It seems like after they got caught with the initial lies about 40 beheaded babies and Ben Shapiro promoting an AI generated image of a burned baby, they have continued to come up with new horror stories (I think one story about a baby cut out of the mother was what the Israelis did decades ago in the Sabra and Shatilla massacre)
CNN Retracts Hamas Beheading Babies Claim and Apologizes. Sara Sidner Says It Came From The Israeli PM's Office And Was Originally "Confirmed," But Later Disintegrated Into "Cannot Confirm"
It Should Trouble Everybody Deeply That Israeli PM's Office Mainlined The Most Inflammatory Story Imaginable To The Entire World. This Alone Could Be A Whole Book
CNN reporter who "confirmed" fake beheaded Israeli babies story promoted Libya intervention propaganda in 2011
12 years before Sara Sidner helped pave the way for ethnic cleansing in Gaza, she generated "mass hysteria" about rape to justify NATO's Libya intervention
A lesson in Israeli propaganda. The video is a jump of many cuts but the soundtrack simply continues over the cuts. Not a single person shown has lips moving in any kind of chant. A large number of educated people, who must see and understand this, are deliberately tweeting out this fake.
The US media is 100% controlled by the Zionists. They will never tell the people that Israel created Hamas and they will never tell the people that Netanyahu is on record, quoted, emphasizing the importance of supporting Hamas.
The US media is 100% propaganda and lies.
They will never tell the people that this was a false flag and that there are many former IDF calling BS on the "failed intelligence" narrative, etc.
They will never tell the people that the governments and intelligence agencies are the ones who fund, support and control the terrorist groups (ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Hamas, etc).
They will never tell the people about Israel/Mossad's decades long history of false flag terrorism, which they use to demonize Palestinians and prevent peace.
This is latest lie the Jews made up. They're pretty good. As good as the Ukrainians probably, and the whole US believed every single insane lie the Ukrainians made up.
I bet this latest lie turns out to be bullshit too.
The "40 murdered babies" looks like bullshit too. Half of the dead civilians have been listed and there's not a single baby among them. So not only no beheaded babies but no killed babies at all. I'm thinking that bloody crib must have been a psy-op of the Jews.
The "burned to death" baby photo of a "baby burnt to a crisp" has been shown to be a Jewish Photoshop fake.
The latest Jewish lie is that 471 people didn't die at the hospital. Instead the US government says 200-300 (they're lying). The Jews are saying that some authority bullshit authority says 50 died (they're lying) and some other clown authority says no one died but 18 people got wounded (they're lying). The video with the doctors posing in front of the white body bags? All fake. There's nothing in any of those body bags (they're lying).
Not to mention the whole errant Hamas rocket insanity. Anyone with a working brain knows that was a Jewish bomb. If you have an open mind most of this stuff ain't rocket science. But an open mind is a rare thing among Americans and Westerners, some of the most closed minded and propagandized people on Earth.
I think Western and especially US lying and propaganda has almost reached North Korea levels. LOL.
Yeah we're getting gaslighted all through this damned Ukraine war. Almost all Westerners went along with these lies.
Before we were gaslit through the whole Syrian War. Almost all Westerners went along with these lies too, although there was some pushback with Theodore Postal and the UN itself saying the chemical attacks were lies. There's a new Seymour Hersch article saying that the original "Sarin attack" in Damascus in 2013 was completely faked. I've known that for a long time. We studied every single "gas attack" over there and they were all faked. Assad got rid of all of his chemical weapons just like Saddam. It's Iraqi WMD all over again. We got fooled by the Saddam WMD bullshit.
Now we're being gaslit again in the Israel-Palestine fight, but there's more pushback in the West about this one than the other two, which is somewhat hopeful.
If you go on Wikipedia now, you will see that much of recent history involving US foreign policy is just one endless lie. Wikipedia should be called "the world according to the CIA" or CIApedia.
What is the truth? If you look on a lot of those articles, they will have an entry called "conspiracy theory." LOL that's where you will find the TRUTH about what happened.
I've been thinking about this a lot lately and I'm coming up with ideas like, "In our modern world in the West, LIFE ITSELF IS A CONSPIRACY THEORY.
Proxy wars, trade wars, currency wars, are all WARS. Big spike in US military base 'suicides', suspected to be amongst the remains of Patriot missile batteries blown up by Russia in Kiev.
Blaahhahahha, oh man thats amazing stuff. Go ahead and show me ANY reports or videos or pics from either side about missile attacks on Kyiv. Lately. They've stopped for months because at least one nasams and one patriot full battery are there. Hence the shift jn attacks to odessa and kharkiv. Also, such a dumbass, only the command station has any personnel when actively firing.
The Bandera airforce spokesman, Yuri Ignat, stated last August that the Bandera territories have no ability to shoot down Iskanders. That's code for the Khinzal's can go where they whilst, unmolested by our ADA. The only 2 confirmed hits the PATRIOT has ever had were a Brit Tornado and an American Hornet. Both in March, 2003.
Cool bro, lol exfept that was last september before nasams and patriot batteries were delivered. Interesting, then if they can't shoot anything down then why has russia stopped attacking Kyiv? Also, kinzhels are only supersonic at altitude, they must slow way down when reentering below 80,000 ft, or it would burn up. its called physics.
The Bandera territories have had the useless PATRIOT and NASSAMS long before September. The last target in Kiev Russia that I can recall getting hit was a Khinzal through the window next to Budanov's office. Did you wonder why the Bandera airforce didn't bother to intercept it?
What targets do you imagine Kiev is filled with that Russia needs to strike?
Tinker AFB; 17 mysterious deaths that the Airforce will not comment on. Can you guess when 13 of them occurred?
And the PATRIOT only has EVER had two confirmed hits. Both allied aircraft. March, 2003.
If the PATRIOT was effective even once in the Bandera territories the wreckage of the intercepted missile would be paraded 24/7 and Raytheon would throw a party.
Has been his Entire career. He's the worst person in the worst place at the worst time. Makes me almost believe the Manicheans - that a malevolent demiurge rules the earth.
Archons, inorganic, preexisting machine intelligence masquerading as higher power beyond time. Ancient and modern myths converge, building the beast system, a malevolent AI possessing current human technology. The scary part is the intersection of archetypal dreams and waking life. The beast needs human minds and hands to imagine, invent and engineer the network. They use human defects..fear, desire and social duty and hero path, cultural, mythological and religious imagery to bait hosts. Some say the GATE program is designed to identify manifestations of the divine spark and coopt them. I've been dealing with an infestation since the mid 90's. "War coming home" was part of the latest sequence.
I was never "into" the Middle East, Russia/USSR/East Europe was my beat. I generally recognized that Israel was creating its own monsters in Israel and the US was helping, but I had no idea of the perfidy of the "international community" that cheated Palestinians of their land and their future state, one by intent and one by avoidance. That the UN has allowed this to go on and not put either the US or Israel under UN sanctions just points up the Uslessness of these Nations.
Thats a misrepresentation of history. One british diplomat promised arab independence for help in ww1!!!, then ww2 caused an influx of Jews to Israel, causing ohh 5 or 6 major wars of arab coalitions trying to displace the jews......except the jews won the wars.
Please, the politics of this entire takeover of somebody else's land was orchestrated by people desperate to dump the Jews somewhere else. Why not take 3 of Germany's Laender? They killed the Jews, not the Arabs. Why did the Arabas get punished? Because they were easy pickings, with no powerful diaspora.
Maybe true, but they also wanted to make it attractive to the jewish people, and the historic birthplace did that. To say Palestinians had their land taken, when for fucks sakes, it was british, then ottoman before that, then fought and conquered by everyone from egypt to rome is bullshit. If the two state system was implemented before the 1947 wars and the wars that followed it would have worked. The arabs lost, doubled and tripled down and continued to lose everyyyy fucking war. and in that bred a defensive force in Israel that wont go away ever.
Our history has been distorted. Examine it with an more objective perspective and you learn:
(1) The UN did not create two states; it divided one Palestinian state into two states - a Palestinian state composed of almost 100 percent Palestinians, and a Palestinian state composed of about 70 percent who were native to the area (400,000 Palestinians), a small contingent of foreign Jews that had originaly come as Zionists to live permanently in Palestine or were born there, (200,000), and another larger contingent of foreign Jews that had recently arrived for expediency, as a temporary measure, and not with intentions of remaining in the British Mandate (300,000). The latter, had no investment in the area, should not be concluded in the statistics. From that perspective, David Ben-Gurion and a small clique of opportunists took advantage of an ill-advised UN, an ill-led and ill- equipped Palestinian community, and a confused world to declare their state, and, with seasoned militia forces — Haganah, Irgun, Lehi, and Palmach — cleansed the area of Palestinians and established Israel. Just one example, which I have substantiated - Irgun troops after entering a Palestinian village were told to seize 10 Palestinians and shoot them; a plan intended to frighten other Palestinian villagers to flee.
(2) Look at the map and you will see that the Arab nations entered the strife and fought only to protect the area awarded to the 100% Palestinian nation. The later wars were fought to recover lost territory.
(2) Israel's problems with Arab nations does not change the major issue -- its destruction of the Palestinian community. The two issues are separate issues.
I mean bullshit, "legally, illegally" occupation after a war in 67. By those standard every country and every border that exists today would be "illegal". Russias, US, Israels.
Eh im presbyterian. but just the fact the arabs got pummeled in 6-7 wars and complain. And the fact even egypt jordan and lebanon won't open their lands to palestinian refugees.
There are more Christian Zionists than Jewish ones. Zionism is not a creed or a religion, it's a settler colonialist mentality that says Israel has a "right" to steal land and ethnically cleanse the the indigenous population. Your comments show exactly why that characterization is fully appropriate.
Ahhhhh. Can you tell me how Islam spread from Mecca to its current areas of influence? Or christianity from ohhhhh charlamagne in 800 to now? My point is not zionist or muslim, it's to point out the hypocritical "Palestinians land" arguement. Might makes right, and they've gotten their asses kicked since 47. And again, when did Palestinians occupy the levant?....around 700AD. When was the first "jewish" settlements, around Yahwee and the development of monotheism, about 2,000BC. So who se land was it originally
They didn't. With technological advances, they found it easier and more life-saving to use satellite spies and drones to survey Gaza and guided missiles, airplanes, and weaponized drones to eliminate those who rebelled against the oppression. Someone has made Gaza into the world's largest open-air prison. Someone is stopping Gaza fishermen from fishing and Gazans from leaving. Could it be the Israelis?
I mean you focus on gaza, what about the other two million palestinians living in Israel proper and west bank in palestinian autonomy? That ignores the fact Israels main issue is hammas not the controlled west bank? Yes regular palestinians in gaza are caught in the middle, what's the fix
Yea dumbass, read it again slowly so you can comprehend it. The palestinian authority and west bank and the other 2 million palestinians in Israel proper are fine and CAN and do get along mostly. Its hamas in gaza that's the issue.
