Some post-election thoughts are due.
Firstly, I’d like to announce the most recent paywalled article has now been opened up to the public on this occasion:
I encourage you to read it particularly because the prediction set out in the opening of it has proven accurate thus far, insofar as Trump winning and causing a tangible realignment and soul-searching on the Left, so the remaining prognoses may have a special resonance.
But I’d like to point you to a couple of the biggest takeaways from the election result. Here is my biggest of all:
The election proved one thing: the ‘Deep State’ and hidden hostile powers known as the ‘Globalists’ that scheme behind the scenes and secretly run the country are not all-powerful. They can clearly be defeated when the people are fed-up enough.
In this election cycle they tried virtually everything, and none of their previous methods were enough to rig and steal the election for their candidate. From alleged cases of electronic vote machine rigging via machine ‘anomalies’, to ballot harvesting, false polls and surveys, rigged search results on Google and elsewhere, to the big one: mass illegal migrant invasion meant to install a permanent Democrat voting regime in perpetuity. None of it worked, and Trump still won in a massive Republican landslide. Republicans won the Senate and as of this writing are on the way to winning the House as well, with multiple seats flipped in each. The Republican side controlling every branch of government could give Trump carte blanche power to do a great deal of the house-cleaning he promised:
The other huge elephant in the room exposed by this election is the now undeniable, irrevocable fact that 2020 was infact stolen:
That’s right, here are the Democrat total vote count figures for the last six elections:
2004 Kerry - 59M
2008 Obama - 69.5M
2012 Obama - 65.9M
2016 Clinton - 65.9M
2020 Biden - 81.3M
2024 Harris - 66.4M
Notice anything?
Obama’s first victory was a grand, ‘transformative’ national awakening—even Republicans must admit that pivotal 2008 campaign was ‘special’ and Obama brought a new kind of energy and influence, a cultural shift signified by the now-famous “Hope” poster which captured a kind of historic zeitgeist:
And the numbers reflect this: the 2008 vote had a record turnout of 69.5 million for Obama. Harris’s 2024 campaign spent a record-breaking $1 billion dollars, and yet could not even get close to Obama’s ‘religiose’ first election turnout, let alone Biden’s ‘miraculous’ (read: anomalous) 81.3M.
There is simply no mathematically possible way that Biden had such an anomalously high, record-breaking turnout, eclipsing both before-and-after Democratic candidates.
For the record, Steve Bannon has now declared they will not let that issue slide, and will pursue the truth and all remediations (read: revenge?) for what was perpetrated in 2020.
So, the other big question: how did the ‘establishment’ lose, exactly? If they had their fool-proof plan of millions of new migrants, etc., what exactly went wrong for them? Well, it appears that Trump’s team did in fact prepare the ground for the contingencies. A member of his team claimed an army of “500 lawyers per state” had descended last night to watch for all irregularities, and in fact appeared to even have countered several ‘attempts’ in the vein of 2020.
For instance, not only were state wide ‘irregularities’ reported, mostly smaller ones like playing with vote times, officials showing up late, or machines allegedly going down in mostly red counties, but there was also this in Centre County, PA:
We’ll likely never know for certain, but it did appear that the RNC and Trump’s team were far better prepared to handle all the tricks and gimmicks. The lack of COVID protocols obviously obviated a lot of the mail-in ballot chicanery from last time, but it is still a bit of a mystery why the tens of millions of new illegal migrants did not massively swing the election in the way they had planned. In truth, maybe they did swing it far more than we know, but it was simply that Kamala is so unpopular they couldn’t even get her close to the finishing line. Perhaps without an illegal vote she would have ended up at 30-40M votes rather than 65M.
There is some circumstantial evidence to back this up—Kamala just “happened” to win only the states which did not require IDs, according to this chart:
A little suggestive, no?
2024 was billed as having a “record turnout” for an election both sides knew was more critical and pivotal than ever, yet its total votes cast were dwarfed by an election held during the worst health pandemic of several generations:
Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.
In my paywalled piece linked earlier I spoke about the great shift that is taking place. Everyone has begun to see it, the Overton window is opening up, the power of cancellation and deplatformization has receded and it’s becoming more and more acceptable to speak out on previously verboten topics. In the wake of last night’s election, the mainstream media, too, is beginning to cotton-on to their own deficiencies, and the vast gulf in understanding between them and heartland America that has led to this.
Scott Jennings on CNN encapsulated it best in a somber moment of mirror-reflection, highly uncharacteristic for the virulent network:
He makes a good point: Trump won the popular vote last night—not just the electoral college. This was a huge slap in the face of establishment organ predictions, like that of the CFR on the very day of the vote:
Note how they preheated the oven to roast Trump on the very charge that he’s now meteorically acquitted himself on.
