. it's much harder to cheat and abuse a legal worker.
I think it's mostly the Republicans who want the system to fail. They obviously love illegal alien labor, and once they get into the US, Republicans usually don't bother to deport them. Neither party ever raids businesses who hire illegals. Trump almost never did this although he bitched and moaned about illegals the whole time.
E-Verify was a great idea but liberal idiots shot it down. I hate DeSatanist but at least he put in E-Verify. I think the Democrats just love illegals because that's what their base, heavily Hispanic, demands. Some of them love to go on about "jobs Americans won't do" but that's bullshit. There are no jobs Americans won't do. Where I live, a lot of Americans and legal immigrants do farm work!
Both parties totally suck on this issue and neither party wants to solve the illegal alien problem. The Republicans want to pretend they are doing something about it to get people to vote Republican, but then they never do anything about it because it will hurt their business base that relies in illegal alien labor.
The Democrats don't want to solve the problem either because their base will massacre them if they try, and the people who vote Republican over this issue will never vote Democrat no matter how hard the Dems crack down. So it's lose lose.
Also, contra this article, illegals can't and don't vote.
Sir, you do a terrific disservice to those of us who pay for the privilege of reading Simplicius’ communications and thoughtful discussion. Your comments are childish, rude, and frankly historically ignorant. Please see your psychiatrist and resist further urges the to post any more nonsense before you get back on your meds.
I must say, it seems the other way round to me. Pot, kettle and all that.
OK, there are legitimate asylum claims that should be considered - but those seeking asylum are not supposed to be wandering around shopping for the best deal - they should have applied in Mexico or whatever country they passed through before that.
Mandatory e-Verify is a great idea - if you are interested in a huge expansion of federal authority - you would not even be able to apply for a job without notifying the government. Employment/hiring would be completely subject to government approval - Think NICS on steroids.
As with a lot of other critical stuff, Thomas Massie has been about the only R to stand up and oppose this.
"OK, there are legitimate asylum claims that should be considered - but those seeking asylum are not supposed to be wandering around shopping for the best deal - they should have applied in Mexico or whatever country they passed through before that."
Yes but the US has not implemented the first safe country rule, so refugees are unfortunately free to shop around for the best deal, which is exactly what they are doing.
"Mandatory e-Verify is a great idea"
I'm a Leftie who loves Big Government (except cops and army), so I support this. It's either Big Government or barbarism, paraphrasing Rosa Luxemburg.
Big government’s pose a threat on its own to society: regulations. Smothering regulations. More and more regulations as they have to keep themselves busy, have meaning in their jobs. And ofc you can only vote for the puppets in Washington, but you cannot vote for these unelected bureaucrats.
So not really an alternative for the already flawed system in place.
I see below you're a mixed bag. Regards.
First safe country. I'm not sure Mexico would qualify for that but if it's safer than the place they came from, maybe it fits the bill.
It's hard to follow your points.
"I think it's mostly the Republicans who want the system to fail. They obviously love illegal alien labor and once they get into the US, Republicans usually don't bother to deport them." > But 2.4 million were apparently deported last year.
"The whole problem is with asylum seekers. Many would-be illegals are now claiming to be seeking asylum. 95% of these claims are fake." > So they are lying about their asylum status = which I believes make them illegals. And aren't real asylum seekers supposed to cross at designated crossings? But instead this gang wades across the Rio Grande?
"You have to document all this stuff and it's not easy. I understand 95% of cases fail at hearing." Isn't that why hardly any of them actually attend their court dates? They know their case would probably fail and they would be deported? They get released into the US and then are expected to appear at their court date and argue their reasons for asylum? What's happening is they dissapear into the US with no one really knowing who they are, where they are, and what they are up to.
Your arguement of there not being a illegal immigrant problem but an asylum seeker problem doesn't make much sense. Whatever you want to call them they are a major problem for the US. I don't know where your getting your facts and numbers from.
Thank you for your polite response.
"I think it's mostly the Republicans who want the system to fail. They obviously love illegal alien labor and once they get into the US, Republicans usually don't bother to deport them." > But 2.4 million were apparently deported last year."
Republicans deport them a lot more than Democrats do, but they still do a piss poor job of it. Even under Trump, once across the border, you were pretty much in like Flynn. Biden made it so much worse. Under Biden, hardly any long term illegals are being deported from inside the US.