Tienes una empanada muy grande. Israel siempre ha hecho lo que ha querido. Si Hamas está en Gaza fíjate en las elecciones y si ahora los quieren desalojar, fíjate en los recursos energéticos. Israel lo controla todo, incluso el hacer desaparecer convenientemente su vigilancia y su ejercito durante 7 horas para permitir la masacre. Todo controlado USA = Israel. Blinken, siendo como es ciudadano israelita, hace de mediador entre USA y los restantes vecinos árabes y al mismo tiempo dirige la OTAN. El que manda, manda y aquí solo manda uno
Well said sir. I digress with you on one point. There will be elections in 2024. When you have the vote rigged, why wouldn't you? It is necessary for the Kabuki theater that as Americans we have a choice.
Well...there might and likely will be people voting...but whether it will result in an actual election is the bet. Will there be an actual inauguration in January? And if there is, will it be acceptable?
Consider the inability of the “greatest nation in history “ not being able to conduct a simple election in which the voters, win or lose, can have confidence. Months of electoral college wrangling you know is going to result in one of “them” being selected. What chance that either losing side will decide they are better off with chaos than a result of whatever convoluted twists the election procedure produces?
hey, America is the shining city on the hill! It is the Exceptional Nation, no longer under God, alas. It is the only nation MORAL enough to rule every other nation, no matter how much bigger and richer they are than us. All our goodness allows us to establish Orwellian policies at home and abroad. Like urging the Ukrainian orcs running the show (who are no doubt perverts, too) to have a tranny as its spokesman for America. THAT really appealed! If the people who are running this junta in DC want to choose our leaders for us, why not? We choose every other country's leaders for them.
Lol bro, bush to obama, then to trump then to biden. If that alone doesn't show the equal distribution and fairness of elections you are an idiot. Comes down to turnout and independent voters, to think it's all "rigged" when a max 60% of voters show up is stupid and ignorant.
What else can you expect to happen during the period of normalization, following a coup d’état by the global fascist/communist alliance under the leadership of the CCP?
The problem being that Trump will likely be so far ahead that the fraud will no longer have plausible deniability...We will have a replay of 1876, when protests against the blatant fraud (engineered by the Army of Occupation in the South) forced a compromise that ended Reconstruction...
One does not simply become a real estate mogul in the capital of Jewish Debt Slavery system - New York. A true man of the people would come from unoccupied America.
It's so bad now that US politics will been a grander version of israeli politics as the LeftRight battle rages on Stateside: those Jews who wouldn't usually sink to raping children vs those that would just collapse buildings.
Wow you overestimate trump. I was for him in 2016 but he really is all show, I'm independent, he's lost a lot of us and mainstream republicans. Even then you know nothing about elections, the mail in ballots in swing states will again decide.
"mail-in" lol. More like dropped off after midnight once they know the vote gap they have to overcome. The day that Biden announced he would run for re-election I told my better half that the fix was in.
I'm a lawyer who practiced in Chicago...I know a lot about how elections are stolen..mail in ballots which can't be validated are the best way ever invented...Trump's main achievement was refusing to go to war with Russia or anyone...Hillary would have destroyed our country with a war, and now Biden has taken up the same idea.....
I'm an American ashamed of my Nazi controlled country and believe the only way to save it is defeat and humiliation. We will suffer the fate of Nazi Germany because of the Neocon Nazis, Neolib Nazis, Femi-Nazis and Zio-Nazis who control my government. AIPAC controls Congress. They have trampled the Constitution and Bill of Rights. They will destroy the World by firing the first nukes if not restrained. As hegemony is lost they'll be like an abusive deranged psycho whose wife divorced him who kills his family and himself on the premise "If I can't have her nobody can!".
"They have trampled the Constitution and Bill of Rights. "
The rest of the world doesn't give a fuck about those two items as they haven't stopped tyranny abroad in over 200 years of war, massacres, and military and political interventions.
It's only now that tyranny is roosting on your doorstep that (some, not all) Muricans are concerned.
Hmm. Does "grr" mean you are speaking for my country Greece? I second the motion! No surprise now that US Embassies look like US bases: bristling with watchtowers and presumably weapons, topped off by a Globohomo flag.
Been saying for years that all Western capitals are due to look like occupied Palestine civic ort-a maze of security furniture and systems to keep the rabble at bay.
Lol wow man ill have what your smoking. Stating that we are a zionist nazi controlled nation....yet having the ability and freedom to post bs like that freely online?
Also, we are a failing country, yet we have the largest economy, most stable currency and largest military by magnitudes. Hmm
We have an expensive military which is actually weak. Our currency is losing value and becoming unstable. Your problem is you're enthralled by the Narrative created by the Deep State which has inculcated the Nazi mindset of superiority and afflicted you with the manufactured mental disorders Russophobia, Sinophobia and Islamophobia.
I can post freely online. I'll grant you that. However Google and Twitter sometimes shadow ban me or ban me outright unless I withdraw my comments. In Europe people are imprisoned for comments on the Internet and the USA is slowly killing Julian Assange.
You're enthralled. The origin of the English word "enthralled" is from the Norse word "thrall" which means slave. You're enthralled by the Narrative Matrix controlled by Plutocratic and Military Institutions who have created an ILLUSION of democracy.
Who is the Deep State. That is the question. The Deep State is a shadow government that controls presidents.
Lol dude, A squadron of F35s and 4 B2s would destroy any other military force in the world. Look at the chaos 6 atacms from 1996 did. To say anything is a deep state conspiracy is just stupid. Our currency is the only game in town, look at the ruble and yuan, your confusing inflation And the dollar being the world reaerve currency. Only true point is it's harder for middle class in the US now. IF a deep state existed, you think theyd go from Trump to Biden??? Two totally opposite sides of the spectrum bro, makes no sense.
Lol bro explain ppp, and then compare it to per capita gdp, ppp or not, dumbass. China has 3x the population and by your metric only 5trillion more gdp. Also, tell me who holds the US debt? When you find out the answer is the US Fed, which oh by the way can excuse or forgo the debt you will see it's all an accounting trick a fiat economy the size of the US can do.
And when you see that, you can look up the debt to gdp ratio of the US which was 120% in 1946 after ww2. Guess what dumbshit, things got even better after that period huh.
Neither document was supposed to cause what you're talking about.
That said, the real answer is that the enlighenment values encapsulated in those documents did not survive first contact with modern totalized society. They became a lie when Lincoln suspended habeas corpus for years, jailed who he liked, deported a former congressman because he didn't like what he said, etc. Dead letters as of the 1860s. Extra funny that Biden made the Lincoln reference - the guy who hacked the Constitution to make the modern totalized state.
Those of us who imbibed the kool-aid as kids need to realize that we live in a totalitarian state. Some do.
Well with Russia having hypersonic weapons. Anti ballistic hypersonic missiles that can get to DC in 13 minutes, without detection and unable to be shit down, also they have tested successfully laser weapons ready to be deployed, astonishing that we are SO vulnerable. I think Israel uses a laser weapon in that hospital in Gaza. Scary stuff.
Think a little more, what in reality is happening is every country who doesn't have nuclear weapons is going to try to get them. Nuclear proloferation is a direct result of russias invasion. Think even more, if a shit country like north korea developed their own, Taiwan would have no problem and probably already has a few.
Oh god, come on no chance. India Pakistan north korea, Israel. Countries that with a little effort created their own. Ukraine already has reactors, the raw material and know how. All they need to do is refine enough uranium into the right isotope and could make 5MT bombs with ease. Prob wouldn't use them, but what creates the problem is it only takes one to go "missing".
Oh yeah? How many countries have nukes? 9. What counties would develop them as a substitute IF nato or US protection wasn't an option?
....... all of nato, japan, south korea, taiwan. Idiot argument, nato and US protection treaties have been the only thing to stop proliferation globally.
I believe it was a laser weapon (or more than one) that was used to destroy Lahaina on Maui.
A Directed Energy weapon. The heat in that town that day melted the glass in car windows. Some homes were left unturned, untested. Across the street homes looked to have been incinerated.
I said it from day one, Blackrock wants the real estate and create 15 minute cities. That was pure evil. There is nothing they won’t do. When one comes to terms with that, the tears flow, and the fears grow for all the people who don’t know what is going on. That is what scares me the most.
Hmmm russia has all that and yet still can't conquer a country 8x smaller in every category? Hmm tell me how russias Armatas are doing in Ukraine? Kinzhals? Hmm. Whats interesting is they haven't attacked Kyiv anymore. Why, because the nasams and patriot block 2 protecting Kyiv make it pointless.
Lol they drove a launcher and targeting radar to the border and shot down 5 planes and helicopters in 10 minutes. Soooo that. And since the first nasams and patriot battery russia has all but stopped attacking Kyiv and focused on areas without nasams or patriot, ie odessa and lviv.
You could literally look up fighterbomber on telegram, a former russian pilot and pro russian Who also reported on it. Nice of you to ignore you wrong comment about how many nations have nuclear weapons also lol
Find a western warmonger that likes ukraine war and tell them thanks when yall end up as rubble just like gaza and mariupol. Fafo. Make war against a true god s people. Find out right about now soon
"Be brought home?" Drones. It is so funny that wars have gone to drones, the perfect weapon for terrorists. Cheap and effective way to kill people. The Aussie's developed cardboard drones. "Why can you kill us but we can't kill you?" I'd really rather not kill anybody, and not give our bombs to genocidal maniacs.
Just wait, they aren't autonomous yet. That's a treat not far around the bend.
Warfare was going here whether we liked it or not, it just happened faster than expected. When the first Tomahawk strikes started happening in 1991, it should have been patently obvious what was going to happen, but I had a failure of imagination like just about everyone else.
Good observation. I also gulped at that "friendship." Also Biden's remark that America brought peace to Europe. I guess he does not know that the Balkans, Armenia ( Karno-karabakh), and Georgia are in Europe. Include Libya, which NATO brought to Europe.
Come on she wasn't that evil she said 500,000 Iraqi children was a price worth paying. She is in a boiling pit of excrement from which she and those who adhere to her views will never be permitted to leave.
I wonder how many of my American countrymen understand we're approaching a point very similar to what people like Dietrich Bonhoeffer faced.
"I have come to the conclusion that I made a mistake in coming to America. I must live through this difficult period in our national history with the people of Germany. I will have no right to participate in the reconstruction of Christian life in Germany after the war if I do not share the trials of this time with my people. Christians in Germany will have to face the terrible alternative of either willing the defeat of their nation in order that Christian civilization may survive or willing the victory of their nation and thereby destroying civilization. I know which of these alternatives I must choose but I cannot make that choice from security."
These so called patriots are acting as demons and calling for the death of hamas ideology and anger at people talking about resorts in gaza and understanding the opponent. They are lost and wrecked soon
Part of me wants to see those two carrier groups burn and sink. Ditto for the 800 US bases around the worlld - though perhaps it would be more compassionate to set the coordinates on Wash DC. I know that's not helpful.
The moment the "Israelis" set foot in Gaza is the moment Hezbollah rains hell onto Tel Aviv the likes of which has never been seen before. Then, when the US plays tough guy and attacks Lebanon, hypersonic missiles will mysteriously appear from somewhere and send those two US aircraft carrier groups to the bottom of the Mediterranean and it's on like Donkey Kong.