Similarly, even Brian Stelter at CNN was striking a self-reflective, penitent note:
In the piece, Stelter writes:
A quote in a recent New York magazine column channeled that question. The quote, from an anonymous TV executive, was recirculated on social media Wednesday morning. “If half the country has decided that Trump is qualified to be president, that means they’re not reading any of this media, and we’ve lost this audience completely,” the executive said. “A Trump victory means mainstream media is dead in its current form. And the question is what does it look like after.”
He goes on to harp on the admitted disconnect that leftist mainstream media has reveled in since the Trump derangement era began, though unfortunately for him, he never quite fully docks the train into the station, and ends up concluding with some boiler-plate platitudes that highlight the very issue he attempted to sound off on.
Everywhere you turn today, mainstream pundits are agonizing their way through this painful inner searching, asking: “Where did we go wrong?”
Chuck Todd for instance grudgingly admits how Trump treated Hispanics like normal working class people, whereas Democrats turned them into identity tokens with flat, insulting messaging using bastardizations like ‘LatinX’ that do not actually resonate with the majority of them.
Even MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ Scarborough unleashed on identity politics, rightfully declaring that something has gone wrong in the country: his friend’s college-aged children report being terrified to even raise their hands in school because the lack of freedom-of-thought has gotten so bad. The politicization of every issue has created a repressive environment even diehard anti-Trumpers are citing as central to America’s current Great Turning.
Over and over the self-reflection and soul-searching was evident in every major establishment outlet. NY Times’ front page heralded a national turning point, evoking a “populist revolt against [the] elite’s vision of the U.S.”.
Suddenly, all the establishment organs are becoming self-aware and openly admitting the vast disconnect the elite class has allowed to fester between themselves and the commoners.
The most illustrative example of this was the DC tally, which showed just how detached the beltway caste is from national sentiment:
Other major pundits made note, with Matt Taibbi’s headline being prime example:
Giant Electoral Asteroid Strikes America's Intellectual Class, Which Fails to Notice
Of course, not everyone in mainstream media was forced into open-minded contrition. Many continued cleaving to the old traditions of blaming racism and bigotry, with one harridan on the View poignantly calling the election results a “referendum on cultural resentment in this country” because, according to her, a “Black woman married to a Jewish guy” was rejected as candidate by the Trump electorate.
The most amusing indictment, however, was printed a week before the election in prominent French Nouvel Obs magazine, which hilariously characterized Trump’s rise as the long-brewing revenge of the American South for the Civil War, and on a planetary scale to boot!

Try to suppress the guffaws:
According to the historian, the Republican candidate for the White House represents a year America that still hasn't come to terms with the North''s victory in the American Civil War. With billionaire Elon Musk at his side, he intends to project this vision of white, Christian males across the globe.
It’s a kind of racist Dixieland Jihad, akin to Dune’s visionary ‘Golden Peace’ which required the razing of the universe under Muad’Dib’s prophecy. It’s simply unbelievable the lengths to which they’ll go in contorting a very simple sociological and economic calculus. It’s hard to believe this is not tongue-in-cheek, and from one of Paris’s premiere political papers at that:
They simply cannot comprehend how a historic depression and devastated economy, unprecedented erosion of rights, civil liberties, and freedom of speech, as well as the destruction of an entire generation’s—Gen Z—future, actually trumps—no pun intended—the single issue of abortion, which no one actually cares about.
The final point brings us to consider what comes next, as I outlined in the original paywalled piece: the Democrats still have the postponed November 26th sentencing for Trump’s felony trial, as well as Jamie Raskin’s threats to utilize Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to prevent Trump from being certified and sworn in. One of the issues, however, is Trump won the mandate of the people this time—the popular vote; so it will be difficult for his enemies to carry out their plans given that there is no justification for claiming he’s illegitimate when the majority of the country actually voted for him, unlike 2016 when Hillary actually won the popular vote but still lost by electoral college.
However, some in the establishment appear hopeful for things to veer into violence; The New Yorker published this a day ago:
Such establishment shills continue desperately trying to portray heartland Americans as the ‘Other’, the ones who have changed or lost touch with the soul of the nation, somehow being ‘corrupted’ in their Appalachian goblin dens like some Lord of the Rings caricature.
In reality, everyone of a right mind knows it’s the opposite: Trump’s core base are the left-behinds, the ones who stood bending like reeds in the wind as the monstrous Leftist tornado barreled through, razing the country’s cultural pillars to the ground, shifting goalposts, and upending status quos.
But now the lid has been blown wide open, and the people have been inoculated against the establishment’s cheapest tricks, which have lost their fervor. This is why I wrote in the paywalled piece how things stand to greatly change, not because Trump is a messianic figure himself, but because he has come at the right culminating point when the pressure has built to a max on its own; he is merely creating the conduit for the vast seachange that has already swelled under the surface for years.