2.4 million were *caught at the border and maybe a ways inside the border in border states,* and then they were deported. Basically, if they catch them at the border, they toss em! There is no "catch and release" like Republican liars say. However, once they get up into the US and get picked up for whatever reason and their immigration status is discovered, there are few if any deportations happening.
Biden wanted to deport people who had committed felonies in the US, but liberals complained that that was cruel, so he backed down.
Both sides are insane.
"The whole problem is with asylum seekers. Many would-be illegals are now claiming to be seeking asylum. 95% of these claims are fake." > So they are lying about their asylum status = which I believes make them illegals.
I guess they think they have an asylum case. Who knows?
Illegals are trying to sneak across the border.
Asylum seekers present themselves at the border and turn themselves in seeking asylum. The fact that they are pretty much gaming the system doesn't make them "illegals," and it's language abuse to call them that. They're perfectly legal. They're just exploiting a vulnerability in the system. If they were truly illegals, *they wouldn't get in in the first place*.
"And aren't real asylum seekers supposed to cross at designated crossings?"
I think they are but I'm not sure. Mostly they just walk up to the Border Patrol checkpoint and turn themselves in. That's how it works. There are even lines of them outside the checkpoints.
"But instead this gang wades across the Rio Grande?"
I don't think asylum seekers are sneaking across the border and then claiming asylum. They probably get thrown back it they do that and told to present themselves at a Border Patrol checkpoint to do it properly. I think that's the only way you get in.
"Isn't that why hardly any of them actually attend their court dates?"
I have heard that a lot of them skip their court dates, but I'm not sure how many that is. Obviously that's a catastrophe. And I've heard that even after they skip the court dates and we pick them up, we still won't deport them! Biden is really dropping the ball on this asylum thing and on deportation inside the US in general. I think if you have them wait in Mexico and then come in for their court dates, I assume you get fewer skipping their court dates.
"They know their case would probably fail and they would be deported?"
Maybe. Clearly much of this is just scamming. I think we both agree that it's a clusterfuck.
"They get released into the US and then are expected to appear at their court date and argue their reasons for asylum?"
"What's happening is they disappear into the US with no one really knowing who they are, where they are, and what they are up to."
Of course. But I'm not sure if they can work. Can they? Clusterfuck, like I said.
"Your argument of there not being a illegal immigrant problem but an asylum seeker problem doesn't make much sense."
Yes it does. How many times do we have to tell you 2.4 million illegals were caught and deported at the border before it makes sense to you? Biden's Border Patrol is doing a knock-up job catching illegal aliens, and all you all do is throw abuse at him and set about redefining words any way you want to. Only 300,000 got through. That's not a very large number historically. And 2.4 million caught is probably near the record. Lot of credit he's getting!
Words have meanings believe it or not and you can't just redefine them just because you feel like it. We don't have an illegal problem. Or in fact, we DO. It's because there has been a mad rush for the borders since Biden came in. 2.7 million at the border is a very high number. Apparently Biden came in and the illegals started rushing the border because they thought he was going to go easy on them, but that's not his fault.
"Whatever you want to call them they are a major problem for the US."
I would agree with you that this new scam these illegals have thought up - the refugee asylum scam - is causing all manner of problems for us mostly because it's a new problem we don't know how to deal with. But we need to use words properly according to their meanings, otherwise we are abusing language itself, which is immoral.
"I don't know where your getting your facts and numbers from."
Been studying this a long time.
Nice comment. On the illegals can't vote, some claim there will be an amnesty with fast track citizenship. I think it's mostly fear mongering, but then it's a seller's market these days.
They've been screaming about another amnesty since 1986 and it hasn't happened yet. It's been 37 years! Shades of Chicken Little...if any amnesty at all gets passed, it will be very slo-mo, and it certainly won't be fast-tracked. The proposals under consideration recently wouldn't have allowed citizenship until 20 years down the road, if that.
Your foamy comment is itself bs. After all, as you wrote, virtually all of the migrants are phonies, and there's no such thing as an unalienable right to asylum. Your argument from so-called law is mere jurisprudishness in defense of an obvious subterfuge arranged by the mass migration mafia. The fact that you'd trot out that crap on-line, apparently in your own name, suggests that you're not just stupid but dirty, too.
"After all, as you wrote, virtually all of the migrants are phonies, and there's no such thing as an unalienable right to asylum."
