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Well, the Novichok narrative has collapsed in their "Public Enquiry". Skripal and his daughter had their throats blocked with ventilators and put into deep coma by the doctors. One of them testified that he manage to communicate with the daughter. She squeezed his hands. He was reprimanded by the hospital. Of course, they are not at the enquiry - for their personal protection. Their lawyer has not even communicated with them. They have probably been killed by MI6



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@Alfred Nassim

Anyone who bothered to learn the actual characteristics and effects of that class of nerve poisons knew that some "novichok" type agent was not indicated.

The symptoms described (and the alleged survival/treatability of those claimed to have been exposed) DO match another class of chemicals, long known to the western chemical warfare establishments-


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Yes. They were poisoned - by the British. Amazingly, the first person to see them when they were unwell was a rather senior British Army nurse. Oh my! What a coincidence. Here is from AI


The first nurse to assist Sergei and Yulia Skripal after they were poisoned in Salisbury on March 4, 2018, was Colonel Alison McCourt, the Chief Nursing Officer of the British Army. She was walking through the city with her daughter when they encountered the Skripals, who were found unconscious on a bench[1][2].

Alison McCourt and her daughter, Abigail, provided first aid to the Skripals until emergency services arrived. Abigail had initially spotted Sergei Skripal slumped on the bench and alerted her mother, who then intervened[2][4]. This incident occurred shortly after the Skripals were poisoned with the nerve agent Novichok, leading to widespread media coverage and speculation about the circumstances surrounding their collapse[3][5].

McCourt's involvement remained largely undisclosed until she nominated her daughter for a bravery award nearly a year later, which brought attention to her actions that day.

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Oh, I do indeed believe that some sub set of the British intelligence community poisoned their old asset and his daughter. I just don't think they would have gone to the trouble and extremely greater risks of collateral damages within their own country/to their own people of using a fast "aging" into being pretty much irreversible nerve agent with the ability to permeate through the most commonly used rubber/plastic materials used for PPE gloves/respirator masks and a very small LD50. Since they had full narrative control, what would the benefit have been?

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They are stupid. We get ample proof of that every day on TV (which I never watch) and the MSM (which I never read)

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@Alfred Nassim

They are largely intelligent sociopaths, not stupid. Except for the inherited positions, such as their present king. He's a middle brow at best.

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