The only problem is they have nukes on submarines and will invoke the "Samson Option," nuking the rest of the world if their own existence is threatened or they're wiped off the map. They have the world by the balls.
Dual American-Israeli citizen jews are in charge of the US - both the governmental and corporate levels - and have been for many years. You don't think all US nuclear and ballistic missile technology has been shared with Israel? C'mon, man. You're making a big mistake by underestimating these psycho fanatics.
Doubtful. Also doubtful is whether anyone could sink any of the ZioSubs before they release their nuclear missiles in the case of the Samson Option being deployed. Don't underestimate your enemies' capabilities just because you hate them.
Why would a terminally weakened US try to attack Russia with nukes? Didn't the Russian missile "failures" culminating in the last "failure" on the night Obama picked up his peace prize in Oslo teach you anything? Look up Norway Blue Spiral. Why was the last "failed" test at night when all the others had been during the brightness of day I wonder? Stunningly all ten or so missiles fired by the Russians failed to reach their targets in Russia.
I'm certain the Biden neocons either (1) don't care about our sitting-duck carrier groups being vaporized, or (2) it never occurred to them...and I don't know which is worse. After that, we're all toast, if we're lucky.
"The survivors will envy the dead." Nikita Khrushchev.
Russia already has nuclear parity, if not outright superiority, to FUSA. By the end of the decade China will have tripled their number of nukes and closed much of the gap.
FUSA can't win a conventional war against Russia, China, or Iran much less against all three nations. These endless provocations and continued lurch towards global war is proof positive that the West is being ruled by the criminally insane.
Up until Israel was attacked, I had only read what you had to say about Russia and Ukraine. It all seemed fairly balanced, but obviously rooting for Russia and critical of Ukraine and the West. Now that I see your insanely rabid anti-Israel stance, how am I to trust anything you said about Russia? I want to think of Russia in the way you described them, and I know that the United States, led by our massively corrupt and stupid warmongering deep state are evil, but your Israel reporting is chock full of lies. Israel has offered the Palestinians their own state on 3-4 occasions and been ignored or attacked every time. Blame the British if you want for promising the land of "Palestine" slash Ancient Israel to both the Arabs and the Jews, but modern Israel has been an honest player in striving for peace while never having an honest partner on the other side. I'll really miss your reporting on Russia and your Dark Futura think pieces, but I'm out. Blood libel lies against innocent people are just not my cup of tea, Simplicius.
This reminds me of the exact instance I started doubting (and ultimately changing my opinion completely). I think I was fourteen or fifteen at the time, and up until then groomed in the unquestionable adoration of the nobility of the Israeli people, as was common at the time amongst the guilt-ridden nations of western Europe.
But then I met this man on holiday in southern France. He was in his late twenties and a sergeant in the army. He had been part of the UNIFIL detachment (UN peacekeepers in southern Lebanon). Like all of his colleagues he had been very pro-Israel when he had set out, but like almost every one of his fellow soldiers, returned extremely anti-Israel. He told story after story about how nasty and cruel the Israeli's had been compared to the peoples of Lebanon, including the various militant factions there. How they lied and cheated all the time (note, here he was predominantly talking about the Israeli military they had to deal with constantly.)
That was a real eye-opener, from someone who actually knew first-hand. It was like an immunising shot against the propaganda we were still constantly being fed. It also made me realise I was likely being lied to on many others issues too.
John, pre-recovery I might have agreed. But a lot of people stop their emotional development due to some factor - alcoholism is one. There are others. It's a thing. But i'm not good enough to take other people's inventories. I have enough issues of my own. So i'll just feel sorry for him as I said above. Maybe he'll find some recovery.
Mental disorder is another. My brother has Bipolar Disorder. In a lot of ways, he still acts like a teenager! The illness hit when he was 17. He refused to accept that he had it and went untreated for 40 years!
It has nothing to do with the facts of the situation, it’s the rabid lunacy with which you guys react to any mention of Israel. It’s clearly racial hatred. No one gives a single shot about the atrocities committed by any other country but suddenly we are humanitarian pacifists when it comes to Palestinians? Lol. Come on.
I ended up at this blog because it was one of the only places on the internet giving a balanced and accurate take of what is going on in Ukraine.
This post is deranged anti-semitism. It is totally fair to criticize Israel, and to want the US to stay out of it, but you’re being disingenuous if you think *this* crowd of readers has this much sympathy for a bunch of backwards Islamists. I thought we were pro saving western civilization here, I must have misread the vibes.
Side note: is there a way to navigate directly to a comment reply without scrolling through the entire thread?
You don’t have to support borders from a sham organization that seems to exist solely to criticize your existence and actively promotes antisemitism in UNRWA schools, and then you are repeatedly attacked.
It’s head-spinning the cognitive dissonance you guys emit. Respect international law but the government is run by globalist shills? What?
The UN said that occupying countries don’t have the right to declare self defense. And why has the western world decided that only Israel has this right and the Palestinians that are living in an apartheid country does not?
The evidence from former IDF staff that the military were told to stand down for 6-7 hours after the start of the "attack" is clear evidence that Israel wanted the attack in order to justify their planned harsh response to the rest of the world. When the military did arrive, they shot Indiscriminately, killing people on both sides. Much like what happened in Maidan 2014.
This was a textbook false flag event.
Further, Hamas was originally supported by Israel because they wanted a radical element to oppose in Gaza, rather than moderates like Arafat or Abbas. Using an updated version of Lenin's maxim:
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”
“The best way to implement our agenda is to create the opposition to simultaneously enable our agenda and silence our critics.”
Fortunately for the Hasbara crowd, the majority of the western population is too heavily propagandized and dumbed down to see it for what it is.
Shhh........don't say "hasbara" - Dewpewty Dawg is on patrol! He and he alone knows it's our little clubhouse word for something we don't understand. Of course, he's also a well-known hasbarat, so I'm just cautioning you. Between stealing user names at Moon of Alabama and making dumb comments here, he probably hasn't noticed your use of the term yet.
You really have zero comprehension of history, especially the explicit statements of Israeli leaders going back to before 1947. Of course, the minute you said "blood libel", we all knew where you were coming from, though I suppose the name "Enoch" might have given us a clue.
'Israel has offered the Palestinians their own state on 3-4 occasions and been ignored or attacked every time.'
And what were the conditions for Palestine that they rejected it if it’s true. Your comment tells me that you either didn’t read the article or you have no idea how this conflict started. Israel kicked out 750,000 Palestinians in 1948 and has been ethnically cleansing them since. Let’s see you defend that before you call him a liar.
And the Arab countries surrounding Israel expelled 700,000 Mizrahi Jews at the same time. In fact, millions and millions were displaced in the aftermath of WWII, but they aren’t still living as refugees. Why is that?
There are many sources. But to allay your fears, even this site (Launched in September 2014, The New Arab is a London-based news website published by UK-based media company Fadaat Media Ltd.) doesn't deny it happened. It “only” claims the two events are not equivalent evils:
In the early 1970s I used to attend a "Middle-East Discussion Group" at Cambridge. One of the speakers was an insider in the events that you describe, though he claimed only to be involved in the propaganda side, not the actual terrorism.
I honestly can't remember whether he was ex-IDF or ex-Mossad, but he was reformed and was a peace campaigner by the time I met him. He felt great regret over having largely destroyed the two- to three-thousand year old Jewish community in Iraq.
The Ashkenazi Zionists needed hewers of wood and drawers of water, and didn't want to keep non-Jewish Palestinians in that role as they would eventually demand human rights. So they arranged a population transfer that was all to their own benefit, not that of either population that they transferred.
And somehow you say it is to their _credit_ that they did not put the second group, the people whom they brought in to their newly-conquered country as menial labour, into refugee camps to rot at the Ashkenazi-ruled state's expense?
Not meaning to offend you or make light of your feelings, but the truth is the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts. Simplicius reports the facts as he can gather intelligence. I have many Jewish friends, a couple of those very dear to me. I know that many Jews are appalled at what their government is doing. But we must call out this terrible ethnic cleansing being perpetrated on the Palestinian people. My hope is that Israel and Palestine can come to an amicable agreement, with Israel recognizing a Palestinian state.
Why is no one appalled about the ethnic cleaning that goes on all around the world, often with no justification. Israel has the right to assume its natural borders. I can understand not wanting the US to be involved, but there is no justification for this level of histrionics, it can only be explained by... well, you know.
The borders of Israel, the modern state of Israel itself is a construct of the British Empire. The state was established on the land of Palestine. The ethnic cleansing of Palestinians that started then is well-documented. This has being going on ever since. The vision of Israel is one without any Palestinians, which is why genocide has been taking place. In the efforts to justify this to the world at large, Israel has for decades been conducting a propaganda campaign to dehumanize the Palestinians (and Muslims in general) in the eyes of the world.
Israel is at a huge advantage here. Most in the western world have an innate fondness for Israel because the culture in which they were raised has revered as the Messiah, an Israeli, Jesus, Yeshua of Narareth. We in the west have a tendency to be protective of Israel, and this protection has allowed Israel to be dominant in the region. It also holds massive (too much) influence in politics, government, education, in fact every aspect of governance and law in the USA and Britain. The neocons, war-libs, MIC are heavily influenced by the Israeli lobby.
Israel’s objective is to create a country with the same borders of ancient Israel, which necessitates taking all of the west bank and Gaza, while eradicating Palestinians who do not agree to giving up their homes and lands, and moving out of Israel altogether. Another objective is to demolish the third most sacred site in Islam, Al-Aqsa Mosque, and build upon those ruins the third temple of Israel.
In other words, allowing Israel to pursue what it regards to be its natural borders obviously requires the extermination of more than two million people.
Reading Rainbow, surely you cannot in good conscience be okay with that?
Yes there are asshole monster fascist like, racist, and even expansionist shit countries all over the world who act just like Israel.
Fascist India
Fascist and expansionist Turkey
Fascist and expansionist Azerbaijan
Fascist Nazi Ukraine
Fascist Georgia
Fascist Nazi Latvia
Islamist Saudi Arabia
Islamist Bahrain
Expansionist Morocco
Expansionist Indonesia
All pretty much on the same level as that shitty little country, the Jews' little hate state.
Sure, they're all as bad or worse than the Jews. People focus on the Jews. They don't act real great. They're belligerent, annoying, loud, rude, in your face, aggressive fight-picking bullies, the more Zionist ones being more the latter. There is a "thuggish" quality about a lot of the Jews in academia and business. It's caused by their upbringing and a fanatical need for success at any cost and a terror of failure.
Anyway as lot of this unpleasant behavior rubs a lot of people the wrong way for obvious reasons.
People's perfectly normal reaction to these people is "watercooler antisemitism" - it's simply what everyone knows about these people. So, correct, a lot of people are not real keen on Jews as a group, but almost all of them like individual Jews who don't fit the mold.
Also not being primitive savages and pretending to be civilized Whites, we expect more of them. And the Arabs and Muslims are doing some pretty good PR. And the fact that they are so civilized yet act like ghetto nigs makes a lot of Jews themselves upset. There's a disconnect between how we expect them to act and how they do act.