I'm not sure how it works. I think if you have a halfway reasonable case, you just automatically get in at the border. There may be a step where the Border Patrol interviews you and sees if you have a valid reason for asylum, I'm not sure. No one is violating any laws by letting all these asylum seekers in, and I believe they are just following US laws on this matter. The main way fake asylum claims are discovered is in court. The Border Patrol may not be able to do that as laws are written.
I am following the laws here. You want to crack down on asylum seekers? Fine you will probably need to write new laws then.
"Reactionary dog", writes the jurisprude. LOL.
Those so-called laws are just words on paper, and the very best example of their insubstantiality is the batch of scribbling called the Constitution of the USA. If, one day, you begin to learn about the law, which you pretend to understand so well, maybe you will comprehend the implications of the C pretending to state the law on "Ratification" and "Establishment" before either of these. Until that moment you will understand basically nothing about the so-called law of the USA and remain a mere "Reactionary dog". This is surely ironic given your confident denunciation.
You might try and keep it civil, dude.
The US *is* signatory to a bunch of conventions that obligate certain treatment of refugees. And even if 95% of those coming in are not legitimate refugees that would still leave 500,000 to a million who legit.
There's also the point that the dangerous conditions in many of the places - like Venezuela and Central America are places that are at least partly that way due to US internentions, sanctions and what not.
Terrrorist/enemy infiltration is a legitimate concern. The fact that well-financed NGO's are coordinating this is a legitimate concern.
But it smells like a SETUP - watch out for the pre-packaged 'solution' that the crisis was manufactured for in the first place. Another 'Plandemic'.
'They' want the sheeple to beg for an authoritarian solution that will just happen to take what's left of people's liberty.
Appreciate the Tejanos going off-script, hopefully that will be disruptive of the elite's plans.
A few disagreements.
"And even if 95% of those coming in are not legitimate refugees, that would still leave 500,000 to a million who legit."
Wait a minute. How many asylum seekers are at our borders every year? It can't be 10 million as you say.
If they have a legitimate fear of persecution, we are obligated to let them in, and it's a crime not to. There are Central Americans who were getting actual threats from gang members in Honduras. Some of their relatives had even been murdered by these people. A court said this woman had no claim and sent her back. She was murdered by gang members soon after she returned. If that makes me an evil liberal for wanting to let her stay, so be it.
"There's also the point that the dangerous conditions in many of the places - like Venezuela and Central America are places that are at least partly that way due to US interventions, sanctions and what not."
Sure, but our politics isn't going to change, so saying this doesn't really help matters. Yes our foreign policy is reactionary crap and that drives a lot of refugees or fakefugees here, but what are we supposed to do? Let them all in because of our garbage foreign policy?
"Terrorist/enemy infiltration is a legitimate concern."
They're coming in as fakefugees? I doubt it. I think this is just rightwing fearmongering. Notice they tie it all into 10-7. After 10-7, evil Hamas and Hezbollah and Iranians will flood the border and kill Americans! I think this is a Chicken Little thing.
"The fact that well-financed NGO's are coordinating this is a legitimate concern."
The only one I'm aware of is a Jewish one. They were refugees who were turned back to be murdered, so they think the same thing awaits all these fakefugees. I think they're just naive.
"Appreciate the Tejanos going off-script, hopefully that will be disruptive of the elite's plans."
Nothing good's going to come of this. Manufactured crisis.
Are you saying NYC, Denver and Chicago, to name just a few, are not really struggling with the reported busloads of illegal immigrants?
Yes! There are no illegal immigrants swarming those cities. Republicans are lying to you. None of them are illegals.
They are all refugees claiming asylum status. That's why they got in. The law says we have to let them in. If they were illegals we would have turned them back at the borders as we turned back 2.4 million last year.
You really don’t know how to debate. Demeaning the opposing person is a low class move.
And maybe you are wrong on some points. Have you put boots on the ground I. Denver for instance? And why is the NYC mayor claiming there are too many illegals (asylum seekers if you want).
I don’t want to get in a fight with you Robert. My time is more valuable
"And maybe you are wrong on some points."
Of course I'm not.
"Have you put boots on the ground in Denver for instance?"
Nope and I don't need to.
"And why is the NYC mayor claiming there are too many illegals (asylum seekers if you want)."
