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11 Nov 2024 FT Finally Understands the defining aspect of the US

To be contrarian to S’s opinion, this is to argue that the social economic political condition of the US is and will get worse

Evidence Item #1

A very long time after everyone else, except their fellow MSM and the deluded Puritans, the FT has just only now, by the author’s admission, finally understaood that America is a business

Every working class American has known this since forever, every immigrant has known only this, popular culture even Hollywood has long known this

(Spelled out most recently in the middle of Obama worship by Brad Pitt)

De Tocqueville knew this 190 years ago

The China leadership knew this since Mao, and have expressed this precisely, at least since the 1980’s – Wang Huning ‘America against America’ 1988

But The FT MSM Class has chosen only now, with Trump, to admit this, as if this was his doing that finally they should open their eyes to who they are

Although of course their intention is to say that it is his fault that they have to think so

As if there was a difference – by which one might see that the election of Trump is an excuse for the conscious worsening of social chaos

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« Years ago, a well-known Silicon Valley billionaire told me something I’ll never forget: “China is an autocracy, Europe is a technocracy and America is a company.” «

« A recent Gallup poll found that money, more than patriotism, religion, family or community, is the defining American value. In Trump, we have a president that represents the full horror of that — and little else. »

« If Trump is our CEO, is America now a distressed asset? One has to wonder. The US economy has done better in recent years than anyone could have hoped, and perhaps better than we deserved. I can’t help but think that our sheer wealth — the per capita GDP of Mississippi is roughly on a par with that of France — and all the consumer distractions that it offers (particularly of the mindless digital variety) are one of the reasons we’ve re-elected a convicted felon to the White House. »

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Nov 11Edited
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Trumps tariff war will cause inflation to increase rapidly and threatens another global economic depression just like the smoot Hawley yariif act of 1930 did.

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Do you know what number you actually said...? There are only about 30 million illegal immigrants here as of now so either you missed a decimal point (would still be a major undertaking at 1.4 million a month) or you and/or your source(s) are clueless. Better luck next post...

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"Guatemala and Haiti, and these are the immigrants currently doing all the meat packing/processing, home building and farm labor." I dont know about meat packing or farms, but I can tell you that around here, houses are built by mostly American citizens. There are some illegals here and there, but construction is absolutely NOT dominated by illegals. Ask me how I know...

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"full horror" paired later w/ "convicted felon" reveals the mind-virus. Reaching deeply into my medical expertise, I am prescribing 3 mg Ivermectin daily for the FT

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How about re education camps?

Forcible resettlement in Qatar?

Surgeries to covert their minds into matter

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The Projection is strong with this one...

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All traditional US policies

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America is not doing well. It is clearly a company that is losing money and customers. That's fine with me. I'm an America and I no longer care. The elites don't really offer most Americans stability or a decent life, any longer, anyway.

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If you think it can not get a very lot worse very quickly you are wrong

Even to the point of obliging you to engage

It's not about the ruling class offering you anything, for they never have

It is about learning to be able to look out for life and limb in an advanced state of chaos

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All stick no carrot.

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A real stick or an AI generated IMAGE of a carrot, zero nutritional value.

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You always vote for the " lesser of the evil." In this election Trump was the lesser than the Obama cabal.

The deficit of Kamala's campaign of 20 million after spending over a billion dollars should give anyone a clue on how her administration would have performed.

Also, GDP is not a good measure of wealth. The movements in GDP cannot provide us with any meaningful information about what is going on in the real economy. If anything, it can actually provide us with a false impression. A strong GDP growth rate, in most cases, is likely to be associated with the intensive squandering of the pool of real savings.

Lastly, the convicted felon part is a joke and really is not taken seriously by anyone, has been shown by the election results. How did the swing states vote?

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I am uncertain as to which or whose comment you are responding to

Let me say only that it would be hard to convert into a joke the accusation of being a convicted felon in an article which every which but realistic did its best to patsy Trump for the realisation that money is what US capitalism is concerned with

Someone that determined to be stupid is unable to make a joke

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America is an imperial corporate oligarchy--masquerading as a bastion of democracy.

And Trump is the latest (controlled opposition) figure to head this American imperial oligarchy, which is comprised of Wall Street, the Military-Industrial Complex, Corporate America, and Zionism.

Trump will advance the same oligarchical agenda as the Biden Regime, which advanced the same oligarchical agenda as the first Trump Regime, which advanced the same oligarchical agenda as the Obama Regime, which advanced the same oligarchal agenda as the Bush Regime, etcetera.

The differences between these successive US regimes are either in 1). the tactics deployed to advance the same ultimate goal or 2). the Madison Avenue-style marketing campaigns deployed to pander to different voting blocs and ideological groups.

Put another away, Trump is the MAGA version of Obama's Hope and Change.

And Obama was the Hope and Change version of Trump's MAGA.

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Nov 11Edited
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Thank you for this very accurate comment.

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Agreed with how each oligarchal US faction tries to maintain support of their respective bases--yet their policies do not fundamentally differ.

A classic example of Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss.

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Exactly. Trump represents the interests of the billionaires who paid for his election campaign. He who pays the piper calls the tune. Trump is a great con man tricking millions into believing that he will improve their lives. His first term was a complete failure in that respect and I would be willing to put money on his second term being no different.