This obsessive focus, while correct, can lead to "obsessive and conspiratorial antisemitism," which is often on display when talking about Israel or for that matter Jews themselves. Unlike the other kind, this is largely false. It's also very dangerous and can be murderous or genocidal. Why Jewish behavior leads to this crazy form of antisemitism, I'm not quite sure. They have a lot of money and power, conspire a lot, are tricky and sneaky and quite dishonest. All of these are normal for folks with a lot of power and money. They're super achievers and rise to high ranking positions and end up with considerable power over whole industries. On top of that, they work as a tribe, hire and promote their own and openly discriminate against non-Jews.
I suppose all of that behavior means they set themselves up naturally to be seen as all powerful world controllers. Although this is false, I can see why people can be easily swayed to such a view.
Honestly, I wish people would focus on those other scum countries and I am sad that they don't, but you don't get out of a crime by going before a judge and saying, "Yeah I stole stuff but look at all those thieves over there you won't catch. So you have to let me off."
It is quite simple. It is supernatural, spiritual warfare. There are only two real camps in the world: believers and non-believers in the veracity of the Biblical description of reality.
I guess no two ethnic cleansing events elicit the same outrage and political action, let alone give rise to the war drum beating, potentially starting another World War. What am I missing?
"In the months following the end of the war, 'wild' expulsions happened from May until August 1945. Czechoslovak President Edvard Beneš on 28 October 1945 called for the 'final solution of the German question' which would have to be solved by deportation of the ethnic Germans from Czechoslovakia. More than 3 million Sudeten Germans were expelled from Czechoslovakia in 1945 following Germany's defeat in the Second World War, in an officially ordered act of ethnic cleansing supposedly justified by Hitler's aggression and permitted by war-time allies Britain, the US and the Soviet Union. Not all Germans were expelled; estimates for the total number of non-expulsions range from approximately 160,000 to 250,000."
Following the 1947–1948 civil war in Mandatory Palestine, "In 1948, more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs – about half of prewar Palestine's Arab population – fled from their homes or were expelled by Zionist militias during the 1948 Palestine war."
October 2023: "Hezbollah High Command Releases Video Warning Israel, 'We Are Coming'. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that 'Every Hamas operative will die.'"
Israel has quite a bit of catching up to do compared to the post WWII internationally sanctioned ethnic cleansing of Czechoslovakia.
You must be from a parallel universe and have just arrived. This is so far detached from the reality of this universe I fear its not possible to reach you
A one state solution is coming and that one state is Palestine. God destroyed Israel 2,000 years ago because they did not honour his son and what God has put assunder only a moron would ever try to recreate. Looking at the behaviour of the occupiers for the last 75 years I now see what Christ was up against, a very brave man is the son of God.
This is it! This is the end of Pax Americana. Well folks. We'd better pray Russia, China, Iran know what they do.
🔥🔥🔥For those who stands with Zionist government of USA and Israel, may annihilation and wrath of God be upon you! may annihilation and wrath of God be upon you! 🔥🔥🔥
For that to happen US first needs to be defeated/collapsed. What can China do right now? UN is dysfunctional and pretty useless. Financial collapse of US is ongoing but will take time. There will simply have to be more wars, no other way out.
Unless and until China has, among other things, a global reserve currency, a globe spanning navy, and the soft power that America still enjoys in spite of itself, it won't happen.
China is organizing diplomatic moves and trying to stay out of the kinetic stuff. I think they have some issues of their own financially and don't want to wade into anything too quickly. The US is doing their work for them right now.
Black flag over shrine in Iran. It's either mourning solidarity or a call for a Muslim army to march on jerusalem . Take your pick from various interpretations.
Brandon just bought Maduro (sanctions cancelled, elections promises, billions back) and Iran as well (10 + 6 billions which were seized in Qatar and Seoul). They will try everything to destroy Russia, not so sure about Chinese or Indian loyalty, same for new brics...finaly Kim will maybe be the only one Russia can count on as he really has nothing to lose.
During coming Gaza genocide a new maidan is forseen in Georgia.
I don't know that "bought" is the right word, "leased" might be more appropriate.
In the same way that if an ax murderer said to you, "Be my friend and I will give you stuff", it would be prudent to reply, "Sure, absolutely", and wait for the cops to show up.
Many thousands in buses are heading from Iraq heading the call to march to the jerusalem mosque. Don't think that's going to end well or even get into the country but we will see they might be fighters intent.
#The Israeli Defense Force called members of Hamas (Human Animals) for killing over 300 innocent children!
So now that The Israeli Defense Forces have killed over 1,000 innocent children (Soon To Be Over 2,000) do they call Themselves Straight Up Animals (Not Even Partly Human)?" -
Sounds a bit like trying to outdo each other with horror-porn....
Atrocity propaganda:
It seems like after they got caught with the initial lies about 40 beheaded babies and Ben Shapiro promoting an AI generated image of a burned baby, they have continued to come up with new horror stories (I think one story about a baby cut out of the mother was what the Israelis did decades ago in the Sabra and Shatilla massacre)
CNN Retracts Hamas Beheading Babies Claim and Apologizes. Sara Sidner Says It Came From The Israeli PM's Office And Was Originally "Confirmed," But Later Disintegrated Into "Cannot Confirm"
It Should Trouble Everybody Deeply That Israeli PM's Office Mainlined The Most Inflammatory Story Imaginable To The Entire World. This Alone Could Be A Whole Book
CNN reporter who "confirmed" fake beheaded Israeli babies story promoted Libya intervention propaganda in 2011
12 years before Sara Sidner helped pave the way for ethnic cleansing in Gaza, she generated "mass hysteria" about rape to justify NATO's Libya intervention
LA Times retracted rape story
A lesson in Israeli propaganda. The video is a jump of many cuts but the soundtrack simply continues over the cuts. Not a single person shown has lips moving in any kind of chant. A large number of educated people, who must see and understand this, are deliberately tweeting out this fake.
The US media is 100% controlled by the Zionists. They will never tell the people that Israel created Hamas and they will never tell the people that Netanyahu is on record, quoted, emphasizing the importance of supporting Hamas.
The US media is 100% propaganda and lies.
They will never tell the people that this was a false flag and that there are many former IDF calling BS on the "failed intelligence" narrative, etc.
They will never tell the people that the governments and intelligence agencies are the ones who fund, support and control the terrorist groups (ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Hamas, etc).
They will never tell the people about Israel/Mossad's decades long history of false flag terrorism, which they use to demonize Palestinians and prevent peace.
"(I think one story about a baby cut out of the mother was what the Israelis did decades ago in the Sabra and Shatila massacre)"
I was wondering about that one.
Of course, most Americans have no clue what's been going on over there--we have been lied to about everything.
This is latest lie the Jews made up. They're pretty good. As good as the Ukrainians probably, and the whole US believed every single insane lie the Ukrainians made up.
I bet this latest lie turns out to be bullshit too.
The "40 murdered babies" looks like bullshit too. Half of the dead civilians have been listed and there's not a single baby among them. So not only no beheaded babies but no killed babies at all. I'm thinking that bloody crib must have been a psy-op of the Jews.
The "burned to death" baby photo of a "baby burnt to a crisp" has been shown to be a Jewish Photoshop fake.
The latest Jewish lie is that 471 people didn't die at the hospital. Instead the US government says 200-300 (they're lying). The Jews are saying that some authority bullshit authority says 50 died (they're lying) and some other clown authority says no one died but 18 people got wounded (they're lying). The video with the doctors posing in front of the white body bags? All fake. There's nothing in any of those body bags (they're lying).
Not to mention the whole errant Hamas rocket insanity. Anyone with a working brain knows that was a Jewish bomb. If you have an open mind most of this stuff ain't rocket science. But an open mind is a rare thing among Americans and Westerners, some of the most closed minded and propagandized people on Earth.
I think Western and especially US lying and propaganda has almost reached North Korea levels. LOL.
Yeah we're getting gaslighted all through this damned Ukraine war. Almost all Westerners went along with these lies.
Before we were gaslit through the whole Syrian War. Almost all Westerners went along with these lies too, although there was some pushback with Theodore Postal and the UN itself saying the chemical attacks were lies. There's a new Seymour Hersch article saying that the original "Sarin attack" in Damascus in 2013 was completely faked. I've known that for a long time. We studied every single "gas attack" over there and they were all faked. Assad got rid of all of his chemical weapons just like Saddam. It's Iraqi WMD all over again. We got fooled by the Saddam WMD bullshit.
Now we're being gaslit again in the Israel-Palestine fight, but there's more pushback in the West about this one than the other two, which is somewhat hopeful.
If you go on Wikipedia now, you will see that much of recent history involving US foreign policy is just one endless lie. Wikipedia should be called "the world according to the CIA" or CIApedia.
What is the truth? If you look on a lot of those articles, they will have an entry called "conspiracy theory." LOL that's where you will find the TRUTH about what happened.
I've been thinking about this a lot lately and I'm coming up with ideas like, "In our modern world in the West, LIFE ITSELF IS A CONSPIRACY THEORY.
Kanye does ! lol
Genius. lol
Brandon's certainly a warmonger
The correct term is working directly for Anti-Christ.
Also Watch:
Lol except... checks notes.....we're not in any wars?
Proxy wars, trade wars, currency wars, are all WARS. Big spike in US military base 'suicides', suspected to be amongst the remains of Patriot missile batteries blown up by Russia in Kiev.
Blaahhahahha, oh man thats amazing stuff. Go ahead and show me ANY reports or videos or pics from either side about missile attacks on Kyiv. Lately. They've stopped for months because at least one nasams and one patriot full battery are there. Hence the shift jn attacks to odessa and kharkiv. Also, such a dumbass, only the command station has any personnel when actively firing.
You're just a troll Simp had the video numbnuts
The Bandera airforce spokesman, Yuri Ignat, stated last August that the Bandera territories have no ability to shoot down Iskanders. That's code for the Khinzal's can go where they whilst, unmolested by our ADA. The only 2 confirmed hits the PATRIOT has ever had were a Brit Tornado and an American Hornet. Both in March, 2003.
Cool bro, lol exfept that was last september before nasams and patriot batteries were delivered. Interesting, then if they can't shoot anything down then why has russia stopped attacking Kyiv? Also, kinzhels are only supersonic at altitude, they must slow way down when reentering below 80,000 ft, or it would burn up. its called physics.
The Bandera territories have had the useless PATRIOT and NASSAMS long before September. The last target in Kiev Russia that I can recall getting hit was a Khinzal through the window next to Budanov's office. Did you wonder why the Bandera airforce didn't bother to intercept it?
What targets do you imagine Kiev is filled with that Russia needs to strike?
Tinker AFB; 17 mysterious deaths that the Airforce will not comment on. Can you guess when 13 of them occurred?
And the PATRIOT only has EVER had two confirmed hits. Both allied aircraft. March, 2003.
If the PATRIOT was effective even once in the Bandera territories the wreckage of the intercepted missile would be paraded 24/7 and Raytheon would throw a party.