Well I hope he's saying there are too many asylum seekers. The law as it is currently written mandates that we let all these asylum seekers in while their cases are being adjudicated. Republicans refuse to fund the immigration courts because they want a huge years-long backlog in order to create a crisis they can beat up Democrats with.
Biden has not put back in the remain in Mexico policy. Sure, I'm a Biden supporter, but I think he made a big mistake here. Because that program was annulled, all of these asylees have to be let in. Clearly this is causing a huge mess which is being politicized by some very dishonest people.
I really want Biden to put that policy back in by the way.
You really like to slew negative comments at anyone you think opposes your views. That’s the sign of an egotistical narcissist.
You have no idea my political views but throw me into who you oppose.
Personally I think you don’t know what you are talking about. I want the border completely closed to stop the flow of fentanyl and human trafficking.
Good night and goodbye
Of course, seen from England this is ludicrous. Unless you are Cherokee, Mohawk, Arapaho et al. you're all illegal immigrants. ;O)
Oh, I see what this guy's shtick is. He's saying there's not millions of "illegals" flooding over the border, there's millions of "refugees seeking asylum" flooding. Just semantic games.
They're not illegals. That's all there is to it. The law mandates we have to let these people in and give them a hearing. If you don't like it, change the law.
There are illegal aliens. People trying to sneak across the border.
There are asylum seekers, who are 100% legal even if most of them are scammers. None of them are "illegals," so it's bullshit to say they are. We have to let them in to adjudicate their cases as per US laws that they are frankly abusing.
Calling them illegal aliens is a severe abuse of the term especially when this administration is breaking records catching illegals and deporting them. 2.4 million last year, nearly a record. Do they get any credit? Of course not.
Except 2 problems:
1. True asylum seekers who are fleeing conflict zones etc. are obliged to seek asylum in the first country they enter. These illegals cross multiple countries in central America to selectively choose the US, thus nullifying their asylum seeking status.
2. You completely leave out the fact that the entire illegal alien army is a totally and intentionally engineered process through dozens of NGOs supported FROM the US (and proven so with tons of documented evidence), which means the administration you're desperate to absolve is actually complicit in organizing the vast migrant armies being paid to trek across central America to the US border.
Your sophistic attempts to dismiss this in fact conceal the true orchestrated nature of the crime.
"True asylum seekers who are fleeing conflict zones etc. are obliged to seek asylum in the first country they enter."
There is a rule along those lines, but countries are not obligated to enforce it. The US did not enforce this rule in either the Biden or Trump Administrations. I'm all in favor of the "first safe country" rule though.
As we are not enforcing this rule, we are legally obligated to adjudicate all asylum claims. The fact that they didn't stop in the first safe country doesn't mean they are not asylum seekers. Of course they are. They only won't be if and when the US puts that rule in.
"These illegals cross multiple countries in central America to selectively choose the US, thus nullifying their asylum seeking status."
It doesn't nullify a damn thing because it's not a rule that anyone is obligated to follow. Some countries do and some countries don't. So their asylum status is not nullified at all and is in fact legal, and it is mandatory that the US adjudicate their claims.
"You completely leave out the fact that the entire illegal alien army is a totally and intentionally engineered process through dozens of NGOs supported FROM the US"
I don't think there's any evidence of that at all. It's just rightwing insanity. Some are trying naively to help the asylum seekers. Anyway, it doesn't matter who's helping them. People will flood to our borders in droves whether anyone is helping them or not. And Mexico actively discourages them.
The reason they come here is simple economics. They're coming from poor countries for the money. Pretty much. Some are fleeing violence but even those could stop in Mexico where the violence rate is much lower. Or they could go to Costa Rica or Panama. They won't because they're coming for the money.
"which means the administration you're desperate to absolve is actually complicit in organizing the vast migrant armies being paid to trek across central America to the US border."
I'm certain that that's not the case. This illegal alien BS is such a mess that I'm quite certain the administration would be ecstatic if those numbers dropped off by a lot. There's no upside to having this flood at the borders. It's a gigantic election loser.
"organizing the vast migrant armies being paid to trek across central America to the US border."
There are some agencies helping "asylum seekers" come to the US via Central America, it is true. One I know of is Jewish. I think they are just naive. They were asylum seekers once, and they were turned back and murdered, so they think the same fate awaits everyone else. No one is helping illegals come to the US. It's laughable.