There is potential for him to make sweeping changes because he has nothing left to lose: it’s his final term, he’s old and already a billionaire, he’s been demonized to the extreme and his reputation already tarnished by the Democrats, which includes tangible arrests and felonies; on top of all that, he has the full mandate of the people with the popular vote and what looks like a total unprecedented control of every branch of government with a full Red sweep. This is a trifecta, a historically rare syzygy where he can go all out and generationally cripple the deep state while reforming the entire system—hell, he can even outright descend into full-on Caesarism if he wanted to, but that’s another story. At the minimum, he can mimic Milei in extirpating all the needless overgrown weeds of governmental agencies.
As an example of the ‘indirect effect’ mentioned earlier, major changes are already befalling the world just owing to the Trump victory’s sheer inertia. For instance, mere hours after Trump’s victory, the German government began to collapse under Scholz:

Politico asserts it was no mere coincidence: Trump’s victory left German elite badly shaken as to the repercussions Trump’s policies could have on their already ravaged German industries.
The renewed political instability in Germany came just hours after Donald Trump’s clear win in the U.S. election, a result that stunned German political leaders, who depend on American military might for their country’s defense and fear Trump’s tariff policies will hobble German industry.
Trump’s victory is expected to put heavy pressure on Europe’s largest economy. An analysis from the German Economic Institute (IW) estimates that a new trade war could cost Germany €180 billion over Trump’s four years in office.
Many in Germany had hoped that the victory of Donald Trump in the U.S. election earlier in the day would force the coalition to hold together over fears that the incoming president would give Europe’s biggest economy a hard ride.
Scholz himself launched into an unscheduled televised speech where he confirmed Trump’s significance on the ongoing events by invoking the election:
As I said in the other piece, it’s all about opening up Pandora’s box: Trump’s win will break the globalist ‘spell’ by emboldening governments across the world to challenge the Blob’s policies, leading to many more collapses and further surges in right wing factions across Europe. The verboten—like immigration, social and identity issues, etc.—will increasingly become central as the dam fully breaks and the elites are forced on the defensive for all time.
In the coming days, we’ll discuss the implications of Trump’s victory in more detail. For now, it’s enough to know that it may be the latest fired shot in an ongoing global revolution which could lead to the repainting of the global canvas by 2030 or so.
In the meantime, I’ll leave you with the unconventional words of imminent economist Sergei Glazyev on today’s occasion:
Sergey Glazyev:
The ostriches are running away, Pax Americana is ending. The Leo Strauss sect, which ruled the USA and planned to establish a world dictatorship of the chosen few, is losing the election. The US deep state has no choice either - a repeat of the falsification will lead to a civil war and the collapse of the country. Pragmatists who recognize the fact of the transition to a new world economic order are coming to power in the USA. Brzezinski’s strategy of defeating Russia, destroying Iran and isolating China, as expected, only strengthened China, which has become a global leader. Together with India, it will form a new bipolar center of the new world economic system. The USA can integrate into it as another center of the world economy if it abandons imperialism and stops the global hybrid war. It is in the US national interest that Trump liberate the US from the ostrich [Straussian] sect that has saddled it. Bringing Washington’s policies in line with the US national interest will entail poisoning Europe and the fall of the anti-human traitorous regimes in Germany and France. As we predicted, the world hybrid war, started by the US power-financial elite for world domination in 2001 with the attack of the US intelligence services on the Twin Towers in New York, will end next year with the universal recognition of its defeat and the completion of the transition to a new world economic order. The world will become polycentric and polycurrency, the significance of national sovereignty and international law will be restored.
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Color me skeptical that Trump will do much of anything to realign the U.S. toward acting rationally in its own national self-interest (as opposed to the interests of Wall-Street financiers) in matters of foreign policy. Trump filled his first cabinet with J. P. Morgan and Goldman Sachs men as well as every washed up mediocre general that he could find. Who appoints someone with the nickname "Mad Dog" to any position of importance? The name itself labels the man an idiot.
I agree with the Russian reactions: skeptical but willing to listen if something does really change. Defeating the blue-haired hoards of chaos, drunken, single moms, and the hoochie mommies of the hood at the ballot box is one thing. Taking on the Wall-Street-CIA=FBI-Federal bureaucracy is another in the U.S. is another thing entirely. Trump won the easy battle. Let us see if he can win the hard one. Let's see if he is even willing to fight the hard battle. He was not in his last attempt to move the U.S. away from the precipice.
And finally, the elephant in the room is Israel. Even if Trump is able to stop the nonsensical drive to war with Russia, deal with China via hard-line diplomacy rather than sabre-rattling and chest thumping, and adopt reasonable policies to curb the power of the drug cartels and Communists who seek to undermine the U.S., the fanatical Zionists, and their perverse influence over U.S. foreign policy remain, and Trump has done nothing to put any distance between their positions and his. To my mind, even if he succeeds somehow in establishing a more self-interested and nationalist foreign policy with regard to affairs in Europe and elsewhere, his reluctance to address the influence of fanatical Zionism on his county will doom it and lead it to war with much of the world.
I'll be binge watching all the liberal mental breakdown videos in the next few days.