Has been his Entire career. He's the worst person in the worst place at the worst time. Makes me almost believe the Manicheans - that a malevolent demiurge rules the earth.
“…that a malevolent demiurge rules the earth.”
Call me Manichaean. After a long lifetime trying to figure out the world, I can’t come to any other rational conclusion.
Indeed 100%
Archons, inorganic, preexisting machine intelligence masquerading as higher power beyond time. Ancient and modern myths converge, building the beast system, a malevolent AI possessing current human technology. The scary part is the intersection of archetypal dreams and waking life. The beast needs human minds and hands to imagine, invent and engineer the network. They use human defects..fear, desire and social duty and hero path, cultural, mythological and religious imagery to bait hosts. Some say the GATE program is designed to identify manifestations of the divine spark and coopt them. I've been dealing with an infestation since the mid 90's. "War coming home" was part of the latest sequence. Well Done.
Why did Israel pull out of Gaza in 2005?
I was never "into" the Middle East, Russia/USSR/East Europe was my beat. I generally recognized that Israel was creating its own monsters in Israel and the US was helping, but I had no idea of the perfidy of the "international community" that cheated Palestinians of their land and their future state, one by intent and one by avoidance. That the UN has allowed this to go on and not put either the US or Israel under UN sanctions just points up the Uslessness of these Nations.
Please Norma, the US controls the United Nations.
Thats a misrepresentation of history. One british diplomat promised arab independence for help in ww1!!!, then ww2 caused an influx of Jews to Israel, causing ohh 5 or 6 major wars of arab coalitions trying to displace the jews......except the jews won the wars.
Please, the politics of this entire takeover of somebody else's land was orchestrated by people desperate to dump the Jews somewhere else. Why not take 3 of Germany's Laender? They killed the Jews, not the Arabs. Why did the Arabas get punished? Because they were easy pickings, with no powerful diaspora.
Maybe true, but they also wanted to make it attractive to the jewish people, and the historic birthplace did that. To say Palestinians had their land taken, when for fucks sakes, it was british, then ottoman before that, then fought and conquered by everyone from egypt to rome is bullshit. If the two state system was implemented before the 1947 wars and the wars that followed it would have worked. The arabs lost, doubled and tripled down and continued to lose everyyyy fucking war. and in that bred a defensive force in Israel that wont go away ever.
Our history has been distorted. Examine it with an more objective perspective and you learn:
(1) The UN did not create two states; it divided one Palestinian state into two states - a Palestinian state composed of almost 100 percent Palestinians, and a Palestinian state composed of about 70 percent who were native to the area (400,000 Palestinians), a small contingent of foreign Jews that had originaly come as Zionists to live permanently in Palestine or were born there, (200,000), and another larger contingent of foreign Jews that had recently arrived for expediency, as a temporary measure, and not with intentions of remaining in the British Mandate (300,000). The latter, had no investment in the area, should not be concluded in the statistics. From that perspective, David Ben-Gurion and a small clique of opportunists took advantage of an ill-advised UN, an ill-led and ill- equipped Palestinian community, and a confused world to declare their state, and, with seasoned militia forces — Haganah, Irgun, Lehi, and Palmach — cleansed the area of Palestinians and established Israel. Just one example, which I have substantiated - Irgun troops after entering a Palestinian village were told to seize 10 Palestinians and shoot them; a plan intended to frighten other Palestinian villagers to flee.
(2) Look at the map and you will see that the Arab nations entered the strife and fought only to protect the area awarded to the 100% Palestinian nation. The later wars were fought to recover lost territory.
(2) Israel's problems with Arab nations does not change the major issue -- its destruction of the Palestinian community. The two issues are separate issues.
There is nothing "complicated" about the ME, it's the simplest thing in the World, humans fighting over resources.
That's simple too, because they aren't getting the reaction they hoped for.
I mean bullshit, "legally, illegally" occupation after a war in 67. By those standard every country and every border that exists today would be "illegal". Russias, US, Israels.
Eh im presbyterian. but just the fact the arabs got pummeled in 6-7 wars and complain. And the fact even egypt jordan and lebanon won't open their lands to palestinian refugees.
There are more Christian Zionists than Jewish ones. Zionism is not a creed or a religion, it's a settler colonialist mentality that says Israel has a "right" to steal land and ethnically cleanse the the indigenous population. Your comments show exactly why that characterization is fully appropriate.
Ahhhhh. Can you tell me how Islam spread from Mecca to its current areas of influence? Or christianity from ohhhhh charlamagne in 800 to now? My point is not zionist or muslim, it's to point out the hypocritical "Palestinians land" arguement. Might makes right, and they've gotten their asses kicked since 47. And again, when did Palestinians occupy the levant?....around 700AD. When was the first "jewish" settlements, around Yahwee and the development of monotheism, about 2,000BC. So who se land was it originally
Zionism is an ideology. Probably the overwhelming majority of Zionists are Gentiles.
They didn't. With technological advances, they found it easier and more life-saving to use satellite spies and drones to survey Gaza and guided missiles, airplanes, and weaponized drones to eliminate those who rebelled against the oppression. Someone has made Gaza into the world's largest open-air prison. Someone is stopping Gaza fishermen from fishing and Gazans from leaving. Could it be the Israelis?
They are not allowed to fish?!
Not outside the exclusive economy zone. Israeli boats are patrolling the area.
Y los límites cambian según lo desee Isarel, pueden ser más o menos kilómetros.
They're not even allowed to make water treatment or desalination plants without permission, which is never granted :)
Nor are any Palestinians except fishermen allowed to use the beach.
Gazan children found that out - the hard way.
And with settlers relocated out of the way they could 'mow the grass' at their leisure.
I mean you focus on gaza, what about the other two million palestinians living in Israel proper and west bank in palestinian autonomy? That ignores the fact Israels main issue is hammas not the controlled west bank? Yes regular palestinians in gaza are caught in the middle, what's the fix
Your ignorance is glaring again. Hamas does not control the West Bank.
Yea dumbass, read it again slowly so you can comprehend it. The palestinian authority and west bank and the other 2 million palestinians in Israel proper are fine and CAN and do get along mostly. Its hamas in gaza that's the issue.
Tienes una empanada muy grande. Israel siempre ha hecho lo que ha querido. Si Hamas está en Gaza fíjate en las elecciones y si ahora los quieren desalojar, fíjate en los recursos energéticos. Israel lo controla todo, incluso el hacer desaparecer convenientemente su vigilancia y su ejercito durante 7 horas para permitir la masacre. Todo controlado USA = Israel. Blinken, siendo como es ciudadano israelita, hace de mediador entre USA y los restantes vecinos árabes y al mismo tiempo dirige la OTAN. El que manda, manda y aquí solo manda uno
You edited your post to hide your ignorance. You stated "hammas" controls the West Bank, then you changed it when caught out.
We can see it, you know you did it.
And then you double down with this lie " The palestinian authority and west bank and the other 2 million palestinians in Israel proper are fine"
Who is the "dumbass"?
Jewish "Settlers" are pushing out the Palestinian population in the West Bank, as they are in Jerusalem.
Great comment! Thank you!
Your comments are EXCELLENT, sir.
Well said sir. I digress with you on one point. There will be elections in 2024. When you have the vote rigged, why wouldn't you? It is necessary for the Kabuki theater that as Americans we have a choice.
Well...there might and likely will be people voting...but whether it will result in an actual election is the bet. Will there be an actual inauguration in January? And if there is, will it be acceptable?
Consider the inability of the “greatest nation in history “ not being able to conduct a simple election in which the voters, win or lose, can have confidence. Months of electoral college wrangling you know is going to result in one of “them” being selected. What chance that either losing side will decide they are better off with chaos than a result of whatever convoluted twists the election procedure produces?
hey, America is the shining city on the hill! It is the Exceptional Nation, no longer under God, alas. It is the only nation MORAL enough to rule every other nation, no matter how much bigger and richer they are than us. All our goodness allows us to establish Orwellian policies at home and abroad. Like urging the Ukrainian orcs running the show (who are no doubt perverts, too) to have a tranny as its spokesman for America. THAT really appealed! If the people who are running this junta in DC want to choose our leaders for us, why not? We choose every other country's leaders for them.
Lol bro, bush to obama, then to trump then to biden. If that alone doesn't show the equal distribution and fairness of elections you are an idiot. Comes down to turnout and independent voters, to think it's all "rigged" when a max 60% of voters show up is stupid and ignorant.
Gotta be tiny hat tribe. Thinks like one.
The 60% is part of the rigging.
Or were you being sarcastic? *Really* hard to tell. I mean you seem to imply there was much difference between those 4 presidents?
What else can you expect to happen during the period of normalization, following a coup d’état by the global fascist/communist alliance under the leadership of the CCP?
And the POTUS will become Hilary
That monster?
Or Kamala with the Entertainment Lawyer holding the cellphone in the ante-chamber.
The problem being that Trump will likely be so far ahead that the fraud will no longer have plausible deniability...We will have a replay of 1876, when protests against the blatant fraud (engineered by the Army of Occupation in the South) forced a compromise that ended Reconstruction...
Totally agree, he moved US embassy to Jerusalem when he's in office.
He has always been a jewed cuck. Roy Cohn, his Jewish mafia and the Wall St banksters have always bailed him out.
One does not simply become a real estate mogul in the capital of Jewish Debt Slavery system - New York. A true man of the people would come from unoccupied America.
As many presidents before him, who all said they'd move the embassy, he actually did.
You make it sound as if he's the only one who wanted to - rather incorrect.
How the fuck is that incorrect? There was no mention of whether others wanted to or not.
Trump is still their man. He loves Bibi Netanyahu.
Trump is being Trump, it's all about business.
He did, but that's likely because he feels that Netanyahu didn't do enough to help him in 2020.
Trump is nothing if not transactional.
And, as we saw from 2016-2020, Trump is also weak, stupid and easily manipulated.
It's so bad now that US politics will been a grander version of israeli politics as the LeftRight battle rages on Stateside: those Jews who wouldn't usually sink to raping children vs those that would just collapse buildings.
1876? That was the first Gore Vidal novel I read. I fear that Trump will be nobbled before an election.
My mother had lunch with him, I asked her what she thought and her answer was v funny but curt.
I miss the old bugger. ;O)
I read almost all he published after that.
He is sorely missed. His essays were absolutely first rate but his fiction I could not stomach.
See my reply to my own comment.
Here's what my mother said to me...
"I think he thought I was a Rube".
Good shampoo though.
Wow you overestimate trump. I was for him in 2016 but he really is all show, I'm independent, he's lost a lot of us and mainstream republicans. Even then you know nothing about elections, the mail in ballots in swing states will again decide.
"mail-in" lol. More like dropped off after midnight once they know the vote gap they have to overcome. The day that Biden announced he would run for re-election I told my better half that the fix was in.
I'm a lawyer who practiced in Chicago...I know a lot about how elections are stolen..mail in ballots which can't be validated are the best way ever invented...Trump's main achievement was refusing to go to war with Russia or anyone...Hillary would have destroyed our country with a war, and now Biden has taken up the same idea.....