Democrats do not benefit at all from illegals. They can't and don't vote and probably won't be able to for a very long time. They cause all manner of problems and fiscal troubles everywhere they crowd into. Obviously they lower wages and standards for everyone else. They don't commit much crime, but their kids do, and it's their kids that are behind much of the gang violence.
There is no plot. There is no conspiracy. There is no crime. It's just simple economics. Occam's Razor anyone?
Don't forget your testosterone replacement therapy appointment on Monday, Robert.
You write very long comments and don't research any of it? "I don't think there's any evidence of that at all. It's just rightwing insanity." It's f.cking not, research it, lot's of NGOs making money of it, Caritas, Red Cross, over and over again. Not since yesterday, since at least 30 years, in Germany for example many of those NGOs belong to the Catholic and Protestant Churches. They make looooot's of money with it. In the Obama Administration there was a woman, her last name is Pope, just research her, she and others organize the whole "refugee" route, medical treatment, even credit cards, if you don't believe me, just look it up. But I think you won't, me thinks you are just here to troll.
BH Bob, "founder of the Alternative Left political movement", is an inartful dodger who aspires to importance in totalitarianism. It seems, however, that he's not able to convince key decision makers of his worthiness. So he trolls Substack at 1:15 am EST on Saturday morning to show everyone how oily he can be.
Robert is a low T gamma male. What else does he have to do on a Saturday morning?
I have decided that I am a lawyer. Therefore, I am legally a lawyer and I will practice law until a court says I am not a lawyer.
It don't work that way, pal. It's not illegal to claim asylum for whatever reason. It's up to the state to determine if your claim is valid or not. It's illegal to practice law without a license.
Same done in Italy from leftish/greenish German supported NGO's using Mediterranean sea to invade us...
Davos at work... damn them all..
They're just naive bleeding hearts. There's no conspiracy.
"Asylum seeker" is a euphemism for refugee; what is an "asylum"? It's a place of refuge, if you seek one, you're a refugee. Using the euphemism is a way of ducking the legal status that refugees have.
Refugees have legal status. Asylum seekers do not until they are declared refugees. The law says we have to let them in until their claims are adjudicated.
Biden put in a first safe country rule. A court overturned it. Next.
So those migratory aliens are "scammers", eh? Ah, now I get it. They are CRIMINAL ALIENS wrt the so-called laws.
Thanks for the clarification.
They're not violating any laws, so they're not criminals. 95% of cases are rejected and most of those are good decisions. Everyone scams everyone all the time. It's human nature. Most scamming is not criminal at all. Sure, it's in bad faith, but all scamming is. Homo sapiens is a scamming species.
"Everyone scams everyone all the time."
If so, then Robert Lindsay "scams everyone all the time". Let's hang onto this information while bearing in mind your blatantly defamatory generalization about everyone.
P.S. Thanks for blocking me, not that I'd be much tempted to read the mendacious drivel of your Substack.
Lying about the claim for asylum is illegal, hence these invaders are criminals.
"They're not illegals."
8 U.S. Code § 1325 says otherwise.
Replenishing the Earth: The Settler revolution and the rise of the Anglo-world, 1783–1939. Oxford University Press, 2009. ISBN 978-0-19-929727-6
I think that you'll find that the "flood" began at the end of the Napoleonic Wars.
His moniker " beyond highbrow" is a good indication of that 🙄
Maybe if we stopped bombing their countries and installing right wing dictatorships so their children starve (or become sex slaves or child soldiers for the regime) they'd stop coming? Oh, but they have brown skin so they're not even human to you. One of my favorite stories about Texas is when under Governor James Hogg they outlawed the Mexican-Americans from speaking Spanish in schools, his wife Sara defended the decision with the brilliant observation that "Well, since Jesus Christ spoke English, it's good enough for me!" (Full disclosure-- I lived in Port Arthur for 3 weeks in 1981 when I worked on a Merchant Marine boat servicing the oil rigs out in the Gulf of Mexico (ooh, how it must offend you that it's named that)!! Texas is a racist shithole, glad I got out of there & back to Louisiana, which had it's problems but is still better than Texas.)
You're full of shit, Robert.
Brilliant retort, reactionary.
Robert the know-it-all gamma male.
I really hate to keep this thread alive, but there is a key issue that is being overlooked.
Forget about who is crossing the border, for a moment, and why. There are exactly two ways to cross the land border into the USA - at designated crossing points, and everywhere else (such as swimming across the Rio Grande river into Eagle Pass, TX).