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Good summary of this three ring oligarchic circus. None of these figureheads have any real power. They are deluded, ambitious and inflated performers (chosen for those qualities), each with their own metier. Obama: Hope and "Change;" Unstable Trump MAGA Insanity; "I rule the world" Biden; "I'm speaking" Harris: "Joy?" Really? During a horrific genocide? And now unstable Trump/Musk MAGA Insanity II squared, aiming for control of the world's resources and staggering profits at any cost. Each stoking and building the fear level against "The Other" in Americans in preparation for their acquiescence to a growing police state. All, for the sake of corporate/military industrial profit and control, reeking terrible destruction and suffering abroad.

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trump`s primary role is to forward the mission of the "greater israel project" and where that ultimately leads seems beyond the comprhension of most... despite not one word of it being hidden.

trump submitted to a bondage slave initiation ritual during the "assassination attempt"

am-eri-ca will now more easily fulfill its role in the "great work of ages" with donny t at the helm, its destiny was contrived even before its creation

readers on both sides of the pond may note that collapse seems destined for america and europe, the scripted, highly orchestrated "isreal football fans in Amsterdam" had much to say for themselves, as noted by them as took the time to listen "europe is going to burn" they gleefully chanted as the police "conveniently" went on tea break...

where the Tehran issue now goes seems possibly "nuclear" given all the "kit" is in place and the boy has offered "full spectrum" assistance to the dark ones...

Confusingly trying to fathom the factionality requires upside down backwards thinking, obummer didnt sponsor "leave the world behind" without reason, a collapse before the intended collapse?

Quite annoying if One has spent So long placing all them dominoes "just so" and some fu^*er comes and sets em off early...

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Until we get Israel out of our government, we are doomed. Every member of Biden's cabinet was either dual U.S./Israeli citizenship or married to one. Patton was right, "We fought the wrong enemy."

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Thanks - this sums it up, was made peak Obama

Thanks also to Brad Pitt for putting his money where his mouth is

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Brad Pitt will become a subscriber here, w/ hot babes soon to follow

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Who know but he ain"t already, as S hinted above

Have you not noticed them already.....percolating through the identity wars, one identity 'we' can whole heartedly welcome

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Will there be pictures?

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I like to call it a loose confederation of pirates with a very large, somewhat dangerous crew.

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Worse than pirates, who are romantic marginalia

This is the full force of the State and the Military

See how the US Military is an invention for domestic policing more than......

Armchair Warlord -https://nitter.poast.org/armchairw?lang=en

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Nov 11
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Who is talking about Trump's success in business - what does this have to do with the state of the US Military

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Spot on

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G, thank you for unearthing these gems

Bill Ackman wrote this yesterday on X :

>> "The United States is about to become a vastly superior place to do business. We are already the safest and most militarily capable country in the world making us an extremely attractive place to live and raise a family in an increasingly dangerous world.

These facts have not gone unnoticed by successful people around the world who are not happy with what their own countries have become, and how their governments have turned against their hardest working and most successful citizens.

The problem with our immigration system is that it takes years for the talented, hard-working, successful, law-abiding immigrants to get in, and it takes only days for illegal migrants to cross the border and enter the country. We need to reverse this absurdity.

Imagine if we could vet applicants who wanted to bring their talents and resources here in a 45-60 day process as long as they met certain standards for excellence and character. This is not a particularly challenging problem and that’s before comparing it with catching a Super Heavy rocket with chopsticks." <<

Hey, FT, the bro-class is asking you to catch up

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Raise a family is in correct

Not raise a family would make more sense

Immigrants are, on arrival, as if it's the water, deprived of any desire to reproduce

To imagine that any US administration or bureaucracy could understand the political and admin processes by which the who cares attitude of generations could be refomred

Is to hope without any possible hope for success - I guess that sums up the American Dream

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This is an amazing post G. You noticed us to see the truth. Trump is ”better” as he is open, not hiding anything. We are going to see a ruthless corporate America that is not going tio pretend that there is anything else like “freedom, “democracy”: “human rights:. Just money, just business.

It is going to attract like-minded people, those with internal urge to “win” and earn money. But can a nation be governed “as a company”. I think not. The process of disintegration in the USA shall continue. There is nothing that can stop it. Trump cannot heal the situation and this is going to be an epic failure. Due to the incompetence and more aggressive people in future Trump’s team the chances for III world war are even higher.

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Yes America is just money - this has been know for a long time

The damp brits who scrambled up the northern beaches in 15 something and 16 something, most especially the Mayflowers, knew nothing but money

The but is that money came hand in hand with being the chosen few, especially of course with the Mayflower brethren, and until today this has been the case

The chosen few have to identify themselves, this now they do in the identity gender trans 4B jargons and slangs

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Why do the chosen few love that gender/identity stuff so much?

Is Trump going to follow the chosen few?

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The love nothing but money

But they need to have a common pattern and program in order to recognise and to support eachother in their endeavours, and of course to keep the heathen and the infidel at bay, and to oppress one and all with impossible social inventions and rules, to add to all the traditonal laws etc

The identity wars are the modern equivalent of Onward Christian Soldiers, but these guys fight their battles at home by preference

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It's a good time to remember De Toqueville.

Read his book on the US years ago.....I need a refresher now.

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When the Articles of Confederation were overturned by a coup, then it was apparent the new United States was not as portrayed. It became more apparent when President Adams decided to put forth the Sedition Act of 1798. A law passed by Congress and signed into law by President John Adams that made it illegal to criticize the government. Not a good start and destroyed all what Jefferson's Declaration of Independence was saying.

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