War and more war. Magnificently unpopular, barely coherent, there's literally nothing left for him.
The unfortunate thing is that the war needs to be brought home to the US for it to make the correct impression. I have this feeling it will be.
Amen to that!
I'm an American ashamed of my Nazi controlled country and believe the only way to save it is defeat and humiliation. We will suffer the fate of Nazi Germany because of the Neocon Nazis, Neolib Nazis, Femi-Nazis and Zio-Nazis who control my government. AIPAC controls Congress. They have trampled the Constitution and Bill of Rights. They will destroy the World by firing the first nukes if not restrained. As hegemony is lost they'll be like an abusive deranged psycho whose wife divorced him who kills his family and himself on the premise "If I can't have her nobody can!".
We may have to rely on our soldiers to ignore any orders to use nukes, which has happened in the past...
Pray it's so if it comes to nukes. The thought of the cretin FJB having the "Football" horrifies me!
Donald has the codes. Military never gave em to xiden. Thus they antagonize putin to launch all the time
Ufos already disabled the nukes
"Turn your key, Sir!.."
Yes, the village must be destroyed to save it.
"They have trampled the Constitution and Bill of Rights. "
The rest of the world doesn't give a fuck about those two items as they haven't stopped tyranny abroad in over 200 years of war, massacres, and military and political interventions.
It's only now that tyranny is roosting on your doorstep that (some, not all) Muricans are concerned.
Hmm. Does "grr" mean you are speaking for my country Greece? I second the motion! No surprise now that US Embassies look like US bases: bristling with watchtowers and presumably weapons, topped off by a Globohomo flag.
GRR are my initials.
καλή σας μέρα.
επίσης ;-)
Been saying for years that all Western capitals are due to look like occupied Palestine civic ort-a maze of security furniture and systems to keep the rabble at bay.
Excellent assessment . Even before the War for Independence when we were part of the British Empire we had what you mentioned.
The Anglo-Zionist Empire is on the wane. Pax Americana is going the way of its mother Pax Britannia overwhelmed by the Multipolar World.
Lol wow man ill have what your smoking. Stating that we are a zionist nazi controlled nation....yet having the ability and freedom to post bs like that freely online?
Also, we are a failing country, yet we have the largest economy, most stable currency and largest military by magnitudes. Hmm
We have an expensive military which is actually weak. Our currency is losing value and becoming unstable. Your problem is you're enthralled by the Narrative created by the Deep State which has inculcated the Nazi mindset of superiority and afflicted you with the manufactured mental disorders Russophobia, Sinophobia and Islamophobia.
I can post freely online. I'll grant you that. However Google and Twitter sometimes shadow ban me or ban me outright unless I withdraw my comments. In Europe people are imprisoned for comments on the Internet and the USA is slowly killing Julian Assange.
You're enthralled. The origin of the English word "enthralled" is from the Norse word "thrall" which means slave. You're enthralled by the Narrative Matrix controlled by Plutocratic and Military Institutions who have created an ILLUSION of democracy.
Who is the Deep State. That is the question. The Deep State is a shadow government that controls presidents.
Lol dude, A squadron of F35s and 4 B2s would destroy any other military force in the world. Look at the chaos 6 atacms from 1996 did. To say anything is a deep state conspiracy is just stupid. Our currency is the only game in town, look at the ruble and yuan, your confusing inflation And the dollar being the world reaerve currency. Only true point is it's harder for middle class in the US now. IF a deep state existed, you think theyd go from Trump to Biden??? Two totally opposite sides of the spectrum bro, makes no sense.
Largest economy? LOL not when PPP is used.
The largest debt for sure, which means broke as fuck.
Lol bro explain ppp, and then compare it to per capita gdp, ppp or not, dumbass. China has 3x the population and by your metric only 5trillion more gdp. Also, tell me who holds the US debt? When you find out the answer is the US Fed, which oh by the way can excuse or forgo the debt you will see it's all an accounting trick a fiat economy the size of the US can do.
And when you see that, you can look up the debt to gdp ratio of the US which was 120% in 1946 after ww2. Guess what dumbshit, things got even better after that period huh.
Neither document was supposed to cause what you're talking about.
That said, the real answer is that the enlighenment values encapsulated in those documents did not survive first contact with modern totalized society. They became a lie when Lincoln suspended habeas corpus for years, jailed who he liked, deported a former congressman because he didn't like what he said, etc. Dead letters as of the 1860s. Extra funny that Biden made the Lincoln reference - the guy who hacked the Constitution to make the modern totalized state.
Those of us who imbibed the kool-aid as kids need to realize that we live in a totalitarian state. Some do.
Did Germany's defeat really do that country *any* good?
Yes and no.
Well with Russia having hypersonic weapons. Anti ballistic hypersonic missiles that can get to DC in 13 minutes, without detection and unable to be shit down, also they have tested successfully laser weapons ready to be deployed, astonishing that we are SO vulnerable. I think Israel uses a laser weapon in that hospital in Gaza. Scary stuff.
Shot down
I have little fear of Putin initiating a strategic release.
I have a fear of what the current US regime might do if Taiwan is taken, the ROK is overrun and/or CVBGs are smashed.
I pray for it.
Think a little more, what in reality is happening is every country who doesn't have nuclear weapons is going to try to get them. Nuclear proloferation is a direct result of russias invasion. Think even more, if a shit country like north korea developed their own, Taiwan would have no problem and probably already has a few.
I think the mainland might be willing to take a few for the win.
If I were Taiwan, I wouldn't be so sure deterrence would work.
Oh god, come on no chance. India Pakistan north korea, Israel. Countries that with a little effort created their own. Ukraine already has reactors, the raw material and know how. All they need to do is refine enough uranium into the right isotope and could make 5MT bombs with ease. Prob wouldn't use them, but what creates the problem is it only takes one to go "missing".
Nuclear proliferation has been going on long before the SMO, in big part thanks to the US.
Oh yeah? How many countries have nukes? 9. What counties would develop them as a substitute IF nato or US protection wasn't an option?
....... all of nato, japan, south korea, taiwan. Idiot argument, nato and US protection treaties have been the only thing to stop proliferation globally.
Hi Jo, the three dots next to your post(s) are buttons for editing/deleting :)
Thank you so much, how kind of you. ❤️
My three dots are Share, Hide and Delete, no Edit. Substack looks like it was created in the 90s.
either way...
I believe it was a laser weapon (or more than one) that was used to destroy Lahaina on Maui.
A Directed Energy weapon. The heat in that town that day melted the glass in car windows. Some homes were left unturned, untested. Across the street homes looked to have been incinerated.
Words should be unburned and untouched.
I need an edit button!!
Click on the three dots alongside your post and an edit button appears.
I said it from day one, Blackrock wants the real estate and create 15 minute cities. That was pure evil. There is nothing they won’t do. When one comes to terms with that, the tears flow, and the fears grow for all the people who don’t know what is going on. That is what scares me the most.
More likely a JDAM set to airburst. That explains lack of crater, building standing & massive casualties.
Hmmm russia has all that and yet still can't conquer a country 8x smaller in every category? Hmm tell me how russias Armatas are doing in Ukraine? Kinzhals? Hmm. Whats interesting is they haven't attacked Kyiv anymore. Why, because the nasams and patriot block 2 protecting Kyiv make it pointless.
When did Kyiv's Patriot system shoot down anything?
Lol they drove a launcher and targeting radar to the border and shot down 5 planes and helicopters in 10 minutes. Soooo that. And since the first nasams and patriot battery russia has all but stopped attacking Kyiv and focused on areas without nasams or patriot, ie odessa and lviv.
Nice deflection, which " border", with Kyiv? Ooohh, Forbes, now there's a respected, reliable source
You could literally look up fighterbomber on telegram, a former russian pilot and pro russian Who also reported on it. Nice of you to ignore you wrong comment about how many nations have nuclear weapons also lol
I could keep going with sources, this one good enough
Ewwwww! A Ukraine supporter, i.e. a Nazi. Ewwwwww! Nazis are gross!
Yup jewish president, jewish cabinet and tons of jewish MPs but somehiw nazi lol. Go back to moms basement
Where do you get your info on the war in Ukraine? It seems you have an inadequate idea about the progress of the war.
Literally Jewish Space Lasers... come on guys, dial it down.
Find a western warmonger that likes ukraine war and tell them thanks when yall end up as rubble just like gaza and mariupol. Fafo. Make war against a true god s people. Find out right about now soon
Might be brought home economically, but seriously doubt nukes will fly.
I am not convinced the hegemony crowd will react well to being shown the limits of their power.
"Be brought home?" Drones. It is so funny that wars have gone to drones, the perfect weapon for terrorists. Cheap and effective way to kill people. The Aussie's developed cardboard drones. "Why can you kill us but we can't kill you?" I'd really rather not kill anybody, and not give our bombs to genocidal maniacs.
Just wait, they aren't autonomous yet. That's a treat not far around the bend.
Warfare was going here whether we liked it or not, it just happened faster than expected. When the first Tomahawk strikes started happening in 1991, it should have been patently obvious what was going to happen, but I had a failure of imagination like just about everyone else.
Mentioning his “good friend” madeleine Albright who said 1 million Iraq children lives was worth it, will not go unnoticed by the Muslim world.
1 more minor correction ... You meant doesn't not does. ;)
I thought it was a million people, half of them children. (So less than half a Gaza.)
Good observation. I also gulped at that "friendship." Also Biden's remark that America brought peace to Europe. I guess he does not know that the Balkans, Armenia ( Karno-karabakh), and Georgia are in Europe. Include Libya, which NATO brought to Europe.
He knows. Him and his "friend" Madaleine Albright personally secured that "peace". It's the same deep state cabal
Their homelands are khazaria ukraine and palestine judah. Their enemies are slavs persians and judah hebrews.
I think when these a-holes say Europe it's understood that they don't include sub-europe like the Balkans, etc.
Another psycho promoted by the same crew of embittered Trotskyites in the State Dept...
Trotskyites in the State Department?! What????
Many of the early neocons (Podhoretz, etc.) started put as Trotskites.
Oh dear, Trotskyites? All two of them? ;O)
Come on she wasn't that evil she said 500,000 Iraqi children was a price worth paying. She is in a boiling pit of excrement from which she and those who adhere to her views will never be permitted to leave.
I think it was 500,000. One ha[s] to be accurate about megadeaths....
I wonder how many of my American countrymen understand we're approaching a point very similar to what people like Dietrich Bonhoeffer faced.
"I have come to the conclusion that I made a mistake in coming to America. I must live through this difficult period in our national history with the people of Germany. I will have no right to participate in the reconstruction of Christian life in Germany after the war if I do not share the trials of this time with my people. Christians in Germany will have to face the terrible alternative of either willing the defeat of their nation in order that Christian civilization may survive or willing the victory of their nation and thereby destroying civilization. I know which of these alternatives I must choose but I cannot make that choice from security."
I'm afraid I agree with you.
It's the same with US vassal states in the five eyes.