The vast majority of people entering Texas are NOT coming in at designated (and also safe, sanitary, etc) crossing points and THAT is what the two sides are arguing about - who is going to control the site at Eagle Pass which is NOT a designated crossing point. There is zero conflict about who controls the legal border crossing sites into Texas (100% federal jurisdiction).
All the rest of the argments (are they migrants? Are they asylum seekers?) is secondary. The issue is whether people entering the USA from Mexico should use the designated border crossing facilities or be encouraged NOT TO. And the feds, right now, are encouraging them not to (weirdly, migrant deaths from this used to be a major Dem issue).
I don't understand what the big fuss is over this anyway. The Biden Border Patrol is doing a bang-up job of catching illegals at the border. This year there were 2.4 million illegals caught and sent back. That's near a record.
So by claiming that these illegal border crossings are not being guarded when they actually are, which is what these Medieval and barbarous Texans are doing, they're creating a fake, manufactured crisis where none existed before.
There is and was no problem with illegals flooding across the border. They're almost all getting caught and only a few are getting through, just like in most years. After all, we catch 90% of illegals trying to cross. If we're catching 90% of them (which may be high in a historical sense), there clearly is no problem with "an out of control border with illegals flooding across" like the Republicans are lying about.
If there's a problem with fakefugees (and admittedly, there is) then call it what it is and call them asylum seekers, not illegals because they're not breaking any laws. But that isn't as sexy and won't get people as riled up as dynamite words like "illegals." By creating a fake crisis at a border point where there is no crisis over an issue that is not even a problem, there is simply a fake, politicized issue and everyone who is falling for it is a mark being taken by Republican con artists.
Tl;dr: It's all politics, bullshit, and lies. There's nothing real or substantial happening here, just political con artists scamming the gullible public as they do 24-7 in this benighted land.
Robert the Low T Gamma Male has a War & Peace-length response for each and every comment, and he lies in every one of them.
"what these Medieval and barbarous Texans are doing, they're creating a fake, manufactured crisis where none existed before."
As a Texan that lives 60 miles of the border, my wife & I witness your 'fake & manufactured crisis" daily. I can assure you that it is real.
Maybe one of these days, some of your old brain lights will come on, and then you're gonna feel things differently.
What do you mean? The asylum seekers?
There is no illegal alien crisis. We catch 90% of them. Biden is setting records for catching illegals, 2.4 million last year. 300,000 of them got through, but that's normal in any year.
What part of my comment do you not understand??? Would it help you grasp it if I wrote it in crayons??? Your stupidity is resilient.
WR, You're trying to reason with either a stunningly brain damaged victim of ADHD who truly believes he knows everything worth knowing or it's Artificial Intelligence pretending to be intelligent, operated by a dysfunctional propagandist glued to his government office chair for 8 hours a day.
Either way, he's a waste of your time and whatever food keeps him alive.
" But we have to let them in while their claims are adjudicated. "
More of your bullshit! The USA could put up refugee camps and hold the fake asylum seekers behind barbwire and gun towers, while they wait in the desert for seven years to have their claims authenticated. They would soon stop coming to plunder our communities.
"The USA could put up refugee camps and hold the fake asylum seekers behind barbwire and gun towers, while they wait in the desert for seven years to have their claims authenticated."
I suppose we could, but people wouldn't like that very much.
"I suppose we could, but people wouldn't like that very much."
This is the kind of meaningless crap AI would insert into the narrative. Thank you for confirming my suspicions.
Props to the guys taking long-distance marches to fake long-range strikes. Wish they had the opportunity to put those skills to a more productive use.
No one "marches" for 600 km. The average person can walk about 30km a day, so this was an effort that took at least two weeks to accomplish (and two weeks back).
What makes this interesting, though, is why they were WALKING in the first place instead of riding a bus or driving a car (or hitchhiking, etc) - clearly, Russia must be quite active in its use of checkpoints and vehicle monitoring or else the saboteurs would've not chosen to walk the soles of their shoes off.
Impressive show of endurance and security on both ends. Were it only mobilized towards ends other than war...
Thanks for the A50 breakdown. Some of your readers were offended that I even asked in earlier posts.
Just FYI - the LNG graphic you posted is from 2006. There are newer ones. Also back then most LNG terminals were anticipated to be import terminals. When the shale gas revolution hit, most were converted to export terminals.