I'll add to my earlier comment; currently locked up in Belmarsh prison (UK) is an Australian citizen, Julian Assange awaiting extradition to the US.
In England, support for Assange is an acid test, it separates left from "left".
I support assange but he is locked down tight. Difficult to release now. Tate was mich easier
Among all Americans
30% are patriots who despise Washinton D.C.
30% are Communists who love Washinton D.C.
40% don't know what's Washington D.C.
Yes it’s amazing there are so many stupid people in the States. 5/10 can’t tell you what DC stands for.
District of Canada?
It's District of Colombia since we killed Pablo Escobar.
These so called patriots are acting as demons and calling for the death of hamas ideology and anger at people talking about resorts in gaza and understanding the opponent. They are lost and wrecked soon
Part of me wants to see those two carrier groups burn and sink. Ditto for the 800 US bases around the worlld - though perhaps it would be more compassionate to set the coordinates on Wash DC. I know that's not helpful.
I wish it were not necessary.
I’m not sure “necessary” has anything to do with it. It’s just how it is.
The moment the "Israelis" set foot in Gaza is the moment Hezbollah rains hell onto Tel Aviv the likes of which has never been seen before. Then, when the US plays tough guy and attacks Lebanon, hypersonic missiles will mysteriously appear from somewhere and send those two US aircraft carrier groups to the bottom of the Mediterranean and it's on like Donkey Kong.
The only problem is they have nukes on submarines and will invoke the "Samson Option," nuking the rest of the world if their own existence is threatened or they're wiped off the map. They have the world by the balls.
Ufos will disable them underwater. Not hard
Dual American-Israeli citizen jews are in charge of the US - both the governmental and corporate levels - and have been for many years. You don't think all US nuclear and ballistic missile technology has been shared with Israel? C'mon, man. You're making a big mistake by underestimating these psycho fanatics.
Each and every US and ashkeNAZI sub's location is known minute by minute.
Whereas the US admitted awhile ago they had 'lost track' of a Russian sub.
Food for thought.
Doubtful. Also doubtful is whether anyone could sink any of the ZioSubs before they release their nuclear missiles in the case of the Samson Option being deployed. Don't underestimate your enemies' capabilities just because you hate them.
I do hate them as many do, butI don't underestimate them; however I do have confidence in Russian intel.
The Russians, militarily and politically, are supremely confident and they are not fools.
You want to start a world wide thermonuclear war. How special of you.
I didn't say I wanted it to happen. Work on your reading comprehension, dipshit.
Very, very special.
Yeah, that's your short bus. Get on it, retard.
Why would a terminally weakened US try to attack Russia with nukes? Didn't the Russian missile "failures" culminating in the last "failure" on the night Obama picked up his peace prize in Oslo teach you anything? Look up Norway Blue Spiral. Why was the last "failed" test at night when all the others had been during the brightness of day I wonder? Stunningly all ten or so missiles fired by the Russians failed to reach their targets in Russia.
You've been reading too many fairy tales
The missiles are already in range, so I really doubt the military chances that one, regardless of their orders...
Hope you're right.
I agree. Russia has laser weapons ready to deploy also.
America has microwaves and particle beams too. But they will be cooking hawaii and ur home.
I'm certain the Biden neocons either (1) don't care about our sitting-duck carrier groups being vaporized, or (2) it never occurred to them...and I don't know which is worse. After that, we're all toast, if we're lucky.
"The survivors will envy the dead." Nikita Khrushchev.
They care. Look up reichstag j6 and the liberty ship attack
It's safe to say Biden wouldn't have a clue re the Liberty attack, nor ever broach this incident with Israel.
For once Chucky I agree with you.
Russia already has nuclear parity, if not outright superiority, to FUSA. By the end of the decade China will have tripled their number of nukes and closed much of the gap.
FUSA can't win a conventional war against Russia, China, or Iran much less against all three nations. These endless provocations and continued lurch towards global war is proof positive that the West is being ruled by the criminally insane.
Up until Israel was attacked, I had only read what you had to say about Russia and Ukraine. It all seemed fairly balanced, but obviously rooting for Russia and critical of Ukraine and the West. Now that I see your insanely rabid anti-Israel stance, how am I to trust anything you said about Russia? I want to think of Russia in the way you described them, and I know that the United States, led by our massively corrupt and stupid warmongering deep state are evil, but your Israel reporting is chock full of lies. Israel has offered the Palestinians their own state on 3-4 occasions and been ignored or attacked every time. Blame the British if you want for promising the land of "Palestine" slash Ancient Israel to both the Arabs and the Jews, but modern Israel has been an honest player in striving for peace while never having an honest partner on the other side. I'll really miss your reporting on Russia and your Dark Futura think pieces, but I'm out. Blood libel lies against innocent people are just not my cup of tea, Simplicius.
Fantasy Island was more connected to reality than that statement....
I do have some sympathy for him, he's been propagandized his whole life and never questioned it.
Lotta stupid people in the US
It is surprising how many never did question anything, just think :
-how many took multiple doses of the experimental gene therapy that was dubbed 100% 'safe and effective'
-how many still believe that Trump 'lost' the election fair and square
-how many still believe the MSM crappy propaganda about Russia
-how many used ( and some STILL USE ) that useless ( and harmful to one's health ) cloth rag aka face diaper over their face
Amazing amount of brainwashed and totally clueless people walk among us, some days it's disappointing to say the least
The more u get, the faster u try the rest. First taste free
This reminds me of the exact instance I started doubting (and ultimately changing my opinion completely). I think I was fourteen or fifteen at the time, and up until then groomed in the unquestionable adoration of the nobility of the Israeli people, as was common at the time amongst the guilt-ridden nations of western Europe.
But then I met this man on holiday in southern France. He was in his late twenties and a sergeant in the army. He had been part of the UNIFIL detachment (UN peacekeepers in southern Lebanon). Like all of his colleagues he had been very pro-Israel when he had set out, but like almost every one of his fellow soldiers, returned extremely anti-Israel. He told story after story about how nasty and cruel the Israeli's had been compared to the peoples of Lebanon, including the various militant factions there. How they lied and cheated all the time (note, here he was predominantly talking about the Israeli military they had to deal with constantly.)
That was a real eye-opener, from someone who actually knew first-hand. It was like an immunising shot against the propaganda we were still constantly being fed. It also made me realise I was likely being lied to on many others issues too.
A grown man has no excuses for writing the drivel he did. A grown man knows the world he lives in..
John, pre-recovery I might have agreed. But a lot of people stop their emotional development due to some factor - alcoholism is one. There are others. It's a thing. But i'm not good enough to take other people's inventories. I have enough issues of my own. So i'll just feel sorry for him as I said above. Maybe he'll find some recovery.
Mental disorder is another. My brother has Bipolar Disorder. In a lot of ways, he still acts like a teenager! The illness hit when he was 17. He refused to accept that he had it and went untreated for 40 years!
He is 60 years old!
S s readers seem to be 17 for balfour and 20 aagainst. Almost even divide
It has nothing to do with the facts of the situation, it’s the rabid lunacy with which you guys react to any mention of Israel. It’s clearly racial hatred. No one gives a single shot about the atrocities committed by any other country but suddenly we are humanitarian pacifists when it comes to Palestinians? Lol. Come on.
I ended up at this blog because it was one of the only places on the internet giving a balanced and accurate take of what is going on in Ukraine.
This post is deranged anti-semitism. It is totally fair to criticize Israel, and to want the US to stay out of it, but you’re being disingenuous if you think *this* crowd of readers has this much sympathy for a bunch of backwards Islamists. I thought we were pro saving western civilization here, I must have misread the vibes.
Side note: is there a way to navigate directly to a comment reply without scrolling through the entire thread?
Can you point to when Israel respected, AT THE VERY LEAST, the UN 242 resolution borders?
You know, I follow some pro Israel X accounts, and NOT ONCE, did any of them acknowledge the two state solution.
Do you know why? Because they don’t want that.
I bet if you were living in Gaza or the West Bank you wouldn’t spew that “blood libel” $hit.
You don’t have to support borders from a sham organization that seems to exist solely to criticize your existence and actively promotes antisemitism in UNRWA schools, and then you are repeatedly attacked.
It’s head-spinning the cognitive dissonance you guys emit. Respect international law but the government is run by globalist shills? What?
I believe that Israel has been used by the US to try to control the Arab states. Watch Garland Nixon “US Empire’s Israeli Outpost Under Seige”
It's truly a mystery how the honest and peaceful Israelis managed to massively expand their territory by "defending" themselves.
Not to blame them, if you have an advantage, use it. But when circumstances change you need to adjust your strategy.
Israel didn't and it'll become increasingly difficult for them to maintain their military advantage in the region.
Based on what?
The UN said that occupying countries don’t have the right to declare self defense. And why has the western world decided that only Israel has this right and the Palestinians that are living in an apartheid country does not?
Frankly, I don’t care what UN says about anything anywhere. The UN says and declares a lot of evil shit. Away with the UN cabal!
And stay gone
The evidence from former IDF staff that the military were told to stand down for 6-7 hours after the start of the "attack" is clear evidence that Israel wanted the attack in order to justify their planned harsh response to the rest of the world. When the military did arrive, they shot Indiscriminately, killing people on both sides. Much like what happened in Maidan 2014.
This was a textbook false flag event.
Further, Hamas was originally supported by Israel because they wanted a radical element to oppose in Gaza, rather than moderates like Arafat or Abbas. Using an updated version of Lenin's maxim:
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”
“The best way to implement our agenda is to create the opposition to simultaneously enable our agenda and silence our critics.”
Fortunately for the Hasbara crowd, the majority of the western population is too heavily propagandized and dumbed down to see it for what it is.
Volodin: One of Russia's Top Duma Deputies Sends Biden to Hague for Supporting War Crimes in Israel
Shhh........don't say "hasbara" - Dewpewty Dawg is on patrol! He and he alone knows it's our little clubhouse word for something we don't understand. Of course, he's also a well-known hasbarat, so I'm just cautioning you. Between stealing user names at Moon of Alabama and making dumb comments here, he probably hasn't noticed your use of the term yet.
Kjazaria mafia
You are entitled to your opinion, sir. However absurd it may appear to the majority of humans on this little planet.
Israeli Likud Faction Head Threatens Russia For Going Against Israel: "Russia Will Pay the Price" lol
Warmongers will pay the price for going against a god
They're getting very upset not being able to control the narrative, aren't they?
You wont be missed
You really have zero comprehension of history, especially the explicit statements of Israeli leaders going back to before 1947. Of course, the minute you said "blood libel", we all knew where you were coming from, though I suppose the name "Enoch" might have given us a clue.
Zionist troll.
You’re telling me everyone here is so agitated and up in arms because Israel wants to control the entire natural territory of Israel?
It sure seems like there’s more to it than that.
There isn't a "natural territory of Israel" - not for a couple thousand years. There is a "natural territory of Palestine".
Not to mention ethnic cleansing of the descendants of the original Israelis seems like an odd way to reestablish Israel.
I'm muting this thread.
You must be talking about a parallel timeline, since Israel never did any of those things, unfortunately....
Where does this come from?
'Israel has offered the Palestinians their own state on 3-4 occasions and been ignored or attacked every time.'
And what were the conditions for Palestine that they rejected it if it’s true. Your comment tells me that you either didn’t read the article or you have no idea how this conflict started. Israel kicked out 750,000 Palestinians in 1948 and has been ethnically cleansing them since. Let’s see you defend that before you call him a liar.
The terms were that they recognize the right of balfour to take thsir land.
And the Arab countries surrounding Israel expelled 700,000 Mizrahi Jews at the same time. In fact, millions and millions were displaced in the aftermath of WWII, but they aren’t still living as refugees. Why is that?
If you can provide a link to your information I’ll look into this.
There are many sources. But to allay your fears, even this site (Launched in September 2014, The New Arab is a London-based news website published by UK-based media company Fadaat Media Ltd.) doesn't deny it happened. It “only” claims the two events are not equivalent evils:
“Mizrahi Remembrance Month: Reclaiming our stories”
Here’s one of the Israeli articles about the event:
“Israel marks exodus of Jews from Arab countries”
In the early 1970s I used to attend a "Middle-East Discussion Group" at Cambridge. One of the speakers was an insider in the events that you describe, though he claimed only to be involved in the propaganda side, not the actual terrorism.
I honestly can't remember whether he was ex-IDF or ex-Mossad, but he was reformed and was a peace campaigner by the time I met him. He felt great regret over having largely destroyed the two- to three-thousand year old Jewish community in Iraq.
The Ashkenazi Zionists needed hewers of wood and drawers of water, and didn't want to keep non-Jewish Palestinians in that role as they would eventually demand human rights. So they arranged a population transfer that was all to their own benefit, not that of either population that they transferred.
And somehow you say it is to their _credit_ that they did not put the second group, the people whom they brought in to their newly-conquered country as menial labour, into refugee camps to rot at the Ashkenazi-ruled state's expense?
Not meaning to offend you or make light of your feelings, but the truth is the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts. Simplicius reports the facts as he can gather intelligence. I have many Jewish friends, a couple of those very dear to me. I know that many Jews are appalled at what their government is doing. But we must call out this terrible ethnic cleansing being perpetrated on the Palestinian people. My hope is that Israel and Palestine can come to an amicable agreement, with Israel recognizing a Palestinian state.
Balfour will never recognize judah. Red shields plan to genocide judah and ayrabs
Why is no one appalled about the ethnic cleaning that goes on all around the world, often with no justification. Israel has the right to assume its natural borders. I can understand not wanting the US to be involved, but there is no justification for this level of histrionics, it can only be explained by... well, you know.
The borders of Israel, the modern state of Israel itself is a construct of the British Empire. The state was established on the land of Palestine. The ethnic cleansing of Palestinians that started then is well-documented. This has being going on ever since. The vision of Israel is one without any Palestinians, which is why genocide has been taking place. In the efforts to justify this to the world at large, Israel has for decades been conducting a propaganda campaign to dehumanize the Palestinians (and Muslims in general) in the eyes of the world.
Israel is at a huge advantage here. Most in the western world have an innate fondness for Israel because the culture in which they were raised has revered as the Messiah, an Israeli, Jesus, Yeshua of Narareth. We in the west have a tendency to be protective of Israel, and this protection has allowed Israel to be dominant in the region. It also holds massive (too much) influence in politics, government, education, in fact every aspect of governance and law in the USA and Britain. The neocons, war-libs, MIC are heavily influenced by the Israeli lobby.
Israel’s objective is to create a country with the same borders of ancient Israel, which necessitates taking all of the west bank and Gaza, while eradicating Palestinians who do not agree to giving up their homes and lands, and moving out of Israel altogether. Another objective is to demolish the third most sacred site in Islam, Al-Aqsa Mosque, and build upon those ruins the third temple of Israel.
In other words, allowing Israel to pursue what it regards to be its natural borders obviously requires the extermination of more than two million people.
Reading Rainbow, surely you cannot in good conscience be okay with that?
Yes there are asshole monster fascist like, racist, and even expansionist shit countries all over the world who act just like Israel.
Fascist India
Fascist and expansionist Turkey
Fascist and expansionist Azerbaijan
Fascist Nazi Ukraine
Fascist Georgia
Fascist Nazi Latvia
Islamist Saudi Arabia
Islamist Bahrain
Expansionist Morocco
Expansionist Indonesia
All pretty much on the same level as that shitty little country, the Jews' little hate state.
Sure, they're all as bad or worse than the Jews. People focus on the Jews. They don't act real great. They're belligerent, annoying, loud, rude, in your face, aggressive fight-picking bullies, the more Zionist ones being more the latter. There is a "thuggish" quality about a lot of the Jews in academia and business. It's caused by their upbringing and a fanatical need for success at any cost and a terror of failure.
Anyway as lot of this unpleasant behavior rubs a lot of people the wrong way for obvious reasons.
People's perfectly normal reaction to these people is "watercooler antisemitism" - it's simply what everyone knows about these people. So, correct, a lot of people are not real keen on Jews as a group, but almost all of them like individual Jews who don't fit the mold.
Also not being primitive savages and pretending to be civilized Whites, we expect more of them. And the Arabs and Muslims are doing some pretty good PR. And the fact that they are so civilized yet act like ghetto nigs makes a lot of Jews themselves upset. There's a disconnect between how we expect them to act and how they do act.
This obsessive focus, while correct, can lead to "obsessive and conspiratorial antisemitism," which is often on display when talking about Israel or for that matter Jews themselves. Unlike the other kind, this is largely false. It's also very dangerous and can be murderous or genocidal. Why Jewish behavior leads to this crazy form of antisemitism, I'm not quite sure. They have a lot of money and power, conspire a lot, are tricky and sneaky and quite dishonest. All of these are normal for folks with a lot of power and money. They're super achievers and rise to high ranking positions and end up with considerable power over whole industries. On top of that, they work as a tribe, hire and promote their own and openly discriminate against non-Jews.
I suppose all of that behavior means they set themselves up naturally to be seen as all powerful world controllers. Although this is false, I can see why people can be easily swayed to such a view.
Honestly, I wish people would focus on those other scum countries and I am sad that they don't, but you don't get out of a crime by going before a judge and saying, "Yeah I stole stuff but look at all those thieves over there you won't catch. So you have to let me off."
It is quite simple. It is supernatural, spiritual warfare. There are only two real camps in the world: believers and non-believers in the veracity of the Biblical description of reality.
Let me repost this observation of mine:
I guess no two ethnic cleansing events elicit the same outrage and political action, let alone give rise to the war drum beating, potentially starting another World War. What am I missing?
"In the months following the end of the war, 'wild' expulsions happened from May until August 1945. Czechoslovak President Edvard Beneš on 28 October 1945 called for the 'final solution of the German question' which would have to be solved by deportation of the ethnic Germans from Czechoslovakia. More than 3 million Sudeten Germans were expelled from Czechoslovakia in 1945 following Germany's defeat in the Second World War, in an officially ordered act of ethnic cleansing supposedly justified by Hitler's aggression and permitted by war-time allies Britain, the US and the Soviet Union. Not all Germans were expelled; estimates for the total number of non-expulsions range from approximately 160,000 to 250,000."
Following the 1947–1948 civil war in Mandatory Palestine, "In 1948, more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs – about half of prewar Palestine's Arab population – fled from their homes or were expelled by Zionist militias during the 1948 Palestine war."
October 2023: "Hezbollah High Command Releases Video Warning Israel, 'We Are Coming'. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that 'Every Hamas operative will die.'"
Israel has quite a bit of catching up to do compared to the post WWII internationally sanctioned ethnic cleansing of Czechoslovakia.
You must be from a parallel universe and have just arrived. This is so far detached from the reality of this universe I fear its not possible to reach you
A lot of readees here like it tho
A one state solution is coming and that one state is Palestine. God destroyed Israel 2,000 years ago because they did not honour his son and what God has put assunder only a moron would ever try to recreate. Looking at the behaviour of the occupiers for the last 75 years I now see what Christ was up against, a very brave man is the son of God.
Only the Jews indulge in blood label.
Don't let the door smack your ashkeNAZI luvvin butt on the way out Badfellow.
Head on down to Brooklyn, New York, son, and you'll find plenty of orthodox Jewish Hasids spreading the same "blood libel lies" LOL
This is it! This is the end of Pax Americana. Well folks. We'd better pray Russia, China, Iran know what they do.
🔥🔥🔥For those who stands with Zionist government of USA and Israel, may annihilation and wrath of God be upon you! may annihilation and wrath of God be upon you! 🔥🔥🔥
Woe. Woe unto the warmonger
Up, up and away, in my beautiful balloon❤️🐈⬛❤️🇵🇸❤️🇷🇺❤️
I smiled and gave a wee belly laughter watching your suggested link, thank you❤️🐈⬛💙🇷🇺❤️
Cringe worthy, China at this point has to step up as the adult with solutions and exerting its super power. The planet can't just go down with usa.
For that to happen US first needs to be defeated/collapsed. What can China do right now? UN is dysfunctional and pretty useless. Financial collapse of US is ongoing but will take time. There will simply have to be more wars, no other way out.
China has one paramount foreign policy goal. They will go out and grab it when the moment is right. Things appear to be aligning.
I think BRICS may play a part.
Unless and until China has, among other things, a global reserve currency, a globe spanning navy, and the soft power that America still enjoys in spite of itself, it won't happen.
China is organizing diplomatic moves and trying to stay out of the kinetic stuff. I think they have some issues of their own financially and don't want to wade into anything too quickly. The US is doing their work for them right now.
Black flag over shrine in Iran. It's either mourning solidarity or a call for a Muslim army to march on jerusalem . Take your pick from various interpretations.
Brandon just bought Maduro (sanctions cancelled, elections promises, billions back) and Iran as well (10 + 6 billions which were seized in Qatar and Seoul). They will try everything to destroy Russia, not so sure about Chinese or Indian loyalty, same for new brics...finaly Kim will maybe be the only one Russia can count on as he really has nothing to lose.
During coming Gaza genocide a new maidan is forseen in Georgia.
For now, printed dollars are a cheap way for them to sway those who can be bought off.
I don't know that "bought" is the right word, "leased" might be more appropriate.
In the same way that if an ax murderer said to you, "Be my friend and I will give you stuff", it would be prudent to reply, "Sure, absolutely", and wait for the cops to show up.
I've heard Iran has signed up another two million volunteers for their military or militia or whatever. I'd say the latter interpretation.
Many thousands in buses are heading from Iraq heading the call to march to the jerusalem mosque. Don't think that's going to end well or even get into the country but we will see they might be fighters intent.
#The Israeli Defense Force called members of Hamas (Human Animals) for killing over 300 innocent children!
So now that The Israeli Defense Forces have killed over 1,000 innocent children (Soon To Be Over 2,000) do they call Themselves Straight Up Animals (Not Even Partly Human)?" -
Actually they didn't call Hamas, but all Gazans and think of all Palestinians as subhumans. Plenty of records.