Abbott is a common slithering Republican who is owned by alien supremacists. He'll fold like an old lawn chair in a trailer park before Easter.
Well, apparently he's in India now anyway and the TX constitution gives 'acting governor' powers to Dan Patrick in his absence so if anything goes down now, it'll be up to him
Off topic I know – but among all the wars all over the world it is important to follow and to retain the lessons of this primary war with Russia – the mother of all wars and the one which will definitively change the world
27 January 2024 Lithuanian army declares war on Lithuanian politicians
‘Will Putin attack Nato? No chance says Lithuanian General’
The infighting intensifies even in the most rabid anti Russia republics
The juvenile Foreign Minister gets whipped by the commander of the armed forces, after his smirking pronouncements that Ukraine is buying him time to get himself ready to fight the RF
That there is Press and PR for some adult opinion may mean that some of the EU ruling class recognise that instead of killing off their remaining citizens and economies there may be advantages to making peace with Russia and maybe, just maybe, getting back to the time when
“This year, next year, the possibility or the probability of a war between Russia and NATO is very low, extremely low,” General Valdemaras Rupšys told Lithuanian radio Žinių Radijas on Thursday.
Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis seems more alert to the possibility of a Russian attack. “Yes, we're convinced that a real war is a likely possibility,” he said in Brussels on Wednesday before a meeting with EU counterparts.
“When we have to discuss military advice with those who are not really qualified to give military advice, there is some confusion,” Rupšys said on the disagreement with his foreign minister. He suggested politicians should focus on their specific roles.
“It would be good for everyone to do their job in the whole decision-making process,” the general stressed.
All those Baltic Politicians are on crack cocaine as Elensky is. They have all together, all three nations, maybe 45k soldiers top, no tanks, no fighter jets, not fleet, just a bunch of Russophobe morons spewing nonsense 24/7. The first thing those idiots do, if they are even 1 IQ point over 80, they flee the county, as many Ukronazis do now also, if SHTF and NATO invades Russia or makes some bs false flag to "defend" themselves.
The Baltic nations have ruling classes (élites in US speak) who are bound into the EUUS governing class bureaucracies, the transatlantic TinkTank corporate complex
The countries have been diminished by emigration, and hollowed out by elimination of structure and tradition via EUUS ideologisms, reduced to a collection of touristy toy towns
Ruling class policies and loyalties are dictated by class interest - this is significant for them: the condition or the fate of their countries' peoples are less interesting and important – quite apart from the fact that to follow orders is a lot easier than figuring out policy in such a difficult situation
As per Ukraine the price exacted by the EUUS is the sacrifice of their peoples and countries
According to the Duran, Ukr latest "explanation" for the Ilyushin shoot-own is that Ukr had figured it was ALSO carrying high-ranking Russian officers.
That pretty much rules out "accident", and as Alex says, what a task to explain to the murdered prisoner's relatives that this was entirely intentional...
Great work, as so often.
One of those "high-ranking" officers is the guy in charge of organizing all Ukr-Rus prisoner exchanges. So, why would someone in Kiev so badly want him dead?
Because there are many more Ukrainian prisoners of war than Russian.
I think it's just an empty excuse for the up.
Rather interesting to note the rise in entropy and the progress, indeed acceleration, of all that's unraveling. Thank you.
Unraveling is the right word, right now the Biden admin seems to have all the features of an unraveling wool mitten at the mercy of several very focused kittens.
Some good analysis here. Linking tomorrow @
Thank you, Governor Abbott. Eventually someone of was going to stand-up to Biden. You might have been the guy that started a change in this country.
It sure took Gov. R2D2 of Texas long enough to finally put up a fuss. This shit has only been happening for 3 years now, with 6 million+ illegal aliens pouring across the border. (They're illegal aliens - not "illegal immigrants" or "migrants.")
Under the Biden Administration, 900,000 illegal immigrants have entered the country. Approximately 7.5 million have been caught and sent back, a record! There are no "millions of illegal aliens" or "6 million illegal aliens" pouring across the border. The Republicans just make up these lies and all the gullible marks fall for them, but the marks really don't care if they're lies or not because they'll say they're true no matter what as these people have no use for truth, facts, and science. They're all running on raw amygdala power, like a flaky woman.
Hello!!! election year--timing is impt.